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Cheltenham 2021 - Ante Post Bets

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  • Where was this seems odd


    • Originally posted by Arkle View Post
      Where was this seems odd
      They mailed today
      All antepost bets it seems other than Request a Bet's which are excluded. But if you have some single cheltenham bets already done with them your in luck.
      Only applies to bets placed before the mail


      • Originally posted by Crolwey113 View Post
        Have people seen the mail from sky bet today? Seems absolutely mad.
        As per point 3 every bet already placed antepost will be refunded if its not a winner. So any cheltenham bets placed with them will be refunded if a non runner or loser.

        We wanted to let you know what options are available to you for your ante post Racing bets that you have placed with us.

        There are three options available to you;
        1. You can cancel your bets at any time, and your original stakes would be returned in full to your account.
        2. You can choose to leave your bets and if the event is void, we will void the bets and your original stakes returned in full.
        3. You can choose to leave your bets and if the event runs as planned, we will pay out any winning selections. And, as a good will gesture, any losing selections will have the original stakes returned in full.
        Sky Bet. That's betting, bette
        I’d double check with them before getting carried away with Cheltenham bets as I think it’s intended for flat ante post on the guineas


        • Originally posted by Kautostar View Post
          I’d double check with them before getting carried away with Cheltenham bets as I think it’s intended for flat ante post on the guineas
          On chat

          Last thing to confirm this includes cheltenham bets
          'As long as it's not a RAB'
          Ok once your sure cheltenham is included then all good

          'Yes mate'

          Last edited by Run4Home; 20 May 2020, 09:14 PM. Reason: Updated Chat


          • Originally posted by Crolwey113 View Post
            Have people seen the mail from sky bet today? Seems absolutely mad.
            As per point 3 every bet already placed antepost will be refunded if its not a winner. So any cheltenham bets placed with them will be refunded if a non runner or loser.

            We wanted to let you know what options are available to you for your ante post Racing bets that you have placed with us.

            There are three options available to you;
            1. You can cancel your bets at any time, and your original stakes would be returned in full to your account.
            2. You can choose to leave your bets and if the event is void, we will void the bets and your original stakes returned in full.
            3. You can choose to leave your bets and if the event runs as planned, we will pay out any winning selections. And, as a good will gesture, any losing selections will have the original stakes returned in full.
            Sky Bet. That's betting, bette
            I haven’t had an email from Sky and I can’t believe the comments there are applicable to all AP bets, it just wouldn’t make any sense on their part.
            Is there a section missing where that applies to bets placed between a certain time ?

            Anyone else get the message ?


            • Yeah look each to their own to confirm themselves before doing anything based on that info above.

              All I can it thats the mail I got today and I checked on chat and you'll see the response above from customer support.


              • I can’t see anything on their website of twitter feed...


                • I queried further on chat - below are some of the responses from support. But again I am only going on what the operator is telling me so everyone do your own due diligence.
                  The only thing he said didn't count were request a bet

                  'The idea behind it is if people are struggling for funds now they can recoup some of their bets
                  Because of the global pandemic
                  It's a GWG we are offering to you.
                  goodwill gesture*
                  It says Ante post so yes, if it was placed before receiving the email offer.'


                  • Ah so here it is.. hence why some don't have it! Seems only to be applied to some account.

                    'Ah I see it will have been one of the covert promotions
                    This promotion will have been rolled out to specific accounts'


                    • Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
                      I haven’t had an email from Sky and I can’t believe the comments there are applicable to all AP bets, it just wouldn’t make any sense on their part.
                      Is there a section missing where that applies to bets placed between a certain time ?

                      Anyone else get the message ?

                      No.....but i don't bet AP on flat racing as don't follow. or understand am prob on Sky naughty list anyway after a good Chelt with them
                      Fat Jockey Patron (est. Jan 2021)


                      • That's one of the strangest and best offers I've seen. I didn't get the memo though


                        • So sky have removed all there ante post betting platforms for Cheltenham this morning? I Wonder if there just reviewing, or if it will be for some time.


                          • I didnt get the email either. I have a handful of AP bets on with them. Its a bit odd but nice for whoever it applies to


                            • Originally posted by Willdunn99 View Post
                              So sky have removed all there ante post betting platforms for Cheltenham this morning? I Wonder if there just reviewing, or if it will be for some time.
                              ....not just Cheltenham, but all ante-post markets including RaB. Seems odd assuming it’s their main income at the moment.


                              • Don't want to speculate an awful lot but weren't SkyBets parent company, The Stars Group, being taken over by Flutter Entertainment, the group that owns PP/Betfair among others?

                                If this is the case possible chance of a restructure?

                                I'll be keeping an eye on their prices related to Gordon/Willie as I do with PP/Betfair already.

