Neptune Investment Management Hurdle : Ruby Walsh Ten Year Form
Jockey Ruby Walsh has won three and been placed in four of the last ten Neptune Investment Management Hurdle making him the man to follow in the race.
Ruby has ridden six favourites in that period generating a level stakes profit of £3.00 for punters who backed all his mounts since 2006.
Year | Horse | Pos | Odds |
2006 | Denman | 2 | 11/10F |
2007 | Silverburn | 4 | 7/2 |
2008 | Fiveforthree | 1 | 7/1 |
2009 | Mikael D’haguenet | 1 | 5/2F |
2010 | Quel Espirit | F | 5/1 |
2011 | So Young | 3 | 2/1F |
2012 | Sous Les Cieux | 4 | 11/2 |
2013 | Pont Alexandre | 3 | 6/4F |
2014 | Faugheen | 1 | 6/4F |
2015 | Nichols Canyon | 3 | 6/4F |