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British Jump Jockeys Table 2012-13

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  • #16
    McCoy through 150 again

    Jockey Min Weight Wins Rides Strike Rate Level Stake Win Prize Total Prize
    A P McCoy 10-3 154 673 23% 72.47 £700,425 £983,548
    Jason Maguire 10-6 116 544 21% 91.32 £472,902 £704,201
    Richard Johnson 10-0 110 633 17% 55.77 £592,661 £890,783
    Aidan Coleman 10-0 67 387 17% 20.01 £355,954 £536,142
    Sam Twiston-Davies 10-0 66 422 16% 82.69 £392,900 £584,919
    Tom Scudamore 10-0 61 391 16% 72.50 £333,127 £529,076
    Paddy Brennan 9-10 53 327 16% 53.63 £290,129 £470,922
    Tom O'Brien 10-0 53 340 16% 37.62 £264,504 £396,256
    Nick Scholfield 10-0 53 375 14% 68.12 £183,928 £304,662
    Dougie Costello 10-0 43 340 13% 70.95 £214,651 £357,601
    R Walsh 10-1 41 130 32% 2.14 £696,631 £906,519
    Paul Moloney 10-0 40 371 11% 115.73 £186,047 £301,359
    Daryl Jacob 10-2 39 254 15% 54.67 £206,222 £340,600
    Noel Fehily 10-3 36 228 16% 8.58 £176,894 £302,502
    Denis O'Regan 10-4 35 273 13% 99.93 £260,253 £342,782
    Jamie Moore 10-0 34 351 10% 79.62 £177,288 £282,881
    Barry Geraghty 10-1 33 122 27% 20.26 £608,946 £759,729
    Robert Thornton 10-3 33 236 14% 84.88 £110,832 £335,635
    James Reveley 10-3 31 213 15% 33.75 £112,440 £178,604
    Brian Hughes 10-0 30 303 10% 133.31 £82,438 £167,213
    Lucy Alexander 9-9 29 293 10% 26.67 £107,214 £170,063
    Micheal Nolan 10-0 24 141 17% 16.49 £72,984 £111,802
    Timmy Murphy 10-0 24 160 15% 15.93 £153,266 £201,186
    Dominic Elsworth 10-2 24 205 12% 6.96 £93,523 £178,077
    Peter Buchanan 10-0 23 193 12% 100.22 £110,948 £154,756
    Brian Harding 10-0 21 167 13% 19.54 £62,627 £88,355
    Henry Brooke 9-11 20 166 12% 39.43 £63,786 £95,133
    Brendan Powell 9-9 20 195 10% 13.60 £59,171 £92,160
    Ryan Mania 10-0 20 218 9% 36.58 £70,908 £150,895
    Marc Goldstein 9-3 19 114 17% 6.47 £63,821 £93,508
    Joe Tizzard 10-6 19 132 14% 7.42 £133,119 £204,152
    Andrew Tinkler 10-0 19 175 11% 101.10 £50,600 £95,005
    Leighton Aspell 10-3 18 129 14% 51.29 £76,207 £108,600
    James Best 9-7 18 182 10% 66.33 £71,020 £120,460
    David Bass 10-0 17 119 14% 10.26 £69,077 £87,970
    Conor O'Farrell 9-11 17 134 13% 54.34 £95,680 £144,280
    Liam Treadwell 10-0 17 152 11% +90.00 £107,476 £166,315
    Wayne Hutchinson 10-0 17 166 10% 25.59 £188,440 £298,451
    Andrew Thornton 10-4 17 209 8% 33.50 £53,115 £102,002
    Joshua Moore 10-0 16 124 13% +9.70 £66,129 £90,918
    Last edited by Statto; 3 February 2013, 10:46 AM.


