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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Eyecatchers / Next Time Out.

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  • Eyecatchers / Next Time Out.

    Was just wondering would anyone be interested in a NTO / eyecatchers thread ?
    Had a few on other forums over the years,sure they're a ballache at times but with all the good eyes in here it'll pay for itself eventually, of course it helps if 2 people keep an eye on it, holidays,work,illness all things that happen to us all and in those moments its good to have someone to pass the load over to. it worth doing,and how would it work here,make it a sticky for the eyecatchers then another sticky to put the horses in when they;re due to run ?
    If there's some interest have no problems setting up an alerts & email for it, just need to thrash out a few things with contributors first.
    What say you all ?

  • #2
    Something like this would be great - I'd be happy to contribute when I see something, although most of my eye catchers tend to happen at start of season with fitness rather than having the same eye that others have for horses who are being handicapped. Possibly one to try in a members section somewhere or even in a group DM chat rather than on the open forum though?


    • #3
      Thanks for the feedback Odin.
      I was a bit stuck wondering where to put the suggestion let alone the actual threads, as I only ever see any activity in the Cheltenham area so was wondering if it would even get noticed here
      Maybe kevloaf might give me a better idea of where to place this, I haven't seen him post for a while but being Christmas / New Year I assume he'll be back amongst us soon.
      When he pops up maybe I'll pm him about it and if he gives me the all clear & a spot for the threads I'll start cracking away and hope other notice & chip in with runners they've seen that could be of interest.


      • #4
        EnvoiAlien - we have a very, very big issue on here that people only check the Cheltenham ante post thread....

        Perhaps a stick in that thread with links to the rest of the site might be helpful

        This used to be something (before my time) but horses to follow had it's own sub-forum even...

        Maybe post your original thread in the 'general chat' on the Chelt forum, or create a post there, just as I might not make the 'structural changes' until post 2025 festival


        • #5
          Kevloaf really appreciate the feedback, it was something I noticed that the majority of the forum updates only happen on the Cheltenham AP area.
          I'll give it some more thought, maybe can revisit the idea when the flat begins, or not and park it until the NH swings around for 2025/26 season, see if I can create some interest on the AP threads for the idea.
          Good to see you back & hope all is well and you're ready for a successful 2025.

