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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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  • #61
    The OFTS to be for members only is an excellent shout! Info that members should take advantage off not them lurkers!

    I'm confident this forum moves markets, from a selfish point of view obviously I would love to take the excellent members info, analysis, knowledge whatever you want to call it, I would also prefer others on here as members get on rather than people just browsing on to the forum. If members on here got the juicy prices I'd be content with that, but pet hate, thinking non contributors benefit from the info on here does annoy me. Happy to donate something to keep site going.

    I think majority have nailed it with certain content which could be for members only.

    Then on the flip side, how do we get future members with these excellent traits? Its a debate that we could go on for a while.

    I read about those with diaries or certain members getting access to threads, who makes that call who the chosen few are? Personally I understand how people don't have the time due to whatever circumstances that may be to put up a diary and keep it up to date. I would love to be able to and hats off to those of you who do, would feel hard done by though if I lost out due to that. But thats maybe me being bias and being selfish? As you guys are putting the effort in and arguably contributing more to the forum.

    I think this is a very interesting discussion and will have many views and opinions.

    Just while typing this another popped in my head, the rabs going to members only, in sure a few outsiders have seen the ones we have put up and price goes!

    So in an overview I would like The handicap threads, saxon threads, OFTS, and RAB all in a members only section.


    • #62
      I know this is probably a difficult thing to achieve technically, but if you had a small fee every year to keep your membership that went to cover costs, I'd be up for that. I'd drop a tenner a year or something for access to the member section.

      Then like others have said, move the ofts, novice and handicap threads into members only


      • #63
        I feel that making it a closed forum can’t be good for the long term. Some have already said that we would potentially lose future members who add another dimension with knowledge and information, and I agree with that. And peoples lives change and some drift away, so I think it’s important that the forum continues to attract new members for it to keep its unique place, and to continue to go from strength to strength.

        For me the majority of threads should remain free to read. Those threads are the reason I chose to register. I wasn’t a long time lurker, I stumbled across Fat Jockey, read a few threads, and thought immediately it’s something I wanted to be part of, and it’s quickly become a vital part of my day, every day of the week. If just a select few threads had been visible I suspect I wouldn’t have registered.

        On the flip side, I’m fortunate to get information from time to time that’s not in the public domain, but I’m nervous posting it where it can be seen by literally anyone, because it wouldn’t take long for the information to dry up. Nevertheless I’ve still tried to post the odd thing if I think it stops people being out of pocket whenever I feel I can.

        The last piece of relevant info I received I chose to post in my diary, rather what would have been regarded as the proper place on the forum. And I did that so non-members couldn’t see it. It wasn’t sensitive as such, but it involves someone who is high profile and the information isn’t in the public domain. Plus it would potentially send a journo investigating, and a story would break. From a FJ members perspective it’s a situation to monitor, because depending on timing and possible distraction, it has the potential to have an impact on horses headed to the Festival. Hopefully that won’t/wouldn’t be the case, but it’s a possibility that exists that wasn’t there before.

        Do I want to post that kind of info publicly? No. But I get far more from the forum than I could possibly give, so I feel as though I want to give a heads up to the members who make multiple thought provoking posts almost 24/7. And I’d be a complete hypocrite if I just took and didn’t give back when I have something of use, My diary isn’t really the right place for it though Perhaps we need the Fat Jockey dark web!

        Anyway my long, tall, and short of it is I think we need a few ‘new’ threads for members only, rather than moving all of the really good individual race threads. Maybe a few threads set up specifically for bets and betting strategies, to discuss specific horses, specific opportunities, market moves, inside info, etc. Then after the discussion has run its course over say a 24 hour period which is plenty of time to act, someone can push any appropriate discussion to the public part of the forum, and leave everything else as members only.

        Actually thinking this through, I think the individual race threads, and the general thread, should be the only threads made available for public viewing, and everything else should be members only. We discuss owners horses, statistics, trends, and lots of other good things in other threads, and I’d make all of them members only. Because the info is deeper and better than the publications available out there that people pay a lot of money for. On the other hand, the individual race threads are sufficient for people that haven’t joined us to get a really good feel for the quality of posts and be encouraged to join.

        Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


        • #64
          Good evening All.

          I’ve been a reader for 3 years, an infrequent contributor for just over a year and I love this forum. It’s the first website I look at in the morning and the last I look at in the evening.

          I’d love to post more but I simply don’t have the time (front line NHS worker). One point I’ll make is that I only log on when I want to post, 95% of the time I just read without having to log on.

          I’ll go with whatever members decide but one plea. Turning it into a more exclusive club might risk jeopardising what this forum is, a place for genuine fans to read and contribute on a sport they love. I already have to make some sacrifices (no longer have the time to read diaries for all that I’d like to) but I try to make my way through all the messages everyday on the main forum.

          A massive thanks to all who post on here.

          One quick thought on the OFTS thread.
          How about a WhatsApp Group?!


          • #65
            Well i dont do Whats App or twatter etc. Suppose I could.


            • #66
              Originally posted by OscarWhisky View Post
              Good evening All.

              I’ve been a reader for 3 years, an infrequent contributor for just over a year and I love this forum. It’s the first website I look at in the morning and the last I look at in the evening.

              I’d love to post more but I simply don’t have the time (front line NHS worker). One point I’ll make is that I only log on when I want to post, 95% of the time I just read without having to log on.

              I’ll go with whatever members decide but one plea. Turning it into a more exclusive club might risk jeopardising what this forum is, a place for genuine fans to read and contribute on a sport they love. I already have to make some sacrifices (no longer have the time to read diaries for all that I’d like to) but I try to make my way through all the messages everyday on the main forum.