    • #17
      Jockey Min Weight Wins Rides Strike Rate Level Stake Win Prize Total Prize
      A P McCoy 10-3 159 693 23% 68.52 £829,012 £1,119,829
      Jason Maguire 10-6 119 563 21% 91.12 £509,662 £748,961
      Richard Johnson 10-0 112 649 17% 64.02 £624,787 £934,700
      Aidan Coleman 10-0 69 405 17% 29.01 £380,487 £575,642
      Sam Twiston-Davies 10-0 68 445 15% 94.07 £408,373 £609,895
      Tom Scudamore 10-0 63 404 16% 80.77 £340,469 £547,862
      Nick Scholfield 10-0 56 388 14% 57.62 £190,530 £315,414
      Paddy Brennan 9-10 53 343 15% 69.63 £290,129 £475,468
      Tom O'Brien 10-0 53 350 15% 47.62 £264,504 £401,539
      Paul Moloney 10-0 44 389 11% 104.36 £202,608 £321,657
      R Walsh 10-1 43 139 31% 7.61 £730,381 £948,072
      Daryl Jacob 10-2 43 276 16% 62.05 £235,377 £381,649
      Dougie Costello 10-0 43 352 12% 82.95 £214,651 £357,947
      Noel Fehily 10-3 40 254 16% 0.20 £205,754 £341,863
      Denis O'Regan 10-4 40 289 14% 95.02 £279,942 £370,700
      Barry Geraghty 10-1 38 138 28% 14.40 £626,166 £798,343
      Robert Thornton 10-3 35 248 14% 91.63 £122,397 £355,799
      Jamie Moore 10-0 34 358 9% 86.62 £177,288 £284,396
      James Reveley 10-3 33 220 15% 17.25 £122,707 £190,836
      Brian Hughes 10-0 31 317 10% 144.43 £84,634 £178,552
      Lucy Alexander 9-9 30 295 10% 27.17 £111,112 £173,962
      Micheal Nolan 10-0 25 150 17% 21.16 £77,533 £120,245
      Dominic Elsworth 10-2 25 215 12% 6.96 £106,035 £195,263
      Timmy Murphy 10-0 24 168 14% 23.93 £153,266 £220,560
      Peter Buchanan 10-0 23 207 11% 114.22 £110,948 £157,877
      Henry Brooke 9-11 21 178 12% 49.52 £65,429 £100,487
      Brian Harding 10-0 21 178 12% 30.54 £62,627 £88,908
      Andrew Tinkler 10-0 21 184 11% 103.35 £57,476 £104,812
      Ryan Mania 10-0 21 229 9% 40.58 £73,053 £156,377
      Brendan Powell 9-9 20 203 10% 21.60 £59,171 £92,398
      Marc Goldstein 9-3 19 116 16% 8.47 £63,821 £94,752
      David Bass 10-0 19 125 15% 9.26 £93,147 £112,442
      Joe Tizzard 10-6 19 137 14% 12.42 £133,119 £208,007
      Leighton Aspell 10-3 19 138 14% 57.04 £82,055 £119,349
      Liam Treadwell 10-0 19 156 12% +96.50 £119,367 £178,206
      James Best 9-7 18 186 10% 70.33 £71,020 £120,956
      Joshua Moore 10-0 17 129 13% +17.70 £75,513 £100,302
      Conor O'Farrell 9-11 17 143 12% 63.34 £95,680 £157,906
      Wayne Hutchinson 10-0 17 177 10% 36.59 £188,440 £300,754
      Wilson Renwick 10-0 17 195 9% 80.25 £58,499 £94,335


      • #18
        A P McCoy 10-3 162 707 23% 75.23 £838,759 £1,137,828
        Jason Maguire 10-6 125 585 21% 93.04 £559,638 £814,253
        Richard Johnson 10-0 113 664 17% 76.92 £628,036 £988,933
        Aidan Coleman 10-0 71 420 17% 15.26 £389,927 £602,754
        Sam Twiston-Davies 10-0 68 456 15% 105.07 £408,373 £625,221
        Tom Scudamore 10-0 65 419 16% 92.72 £343,718 £556,321
        Nick Scholfield 10-0 57 401 14% 68.37 £201,920 £328,027
        Paddy Brennan 9-10 54 350 15% 74.53 £294,027 £494,322
        Tom O'Brien 10-0 54 360 15% 55.96 £268,273 £416,709
        Daryl Jacob 10-2 46 289 16% 57.72 £277,107 £430,524
        R Walsh 10-1 45 146 31% 11.38 £759,246 £998,617
        Paul Moloney 10-0 44 395 11% 110.36 £202,608 £332,148
