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Champion Hurdle 2021

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  • I still haven't covered Epatante and will sit and suffer should she win. She was impressive yesterday but the race fell apart at the first hurdle so I think there has been an over reaction as a result.

    I'd like to see her take on better opposition but that's unlikely to happen before the Champion Hurdle.

    She'll win the Christmas Hurdle against Verdana Blue, Sceau Royal and Ballyandy - so that'll tell us nothing new, but she'll continue to shorten.

    Will her SP be odds on at Cheltenham?


    • Originally posted by Faugheen_Machine View Post
      I still haven't covered Epatante and will sit and suffer should she win. She was impressive yesterday but the race fell apart at the first hurdle so I think there has been an over reaction as a result.

      I'd like to see her take on better opposition but that's unlikely to happen before the Champion Hurdle.

      She'll win the Christmas Hurdle against Verdana Blue, Sceau Royal and Ballyandy - so that'll tell us nothing new, but she'll continue to shorten.

      Will her SP be odds on at Cheltenham?
      I still fail to understand how you guys didn't back the reigning champion ( who went off a heavily backed 2/1 fav in this year's race ) when she was readily available at an amazing 9/2 right up until September was it? A gift of a price. If she was 9/2 now would you back her? Surely her winning the Fighting Fifth was always going to be a formality and she was always going to make improvement from last season based on how few runs she'd had over hurdles and based on her interrupted preparation for last season's Champion. She may well go off odds on so there is some juice still in her price but 9/2.........


      • Originally posted by Lobos View Post

        I still fail to understand how you guys didn't back the reigning champion ( who went off a heavily backed 2/1 fav in this year's race ) when she was readily available at an amazing 9/2 right up until September was it? A gift of a price. If she was 9/2 now would you back her? Surely her winning the Fighting Fifth was always going to be a formality and she was always going to make improvement from last season based on how few runs she'd had over hurdles and based on her interrupted preparation for last season's Champion. She may well go off odds on so there is some juice still in her price but 9/2.........
        I took the view that she won a crap Champion Hurdle so didn't take the 9/2. Instead, I built my ante post positions around Envoi and Shishkin.

        If she was 9/2 today, of course I would back her, who wouldn't! But that would largely be down to lack of credible opposition at the moment, rather than believing she is a once in a generation hurdler.


        • Originally posted by Kautothegreat8 View Post

          Goshen went flat racing the early part of last season and was in the process of being the most impressive winner at the festival. Yet again selective memory.

          As for me having a problem ..... dont really understand. My method has always been to bet in multiples and try and cover many angles doing so. It's a tried and proven method which I stick too for Cheltenham. So yes Goshens price has drifted but the other horses in these multiples have contracted so I'm still in a very good position.

          I get the feeling the forum has an issue with not agreeing with the norm. I say what I see.... If that's not in line with the general consensus then I apologise for giving a different angle to the discussion.

          All I'm saying in relation to the champion hurdle is....... It will be a much hotter contest this year and cutting Epetante to 6/4 for beating Sceau Royal is ludicrous. I mean, what was people expecting to happen yesterday ? Shes done what she was supposed to do.

          Anyone thinking the competion in last years race was as good or better than the likes of Goshen, Abacadabras and Saint Roi are just deluded. These horses have untapped potential and any one of them could be special on the day. Could you have said that about any of the competion last year.

          I've covered Goshen, Epetante and Abacadabras so I'm in a very strong position. I just dont understand the reaction to yesterday's race.

          A horse running on the flat before a juvenile hurdle campaign is not the same as going on the flat as an open graded hurdle campaign is it. There are loads of horses who may run on the flat before juvenile hurdler campaigns. Do you genuinely believe that's a good prep for a Champion Hurdle campaign? It's not selective memory, it's logical.

          The 'problem' I'm referring to is that you seem annoyed his price has drifted, but surely that's a good thing for you - you could back him again. Obviously now you've mentioned your strategy with the multiples it makes sense, but I didn't know that as you don't have your bets listed anywhere that I could see? I'm not a mind reader

          "The forum" doesn't have an issue with you not agreeing to "the norm", you've put your case forward and people disagree. Why is that not allowed? How is it any different?

          At the moment we don't know that Goshen, Abacadabras or Saint Roi are to the level of Sharjah yet. Well, technically they're not, although (as I am sure you are aware) I very much like Abacadabras and Saint Roi. The fact remains though, it's only the ones you mentioned, maybe Aspire Tower too, so only 4 horses that Epatante has as new challengers.