              A massive thanks to all who post on here.

              One quick thought on the OFTS thread.
              How about a WhatsApp Group?!
              There is already a whats app group for OFTS, I am not sure who is the admin though,


              • #67
                I didn’t know there was!
                Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Spectre View Post
                  I didn’t know there was!
                  Neither did I - but I’m a new member to be fair!


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Crolwey113 View Post
                    I think your first step is make it members only to filter out some rift raft.. if you want to be part you should be signed up. But I think overall its difficult to do a hard stop on members only as if you want to see the content you'll just create a dummy email and sign up so that won't work.

                    You could then look at number of posts etc I know some will argue they aren't confident enough to post or have enough knowledge etc but there is still plenty people can contribute with pieces from tours, RP, market moves or quotes bits like this which isn't reliant on their own knowledge.

                    I do think some of the sticky topics shouldn't be available to everyone as a lot of the work and content posted is people going away gathering info and reposting for others benefit. Stable tours, trainer quotes etc

                    Thinking out loud but what would be cool ... there is a constant group of people putting out their own knowledge, putting in effort & research etc could there be a group / thread made which is only visible to selected members ? Anything really valuable / where price could move could be posted here to this group and later added to thread where needed... Almost like a reward for regular contributors; people could be added etc to the group as time goes on. Would this encourage people to contribute more which is what we need?

                    Last point would be my main train of thought as a start but not 100% on implementation...
                    You’ll drive people away if the forum becomes a little clique for a select few.

                    Just put all the Cheltenham forum stuff members only and leave the general sports and national hunt forum sections open to the masses would be my call. Those areas aren’t as busy but new people can still see what the forum has to offer from those areas and if you like racing you’ll sign up and contribute to see/use the Cheltenham part anyway.


                    • #70
                      Hi all.

                      Like a few others I wouldn't be posting as much, partly due to being tight for time, and other times due to being unsure on whether I would actually add anything at times. But one thing I would say is that when I first joined my love for the NH racing grew exponentially with the insights and stories from here. Also I started paying much more attention to trying to keep an eye on what would look like insignificant midweek meetings and I would like to thank everyone here for helping grow my knowledge and love for the sport.

                      I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I would want other people to have that opportunity as well. I think the idea of having some of the forum open like the championship races as a teaser is a good shout if not keeping the forum fully open as it will bring people in and of they want to dig further they will join.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by BigChaang View Post

                        I thought Kev Was a Big Cheese !!. , I don't think that there should be too many changes , Obviously it's a popular forum now.
                        and don't want too discourage that. But i agree with the Diaries , Yankees and O.F.T.S being members only.
                        saw that line earlier, and was going to comment and then thought I should read more of the thread in case someone else picked up on it.
                        Is Kev a Big Cheese ? or a .
                        Can we have a Poll ?

                        Just spent an hour hovering over every new emoji


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Quevega View Post

                          saw that line earlier, and was going to comment and then thought I should read more of the thread in case someone else picked up on it.
                          Is Kev a Big Cheese ? or a .
                          Can we have a Poll ?

                          Just spent an hour hovering over every new emoji
                          I thought Kev was more of a Gorgonzola or a Dolcelatte bearing in mind the Italian pedigree of his Mystery Horse.


                          • #73
                            Personally I feel its over the top to just throw everything cheltenham related as members only. I just feel like that will heavily restrict the pearls of wisdom that encouraged me to sign up a few years back. Surely that can be a last ditch measure if people are really worked up about prices getting a bit shorter. Starting with the OTFS and handicaps is the most logical for me.

                            Just to throw out there, even as someone who became a member nearly 4 years ago and lurked for a bit before that, I'd be dead against having threads for a select number of members and nobody else. Having a small cabal of the high and mighty goes against everything good about this forum and would be the beginning of the end.


                            • #74
                              Hi all,

                              As someone who joined in August I am (shamefully) yet to post. Mainly due to a feeling that there are much more knowledgable people than myself and use the forum to switch off from the normal things going on ie. work.

                              Is there a way to show the defined ‘open for all’ content for members in real time but restrict non members access based on a time basis, say 1 or 2 days given the value is on real time updates to forum. This could promote a culture/incentive to sign up.

                              I hope to be able to contribute a little more and this topic is exactly the kick up the backside I need!


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Big Bucks View Post
                                The OFTS to be for members only is an excellent shout! Info that members should take advantage off not them lurkers!

                                I'm confident this forum moves markets, from a selfish point of view obviously I would love to take the excellent members info, analysis, knowledge whatever you want to call it, I would also prefer others on here as members get on rather than people just browsing on to the forum. If members on here got the juicy prices I'd be content with that, but pet hate, thinking non contributors benefit from the info on here does annoy me. Happy to donate something to keep site going.

                                I think majority have nailed it with certain content which could be for members only.

                                Then on the flip side, how do we get future members with these excellent traits? Its a debate that we could go on for a while.

                                I read about those with diaries or certain members getting access to threads, who makes that call who the chosen few are? Personally I understand how people don't have the time due to whatever circumstances that may be to put up a diary and keep it up to date. I would love to be able to and hats off to those of you who do, would feel hard done by though if I lost out due to that. But thats maybe me being bias and being selfish? As you guys are putting the effort in and arguably contributing more to the forum.

                                I think this is a very interesting discussion and will have many views and opinions.

                                Just while typing this another popped in my head, the rabs going to members only, in sure a few outsiders have seen the ones we have put up and price goes!

                                So in an overview I would like The handicap threads, saxon threads, OFTS, and RAB all in a members only section.
                                Agree with your points, restrict 3 or 4 sections for members only to start with and see if this helps.