        Dougie Costello 10-0 43 361 12% 91.95 £214,651 £371,666
        Noel Fehily 10-3 41 259 16% 0.70 £209,653 £353,041
        Barry Geraghty 10-1 40 145 28% 16.05 £640,859 £819,037
        Denis O'Regan 10-4 40 299 13% 105.02 £279,942 £374,349
        Robert Thornton 10-3 35 254 14% 97.63 £122,397 £359,255
        Jamie Moore 10-0 35 361 10% 85.87 £200,068 £307,176
        James Reveley 10-3 33 232 14% 29.25 £122,707 £196,120
        Brian Hughes 10-0 32 328 10% 153.33 £88,533 £190,997
        Lucy Alexander 9-9 30 303 10% 35.17 £111,112 £174,725
        Timmy Murphy 10-0 26 172 15% 22.26 £164,313 £231,607
        Micheal Nolan 10-0 25 155 16% 26.16 £77,533 £125,332
        Peter Buchanan 10-0 25 213 12% 110.22 £123,944 £172,018
        Dominic Elsworth 10-2 25 222 11% 13.96 £106,035 £204,104
        Brian Harding 10-0 22 183 12% 32.04 £73,673 £100,241
        Henry Brooke 9-11 22 187 12% 48.52 £86,216 £122,022
        Joe Tizzard 10-6 21 142 15% 10.04 £224,022 £300,890
        Leighton Aspell 10-3 21 145 14% 51.04 £93,102 £138,406
        Andrew Tinkler 10-0 21 187 11% 106.35 £57,476 £108,728
        Brendan Powell 9-9 21 209 10% 22.60 £65,669 £101,739
        Ryan Mania 10-0 21 237 9% 48.58 £73,053 £158,190
        Marc Goldstein 9-3 19 118 16% 10.47 £63,821 £94,990
        David Bass 10-0 19 127 15% 11.26 £93,147 £113,015
        Conor O'Farrell 9-11 19 148 13% 55.43 £106,076 £169,448
        Liam Treadwell 10-0 19 156 12% +96.50 £119,367 £178,206
        Wayne Hutchinson 10-0 19 182 10% 33.72 £212,958 £325,272
        Andrew Thornton 10-4 19 224 8% 22.00 £58,043 £110,442
        Joshua Moore 10-0 18 131 14% +21.20 £118,225 £143,730
        Danny Cook 10-4 18 149 12% 52.44 £79,010 £141,142


        • #19
          Dicky Joihnson on course for a big milestone Hope he gets proper recognition. Ruby's 2000 was not properly marked by racing press imo !


          • #20
            A P McCoy 10-3 167 736 23% 85.91 £867,292 £1,171,079
            Jason Maguire 10-6 126 595 21% 100.04 £561,281 £819,406
            Richard Johnson 10-0 116 688 17% 51.92 £641,673 £1,021,429
            Aidan Coleman 10-0 72 435 17% 27.39 £406,172 £633,286
            Tom Scudamore 10-0 69 433 16% 94.47 £375,190 £590,359
            Sam Twiston-Davies 10-0 68 469 14% 118.07 £408,373 £632,213
            Nick Scholfield 10-0 57 415 14% 82.37 £201,920 £337,194
            Paddy Brennan 9-10 56 366 15% 83.65 £301,565 £507,484
            Tom O'Brien 10-0 55 376 15% 65.46 £272,041 £434,462
            Daryl Jacob 10-2 50 304 16% 53.77 £297,990 £455,722
            R Walsh 10-1 47 153 31% 12.88 £792,481 £1,059,966
            Paul Moloney 10-0 47 411 11% 66.36 £223,910 £354,204
            Barry Geraghty 10-1 45 158 28% 10.70 £673,934 £869,548
            Dougie Costello 10-0 45 370 12% 30.70 £218,606 £377,715
            Noel Fehily 10-3 44 277 16% +2.05 £275,050 £420,518
            Denis O'Regan 10-4 42 312 13% 114.49 £284,621 £380,411
            Jamie Moore 10-0 37 376 10% 81.87 £213,389 £323,457
            Robert Thornton 10-3 36 265 14% 102.63 £128,895 £372,586
            James Reveley 10-3 35 243 14% 33.87 £127,385 £201,752
            Brian Hughes 10-0 32 341 9% 166.33 £88,533 £198,390
