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2023 Mares Hurdle

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  • #76
    ….SWIW into as low as 8-1 after that win.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Lobos View Post

      QB really is Run For Free in disguise. Professional loser. SWIW Stayers perhaps??
      She is looking like a professional loser. Maybe GDM will be joining that group for me later today.


      • #78
        Owners of SWIW said its between Pertemps or Mares Hurdle when interviewed afterwards on RTE, that Willie will be the one who decides


        • #79
          Originally posted by DenmanSacre View Post

          She is looking like a professional loser. Maybe GDM will be joining that group for me later today.
          Plenty are hoping for that for sure


          • #80
            Originally posted by PresentingPercy View Post
            Owners of SWIW said its between Pertemps or Mares Hurdle when interviewed afterwards on RTE, that Willie will be the one who decides
            Willie said she'd prob blown her mark there when asked, although not conclusively obviously.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post

              Willie said she'd prob blown her mark there when asked, although not conclusively obviously.
              It will be a massive statement if they do choose the pertemps route now he has said that ... basically you have underrated her Mr/Mrs handicapper


              • #82
                Be harsh to raise her off that today surely, I know it's a G3 so will get a 145+ rating to go in line with historical figures but her run lto arguably better imo. Slowest circuit of the day, slowest finish of the day(surprising given she had smart figs pre injury at 2m) if they keep her on 144 our capper will raise her the usual 3/4/5 if going Pertemps route even accounting for the smaller pools of horses be feasibly better treated horses you'd imagine. Mares Hurdle on the other hand if you can run around mid/high 140s you've every chance of placing.


                • #83
                  At what point does the lack of entry or even mentions of Brandy Love become a concern?


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Hurricane fly View Post
                    At what point does the lack of entry or even mentions of Brandy Love become a concern?
                    She could easily go there without a prep run, I presume we'll have another set of stable tours out soonish???

                    Don't think there are many opportunities for her if i recall.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Hurricane fly View Post
                      At what point does the lack of entry or even mentions of Brandy Love become a concern?
                      Bigger concern for me with any trainer except Willie who prepped Quevega to win the same race off very little on course action multiple years running


                      • #86
                        Aye, be happy if she makes it there without a prep run. Just desperate for her to get there! So some news would be nice.

                        There's a mares hurdle at Punchestown in Feb that Burning Victory won last year? Not sure if I'd prefer no prep to be honest!


                        • #87
                          Unless he's said it's the plan to go straight there, then you'd have to be a bit concerned?


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Odin View Post

                            Bigger concern for me with any trainer except Willie who prepped Quevega to win the same race off very little on course action multiple years running
                            He certainly did Odin, but I do think the race had become better quality in recent years and a lot more competitive


                            • #89
                              He said she was back in late didn't he. Which is about all the news we've got?


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
                                Unless he's said it's the plan to go straight there, then you'd have to be a bit concerned?
                                100% agree with this, which to my knowledge he’s not. So she’s obviously had a setback although he did say this….I think.

                                I’m very very sweet on her for the mares and would ideally want a prep run.

