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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Hidden content / Members areas

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  • Hidden content / Members areas

    Hello fatties, jockeys and everyone in between.

    A few people have mentioned that some content should be moved 'behind the wall' so that only members can see (like we did with the diaries and the handicap thread)

    This means "lurkers" can't see it, you would have to become a member (by getting a password) to be able to join the forum. That process lets me check they aren't spam robots, however is getting a bigger and bigger task and isn't always actioned straight away, so it's not a user friendly process (as I am sure some of the new members would agree on). Whilst I like the idea of people having to put in some effort to become part of our community, I always don't want to miss out on any great contributors because I didn't check my emails quickly enough.

    Previously, we have always had to have pretty much all parts of the forum available for lurkers, to lure them in for one, and because there wasn't enough reason to 'hide things'. People have mentioned prices getting cut after cases are made here, and something I wasn't aware of, but twitter tipsters having very similar tips. Of course there may not be any truth to either of those things, so what I am interested in are peoples opinions on the above.

    • What are peoples thoughts on moving more content to be like this?
    • What specific threads would people like to see moved?
    • What content would people like to see that isn't at the moment?
    • Should people who don't have their own diary be able to view other people's diaries?

    Any (polite) thoughts on this are very much welcomed. We have the scope to change the levels of access, number of forums etc, so any options should be possible. (Let's hope it doesn't involve me deleting entire threads again!)

    Also, if you would like to make a comment anonymously then message me and I can put the comment in.


    Last edited by Kevloaf; 1 December 2020, 04:47 PM.

  • #2
    I'm probably not in the best place to comment (as I don't contribute as much as I would like), but I think that it is mainly the handicap threads (both Handicapper watch and individual threads) are the most important to consider moving.

    Whilst we will all have different views on reading a particular race, it is the left-field or trend spotting in the handicap markets that can give us an edge and making this info public can see the price go before members have a chance to discuss or get on.


    • #3
      I'm not sure if this is possible but is it possible to deactivate members who sign up but do not post? It is easy enough for lurkers to sign up as a member, never contribute and still get all the benefits.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Leman14 View Post
        I'm probably not in the best place to comment (as I don't contribute as much as I would like), but I think that it is mainly the handicap threads (both Handicapper watch and individual threads) are the most important to consider moving.

        Whilst we will all have different views on reading a particular race, it is the left-field or trend spotting in the handicap markets that can give us an edge and making this info public can see the price go before members have a chance to discuss or get on.

        I really like the idea of the Handicappers Threads (that I set up, with all of the race stats on the first post) to be moved into the Diaries Section.

        They would sit very nicely with my three "Irish Race Planning Diary" threads that are already sitting at the top of the Diaries.

        Maybe a second section behind the firewall, with the diaries for the 9 Cheltenham Handicap Races called
        Members Only - Key Race Planning and Handicappers Thread.

        The Graded races can stay where they are, as mainstream content, as people tend to know those horses more, especially the open grade 1's.
        "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


        • #5
          Just added a question that somebody sent me a PM about that can also be disussed.


          • #6
            The open Grade 1's and even the Novice Grade 1's are more "obvious" (even if we disagree) - but I often see horses highlighted in your (may I say "Excellent") Irish Race Planning Diaries, often discussed openly in the individual handicap threads in the open forum.

            Moving them to members only would help to keep them "off radar" until everyone that wants to act, has done so.


            • #7
              Originally posted by JackieMoon33 View Post
              I'm not sure if this is possible but is it possible to deactivate members who sign up but do not post? It is easy enough for lurkers to sign up as a member, never contribute and still get all the benefits.
              Yes, that is something that I know can be done manually.

              Or you could have to post a certain number of times to reach each level...


              • #8
                ....perhaps the precedent was already set when the ‘Handicap Watch’ thread was moved ‘behind the wall’ some weeks ago. The logic that applied for that action, surely applies now.

                I have put an Index at the front of that thread, which I think is much easier reference than reading through for angles. Also, a bit of fun to look back and see if/when a winner was mentioned and by who.

                Clearly that thread will now be superseded by individual race threads but I suggest the ‘Index’ is a consideration for those.


                • #9
                  As someone who reads the forum most days but contributes only few and far between I'd be more than happy if more stuff was hidden from the non members. I'm probably in the minority of members but I neither keep an ante post diary or read anyone else's. Likewise the handicap posts aren't something I'd have an interest in this far out. Whatever keeps the members who's opinions and info can change the markets happy I'm happy to go along with.


                  • #10
                    Perhaps a quota of posts required to view the content too. As someone mentioned someone could just make an account and get access to everything. Whereas the latter requires actual contribution and if it is clear they are posting nonsense posts just to get to the quota (say 50 posts or whatever) they're an easy catch for the ban hammer.

                    +1 on hiding the handicap threads, although I'd hope a separate sub forum could be made rather than being lost in the diary sub forum.

                    Edit:Nvm saw they were stickied lovely. Could the handicappers watch thread be stickied too maybe?
                    Last edited by Altior; 1 December 2020, 05:25 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Altior View Post
                      Perhaps a quota of posts required to view the content too. As someone mentioned someone could just make an account and get access to everything. Whereas the latter requires actual contribution and if it is clear they are posting nonsense posts just to get to the quota (say 50 posts or whatever) they're an easy catch for the ban hammer.

                      +1 on hiding the handicap threads, although I'd hope a separate sub forum could be made rather than being lost in the diary sub forum.

                      ....from a housekeeping perspective, a separate category behind ‘the wall’ is a good shout as it would save race threads getting mixed up with diaries.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Eggs View Post
                        ....perhaps the precedent was already set when the ‘Handicap Watch’ thread was moved ‘behind the wall’ some weeks ago. The logic that applied for that action, surely applies now.

                        I have put an Index at the front of that thread, which I think is much easier reference than reading through for angles. Also, a bit of fun to look back and see if/when a winner was mentioned and by who.

                        Clearly that thread will now be superseded by individual race threads but I suggest the ‘Index’ is a consideration for those.
                        I'm not sure I like the person named to be on the actual index. The post number is easy enough to find to look at up, I feel it gets very boring to read about who deserves the credit (and I know I do it) - also, someone just mentioning a horses name right through to some of the detailed cases we have may be a bit misleading?

                        I'm happy to go with the flow though, it might not be an issue for anyone else


                        • #13
                          Hi everyone, I’m in a very interesting position to comment on this as I’ve only become a member today (there was some technical issues this week which Kev kindly resolved for me this morning). I will post an introduction later in the appropriate thread.

                          I’d look at this more simply, you are not going to join unless you intended to contribute, that is unless you see another tangible benefit for doing so I.e these posts which we are highlighting now. If you deleted this thread and kept quiet about what is behind the wall then your problem is resolved without overthinking it and creating some huge task of implementing new restrictions


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Fatcatshat View Post
                            Hi everyone, I’m in a very interesting position to comment on this as I’ve only become a member today (there was some technical issues this week which Kev kindly resolved for me this morning). I will post an introduction later in the appropriate thread.

                            I’d look at this more simply, you are not going to join unless you intended to contribute, that is unless you see another tangible benefit for doing so I.e these posts which we are highlighting now. If you deleted this thread and kept quiet about what is behind the wall then your problem is resolved without overthinking it and creating some huge task of implementing new restrictions
                            The first rule of flight club.......

                            Welcome FCH
                            Is it FatCatsHat or FatCatShat?

                            Sorry, couldn't resist.


                            • #15
                              As of now it’s the hat... when I start posting my diary it will quickly revert to the latter!