            Lucy Alexander 9-9 31 308 10% 34.17 £112,755 £178,114
            Timmy Murphy 10-0 27 180 15% 26.51 £166,912 £238,658
            Micheal Nolan 10-0 25 164 15% 35.16 £77,533 £127,159
            Henry Brooke 9-11 25 198 13% 49.68 £96,612 £139,304
            Peter Buchanan 10-0 25 222 11% 119.22 £123,944 £174,040
            Dominic Elsworth 10-2 25 227 11% 18.96 £106,035 £206,925
            Brian Harding 10-0 24 192 13% 36.63 £85,377 £113,623
            Brendan Powell 9-9 23 220 10% 26.60 £71,183 £110,087
            Andrew Tinkler 10-0 22 197 11% 114.90 £61,050 £114,145
            Wilson Renwick 10-0 22 212 10% 54.25 £80,563 £116,714
            Joe Tizzard 10-6 21 142 15% 10.04 £224,022 £300,890
            Leighton Aspell 10-3 21 155 14% 61.04 £93,102 £141,431
            Wayne Hutchinson 10-0 21 189 11% 28.72 £219,781 £334,495
            Andrew Thornton 10-4 21 235 9% 9.00 £68,440 £123,257
            Ryan Mania 10-0 21 247 9% 58.58 £73,053 £159,630
            Conor O'Farrell 9-11 20 155 13% 60.70 £110,300 £176,047
            Marc Goldstein 9-3 19 121 16% 13.47 £63,821 £94,990
            David Bass 10-0 19 132 14% 16.26 £93,147 £117,948
            Liam Treadwell 10-0 19 156 12% +96.50 £119,367 £178,206
            Danny Cook 10-4 19 161 12% 60.69 £84,403 £148,910


            • #21
              P McCoy 10-3 173 767 23% 87.23 £895,363 £1,212,850
              Jason Maguire 10-6 132 638 21% 119.90 £586,381 £862,518
              Richard Johnson 10-0 123 719 17% 0.24 £664,369 £1,059,959
              Aidan Coleman 10-0 78 470 17% +12.41 £427,578 £665,462
              Tom Scudamore 10-0 75 470 16% 111.90 £398,583 £638,916
              Sam Twiston-Davies 10-0 70 502 14% 138.82 £417,535 £650,935
              Daryl Jacob 10-2 59 337 18% 61.91 £371,276 £547,897
              Paddy Brennan 9-10 59 395 15% 95.40 £315,953 £540,296
              Nick Scholfield 10-0 59 430 14% 81.87 £219,926 £357,299
              Tom O'Brien 10-0 58 392 15% 73.81 £281,279 £450,764
              Paul Moloney 10-0 52 440 12% 61.11 £242,674 £392,527
              Noel Fehily 10-3 51 307 17% +23.88 £316,172 £467,513
              R Walsh 10-1 49 159 31% 14.26 £818,473 £1,087,627
              Barry Geraghty 10-1 48 166 29% 3.95 £717,462 £913,324
              Dougie Costello 10-0 48 392 12% 42.79 £230,868 £394,761
              Denis O'Regan 10-4 44 329 13% 124.27 £292,613 £396,275
              James Reveley 10-3 38 267 14% 39.12 £140,381 £220,153
              Jamie Moore 10-0 38 410 9% 109.87 £216,508 £330,354
              Robert Thornton 10-3 36 288 13% 125.63 £128,895 £385,983
              Lucy Alexander 9-9 34 329 10% 33.67 £121,722 £190,845
              Brian Hughes 10-0 34 371 9% 189.08 £95,421 £215,042
              Henry Brooke 9-11 30 224 13% 31.33 £115,731 £163,511
              Peter Buchanan 10-0 28 242 12% 112.88 £143,113 £199,442
              Brendan Powell 9-9 28 247 11% +10.90 £91,029 £135,313
              Timmy Murphy 10-0 27 194 14% 40.51 £166,912 £239,588
              Micheal Nolan 10-0 26 188 14% 52.66 £79,677 £132,803
              Dominic Elsworth 10-2 26 232 11% 20.96 £109,934 £212,735