          What she showed yesterday, is that she can pick up a horse of Sceau Royal's level (which is below CH class) essentially on the bridle, and sprint past him. It isn't over reacting to be impressed by that. Calling her the CH winner this far out is a step to far, for sure... but at the moment, we haven't see Goshen, Abacadabras or Saint Roi dismiss a horse like Sceau Royal easily yet... so to assume they're going to be at Eptante's level is also a step too far at this moment in time?

          I don't see how you "don't understand the reaction" - what are you struggling to understand? People thought she was really good, in a race she was expected to be really good in. That isn't a negative.


          • Betfred were standout 5/2 with Epatante after yesterday's race. Smashed into 6/4 with them.


            • Envoi Allen is the new Kauto - any trip - with a bit of the Sprinter v1 swagger


              • Only just caught up with Daryl Jacob's comments re the Fighting Fifth. Said he's never seen a horse quicken like that. High praise indeed.


                • Originally posted by Can't Catch Me View Post
                  Only just caught up with Daryl Jacob's comments re the Fighting Fifth. Said he's never seen a horse quicken like that. High praise indeed.
                  Wow, high praise indeed. Epatante was sick.


                  • Originally posted by Quevega View Post

                    Not ideal if she made a mistake at last.
                    I'd have been fuming.
                    And not as rich.
                    Good point. Nobody likes a cocky jock and Coleman is near the top of that list.


                    • Originally posted by Kautothegreat8 View Post

                      We here things from pundits all year long, year in year out. Instant reactions are a very dangerous things when it comes to having a bet.

                      In all honesty I dont listen to anything I hear and come to my own conclusions.

                      The fact is the best form of the race amounts to completely nothing and she's been clipped into 6/4 just on a visual beating to a horse that simply isn't upto champion hurdle class.

                      She won a shocking champion hurdle last year beating trees and beat nothing again today.

                      At the risk of being shot down ......... what has she ever actually beat ???????????????????????

                      Which ever way you look at it, if everything turns up on the day it's going to be the toughest test shes ever had by some way.

                      At 6/4 ..... I'll pass
                      Only just caught up with the last few pages. Nice to see someone else disagreeing with the masses for a change.

                      I think there was an overreaction to yesterday, but that's what happens these days. It's almost like you are letting racing down if you don't jump on the cheerleading bandwagon. I think sometimes excitement is often more about the relief of having a 'live' bet, rather than the actual performance.

                      That said she is the one to beat, but for me, whatever the opposition can conjure up, Coleman adds an extra element of doubt.


                      • Originally posted by kinloch brae View Post

                        Only just caught up with the last few pages. Nice to see someone else disagreeing with the masses for a change.

                        I think there was an overreaction to yesterday, but that's what happens these days. It's almost like you are letting racing down if you don't jump on the cheerleading bandwagon. I think sometimes excitement is often more about the relief of having a 'live' bet, rather than the actual performance.

                        That said she is the one to beat, but for me, whatever the opposition can conjure up, Coleman adds an extra element of doubt.
                        Would there be any chance that Nico Would get a ride on Epatante in the CH?

                        I know Coleman’s rode her twice but Nicky did say earlier in the week that Aiden would be riding Epatante in the fighting fifth because Nico had 4 rides here at Newbury.


                        • Originally posted by kinloch brae View Post

                          Only just caught up with the last few pages. Nice to see someone else disagreeing with the masses for a change.

                          I think there was an overreaction to yesterday, but that's what happens these days. It's almost like you are letting racing down if you don't jump on the cheerleading bandwagon. I think sometimes excitement is often more about the relief of having a 'live' bet, rather than the actual performance.

                          That said she is the one to beat, but for me, whatever the opposition can conjure up, Coleman adds an extra element of doubt.
                          How would you rate his ride on Epatante out of 10?


                          • Originally posted by charlie View Post

                            How would you rate his ride on Epatante out of 10?

                            For me, 8.5/10. Good ride yesterday, steered her round any danger from lose horse whilst keeping her behind SR. Kept claim, released her at the right time. Calm, cool ride

                            Nico is a very very good jockey, and it wouldn’t bother me too much if he was on her... however, Coleman’s been on her twice and “why change it if it ain’t broke”


                            • Originally posted by opatcho View Post

                              For me, 8.5/10. Good ride yesterday, steered her round any danger from lose horse whilst keeping her behind SR. Kept claim, released her at the right time. Calm, cool ride

                              Nico is a very very good jockey, and it wouldn’t bother me too much if he was on her... however, Coleman’s been on her twice and “why change it if it ain’t broke”
                              Coleman wasnt bad on PTKO on last year either or the previous year on PP. I wouldnt be worried if he was on board.


                              • Originally posted by jonthehammer View Post

                                Coleman wasnt bad on PTKO on last year either or the previous year on PP. I wouldnt be worried if he was on board.
                                Agreed. More than happy

