The OFTS to be for members only is an excellent shout! Info that members should take advantage off not them lurkers!
I'm confident this forum moves markets, from a selfish point of view obviously I would love to take the excellent members info, analysis, knowledge whatever you want to call it, I would also prefer others on here as members get on rather than people just browsing on to the forum. If members on here got the juicy prices I'd be content with that, but pet hate, thinking non contributors benefit from the info on here does annoy me. Happy to donate something to keep site going.
I think majority have nailed it with certain content which could be for members only.
Then on the flip side, how do we get future members with these excellent traits? Its a debate that we could go on for a while.
I read about those with diaries or certain members getting access to threads, who makes that call who the chosen few are? Personally I understand how people don't have the time due to whatever circumstances that may be to put up a diary and keep it up to date. I would love to be able to and hats off to those of you who do, would feel hard done by though if I lost out due to that. But thats maybe me being bias and being selfish? As you guys are putting the effort in and arguably contributing more to the forum.
I think this is a very interesting discussion and will have many views and opinions.
Just while typing this another popped in my head, the rabs going to members only, in sure a few outsiders have seen the ones we have put up and price goes!
So in an overview I would like The handicap threads, saxon threads, OFTS, and RAB all in a members only section.
I'm confident this forum moves markets, from a selfish point of view obviously I would love to take the excellent members info, analysis, knowledge whatever you want to call it, I would also prefer others on here as members get on rather than people just browsing on to the forum. If members on here got the juicy prices I'd be content with that, but pet hate, thinking non contributors benefit from the info on here does annoy me. Happy to donate something to keep site going.
I think majority have nailed it with certain content which could be for members only.
Then on the flip side, how do we get future members with these excellent traits? Its a debate that we could go on for a while.
I read about those with diaries or certain members getting access to threads, who makes that call who the chosen few are? Personally I understand how people don't have the time due to whatever circumstances that may be to put up a diary and keep it up to date. I would love to be able to and hats off to those of you who do, would feel hard done by though if I lost out due to that. But thats maybe me being bias and being selfish? As you guys are putting the effort in and arguably contributing more to the forum.
I think this is a very interesting discussion and will have many views and opinions.
Just while typing this another popped in my head, the rabs going to members only, in sure a few outsiders have seen the ones we have put up and price goes!
So in an overview I would like The handicap threads, saxon threads, OFTS, and RAB all in a members only section.