              Brian Harding 10-0 25 215 12% 48.63 £88,496 £128,791
              Andrew Tinkler 10-0 24 216 11% 122.65 £97,439 £157,525
              Wilson Renwick 10-0 24 239 10% 56.25 £95,072 £134,646
              Liam Treadwell 10-0 23 173 13% +100.75 £140,981 £207,013
              Leighton Aspell 10-3 23 178 13% 73.21 £99,210 £167,964
              Andrew Thornton 10-4 23 259 9% 25.37 £79,811 £142,954
              David Bass 10-0 22 145 15% 8.76 £111,861 £141,318
              Wayne Hutchinson 10-0 22 211 10% 49.32 £223,680 £346,940
              Ryan Mania 10-0 22 272 8% 81.58 £79,551 £172,210
              Joe Tizzard 10-6 21 156 13% 24.04 £224,022 £306,351
              Danny Cook 10-3 21 171 12% 59.07 £92,534 £157,741
              Conor O'Farrell 9-11 20 157 13% 62.70 £110,300 £178,909
              Marc Goldstein 9-3 19 130 15% 22.47 £63,821 £96,596


              • #22
                ockey Min Weight Wins Rides Strike Rate Level Stake Win Prize Total Prize
                A P McCoy 10-3 175 785 22% 98.86 £1,014,958 £1,510,840
                Jason Maguire 10-6 132 657 20% 138.90 £586,381 £906,753
                Richard Johnson 10-0 123 739 17% 20.24 £664,369 £1,131,850
                Aidan Coleman 10-0 79 483 16% +1.07 £432,777 £695,751
                Tom Scudamore 10-0 76 489 16% 129.76 £402,005 £716,668
                Sam Twiston-Davies 10-0 71 517 14% 149.32 £485,875 £773,795
                Paddy Brennan 9-10 60 410 15% 107.90 £318,227 £583,085
                Daryl Jacob 10-2 59 348 17% 72.91 £371,276 £645,202
                Nick Scholfield 10-1 59 437 14% 88.87 £219,926 £366,094
                Tom O'Brien 10-0 58 392 15% 73.81 £281,279 £450,764
                Noel Fehily 10-3 54 322 17% +24.13 £328,692 £596,963
                R Walsh 10-1 53 179 30% +2.10 £1,196,613 £1,548,266
                Paul Moloney 10-0 52 449 12% 70.11 £242,674 £398,504
                Barry Geraghty 10-1 51 187 27% 18.41 £1,324,412 £1,564,882
                Dougie Costello 10-0 50 402 12% 48.12 £235,157 £400,658
                Denis O'Regan 10-4 44 337 13% 132.27 £292,613 £457,202
                James Reveley 10-3 38 270 14% 42.12 £140,381 £223,023
                Jamie Moore 10-0 38 420 9% 119.87 £216,508 £355,217
                Robert Thornton 10-3 36 288 13% 125.63 £128,895 £385,983
                Lucy Alexander 9-9 35 332 11% 33.42 £123,672 £194,178
                Brian Hughes 10-0 35 376 9% 192.08 £96,981 £217,060
                Henry Brooke 9-11 30 227 13% 34.33 £115,731 £164,617
                Brendan Powell 9-9 29 258 11% +28.90 £142,284 £198,030
                Peter Buchanan 10-0 28 244 11% 114.88 £143,113 £200,648
                Micheal Nolan 10-0 27 193 14% 53.91 £81,731 £135,928
                Timmy Murphy 10-0 27 200 14% 46.51 £166,912 £239,588
                Dominic Elsworth 10-2 27 236 11% 17.46 £117,731 £220,533
                Liam Treadwell 10-0 25 178 14% +149.50 £205,208 £271,240
                Brian Harding 10-0 25 217 12% 50.63 £88,496 £129,363
                Leighton Aspell 10-3 24 186 13% 77.46 £105,708 £179,796
                Andrew Tinkler 10-0 24 220 11% 126.65 £97,439 £157,682
                Wayne Hutchinson 10-0 24 225 11% 25.32 £273,139 £435,100
