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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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2023 Grand National

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Faugheen_Machine View Post
    Thanks for the updates guys.

    I've listened to various podcasts today and no one seems certain about the ground on any of them, but most seem to working off the basis it'll be soft ground on day 1. Is that what you'd be looking at given the rain you've had in Liverpool?

    ….it’s so difficult to say. I was surprised it was still good to soft at 07.30 this morning. Following that it was a very bright and windy morning until just before lunch. Plent of showers since then but pretty dry these last few hours. Still very windy.

    I’d guess on the soft side but much depends on tonight.


    • #92
      ….BMG a non-runner.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Eggs View Post
        ….BMG a non-runner.
        Suggestion is that the FCA have blocked his participation. Utterly ridiculous if this is correct.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Lostinleith View Post

          Suggestion is that the FCA have blocked his participation. Utterly ridiculous if this is correct.
          Sometimes things are bigger than racing.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Faugheen_Machine View Post

            Sometimes things are bigger than racing.
            Absolutely, but I'm struggling to see what the ban achieves. Does it protect investors who may have been damaged by whatever is going on with John Dance's firm? I can't see that. All I can see is damage to the sport and it's reputation, pain for punters and heartache for people at PN's yard who have worked hard to get the star of the show ready for the big day.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Lostinleith View Post

              Absolutely, but I'm struggling to see what the ban achieves. Does it protect investors who may have been damaged by whatever is going on with John Dance's firm? I can't see that. All I can see is damage to the sport and it's reputation, pain for punters and heartache for people at PN's yard who have worked hard to get the star of the show ready for the big day.
              A very similar thing happened with Labaik.

              Dance obviously has questions to answer and as a result his assets are being frozen. Unfortunately, they must have BMG under that category.


              • #97
                It’s a poor situation for racing to find itself in but I would imagine that Dance is still legally part owner pending investigations, and whatever prize money BMG earns tomorrow he would be entitled to his cut.
                Racing is the real loser, he would have added to what is already a great field…


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Faugheen_Machine View Post

                  A very similar thing happened with Labaik.

                  Dance obviously has questions to answer and as a result his assets are being frozen. Unfortunately, they must have BMG under that category.
                  Still not convinced by the logic. Surely there is much more chance of a return for investors from the horse winning a big race than there is a risk of value being lost if, god forbid, BMG ran and was seriously injured?

                  Maybe I'm just jaundiced by a view of regulators built up during 30 years in financial services. The FCA can show that they have taken action. The fact that it achieves the square root of FA is secondary.


                  • #99
                    …..very stormy through the night here in Liverpool but I didn’t hear much in the way of rain. Dark, overcast and extremely windy this morning. Fascinating to know what the going is in the next hour or so.

                    Update; brightened up considerably in the last 30mins, white clouds and blue sky now but still extremely blowy.
                    Last edited by Eggs; 13 April 2023, 06:04 AM.


                    • Just having a stroll by the course now with the dog, as Eggs said doesn't look like we got much rain can't see many puddles, wind is very strong so may halve helped to dry a little, I can see some blue sky over the course, fingers crossed the rain stays off especially when I'm walking to the course myself later come on Banbridge!


                      • Many thanks Gents, updates have been very much appreciated…


                        • ….looks like the official going as of 10mins ago is good to soft.

                          Check out the latest Aintree Going here. Find racecourse conditions for your upcoming visit up to a week in advance.


                          • Thank you Eggs and The hill - really appreciate you keeping us updated.

                            Best of luck for the week all.


                            • Originally posted by The hill View Post
                              Just having a stroll by the course now with the dog, as Eggs said doesn't look like we got much rain can't see many puddles, wind is very strong so may halve helped to dry a little, I can see some blue sky over the course, fingers crossed the rain stays off especially when I'm walking to the course myself later come on Banbridge!
                              Torrential last night. 15mm of rain.


                              • Doesn’t look like the B366 offer will be available this year - usually available Thursday afternoon

