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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Keeping Track Of APost Bets

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Quevega View Post

    Seems the perfect system to me.
    Exactly the same here.
    Best bit is getting it out on the train and showing the lads (bit rude) who don't bet antepost.
    Absolutely. Nothing wrong with a bit of gloating when required. In fact,no need to gloat, just let them look over your shoulder when you are pretending to look at your stunning portfolio. AP arse
    Last edited by Lobos; 19 October 2021, 11:06 PM.


    • #32
      Definitely 2 phases to this.

      The first phase (which is by far the longer) is a spreadsheet with a lot of tabs as there are a lot of individual bets to keep track of. Potential win from each horse in each race (win, place, singles, multis, specials etc), stakes, potential profit/(loss) and expected profit/(loss) by horse, race, day and week. Summaries by race, day, year and bookmaker (since 2008, including the bookies where I'm no longer welcome).

      The second phase (for Festival week) is paper print-outs and 2 highlighter pens! More necessary for multis than singles which are easier to keep track of (a green pen for winners and an orange pen for losers on multis), then laying off can be put into place on the racecourse between races (if necessary and if the signal allows, which it usually does). Festival week bets added by writing on the paper print outs as beers and entertainment with the lads ranks higher than having your head in a laptop during the Festival!

      Interested Robith that you use Google sheets, I've used it for other things where there aren't so many transactions but have found it a bit clunky to use for Festival bets. I can see the benefits of viewing a spreadsheet it on your phone on course but a chunk of paper has a reassuring feel on the racecourse, especially if its not too windy!


      • #33
        …no spreadsheets or profit & loss accounts, I just record my bets in a little black book. Each race has a page, multiples & any race selections separately stored in the back.

        I’m not as forensic as more expert punters on here, I’m retired and I love Cheltenham. Its a bit of a hobby for me, I know like March if I’ve had a successful Cheltenham. Indeed, it’s been excellent since I joined this place.


        • #34
          Depends on how you bet, when you bet and where you bet.

          I create a spreadsheet but the diary is useful. I need to update mine actually.

          Both the above show you clearly where you have gaps, are perhaps overloaded, need to lay off etc etc.


          • #35
            I am a spreadsheets fan boy, though try and keep it as simple as possible. Separate tabs for each type of bet, linked into a summary.

            Something that is sometimes forgotten but I have found very useful is that as well as including the standard information such as horse, race and price I also include the who the bet is with. This can save valuable time identifying all bets you might be able to cash out if (when) bad news breaks.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Halffat1 View Post
              I am a spreadsheets fan boy, though try and keep it as simple as possible. Separate tabs for each type of bet, linked into a summary.

              Something that is sometimes forgotten but I have found very useful is that as well as including the standard information such as horse, race and price I also include the who the bet is with. This can save valuable time identifying all bets you might be able to cash out if (when) bad news breaks.
              I do similar but also add the date and time each bet was placed (and bet ID if available) just in case the bookmaker happens to 'lose' a winning wager.


              • #37
                By day I am an accountant so live on excel - I have built a model which I am constantly refining but largely works with a 'master list' of bets that I add to chronologically, comprising everything (singles and multiples). This then rolls up to a tab on a race by race basis to show P&L per day and race using the singles.

                I don't have the same analysis on multiples, but as I reach the finalised stages in the run up / weekend before the festival, I'll sort the multiples in alphabetical order to see the overlap of horses across races and can then tick them off / scratch them as the races go on.

                Happy to share with anyone that's interested to see it / would find it useful.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Imperial Commander View Post

                  Interested Robith that you use Google sheets, I've used it for other things where there aren't so many transactions but have found it a bit clunky to use for Festival bets. I can see the benefits of viewing a spreadsheet it on your phone on course but a chunk of paper has a reassuring feel on the racecourse, especially if its not too windy!
                  so I'm not a big fan of gsuite overall as its super clunky and nowhere good as excel. But to have it on multiple devices, backed up in the cloud, it's handy for this. Not like I'm running macros anywau


                  • #39
                    Complete novice when it comes to things like excel. Any such thing as an android app that would keep track of transactions?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Johnoman66 View Post
                      Complete novice when it comes to things like excel. Any such thing as an android app that would keep track of transactions?
                      Excel and Word are on Android Apps.
                      "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


                      • #41
                        I use a mind mapping app called Ithoughts.
                        It's bordering on an art project.


                        • #42
                          Not sure I've ever seen a thread that contains so many words I had never previously heard of...


                          • #43
                            I use google spreadsheets, but also keep a notepad in house with on. Just to be double sure. I like to be organised. The wife don’t call it organised though.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
                              Not sure I've ever seen a thread that contains so many words I had never previously heard of...
                              Yeah ! And all words that are usually preceded by Fucking in my house. I use most of them as well, for my business, but hate them all. Too much enabling and updating for me. All I want is a blank page to type on and every now and then one with boxes to type into.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by intheshuck View Post
                                I use a mind mapping app called Ithoughts.
                                It's bordering on an art project.
                                Just googled that and it's a real thing !!
                                FFS Istabraq - don't even go there.