                Wilson Renwick 10-0 24 239 10% 56.25 £95,072 £134,646
                David Bass 10-0 23 150 15% 12.62 £115,283 £148,425
                Andrew Thornton 10-4 23 265 9% 31.37 £79,811 £154,135
                Joe Tizzard 10-6 22 163 13% 26.54 £380,634 £470,723
                Ryan Mania 10-0 22 274 8% 83.58 £79,551 £172,210
                Danny Cook 10-3 21 177 12% 65.07 £92,534 £159,751
                Marc Goldstein 9-3 20 135 15% 24.22 £67,720 £101,973
                Conor O'Farrell 9-11 20 157 13% 62.70 £110,300 £178,909


                • #23
                  A P McCoy 10-3 185 848 22% 142.09 £1,130,983 £1,734,591
                  Jason Maguire 10-6 140 720 19% 162.89 £623,257 £1,000,821
                  Richard Johnson 10-0 131 816 16% 72.22 £689,614 £1,221,686
                  Aidan Coleman 10-0 89 559 16% 28.15 £473,999 £784,583
                  Tom Scudamore 10-0 85 546 16% 145.73 £506,202 £848,451
                  Sam Twiston-Davies 10-0 84 597 14% 161.53 £582,096 £972,467
                  Daryl Jacob 10-2 69 404 17% 84.12 £477,196 £781,686
                  Tom O'Brien 10-0 69 445 16% 58.06 £330,634 £516,686
                  Nick Scholfield 10-1 66 496 13% 98.75 £276,394 £544,056
                  Noel Fehily 10-5 63 381 17% +23.65 £381,165 £668,876
                  Paddy Brennan 9-10 62 447 14% 138.40 £329,273 £613,417
                  Paul Moloney 10-0 59 508 12% 96.61 £279,258 £668,991
                  R Walsh 9-13 57 211 27% 12.15 £1,326,210 £1,769,831
                  Barry Geraghty 10-1 57 222 26% 25.50 £1,570,103 £1,885,944
                  Dougie Costello 10-0 52 456 11% 93.87 £246,594 £440,765
                  Denis O'Regan 10-4 48 382 13% 160.82 £314,863 £507,201
                  James Reveley 10-3 46 316 15% 33.07 £183,303 £278,291
                  Jamie Moore 10-0 45 470 10% 111.57 £276,301 £448,700
                  Brian Hughes 10-0 41 433 9% 192.76 £131,030 £276,678
                  Robert Thornton 10-3 36 288 13% 125.63 £128,895 £385,983
                  Lucy Alexander 9-11 35 362 10% 63.42 £123,672 £202,004
                  Brendan Powell 9-9 34 317 11% +16.73 £225,576 £296,208
                  Micheal Nolan 10-0 33 222 15% 62.24 £109,305 £176,529
                  Henry Brooke 9-11 33 279 12% 74.71 £122,182 £192,362
                  Wayne Hutchinson 10-0 33 287 11% +10.68 £466,285 £715,123
                  Andrew Thornton 10-4 32 311 10% 29.17 £143,905 £229,820
                  Timmy Murphy 10-0 31 230 13% 20.01 £193,424 £278,318
                  Danny Cook 10-3 30 210 14% 38.43 £170,027 £252,283
                  Peter Buchanan 10-0 30 287 10% 141.38 £184,360 £249,485
                  Leighton Aspell 10-3 29 228 13% 92.96 £122,575 £211,134
                  Tom Cannon 9-11 29 303 10% 65.04 £143,858 £229,862
                  David Bass 10-0 28 174 16% +10.63 £171,989 £219,556
                  Dominic Elsworth 10-2 28 249 11% 26.71 £124,229 £229,696
                  Joe Tizzard 10-8 27 193 14% 31.69 £399,543 £556,107
                  Liam Treadwell 10-0 27 196 14% +135.37 £216,579 £294,189
                  Brian Harding 10-0 27 248 11% 74.76 £95,514 £167,907
                  Andrew Tinkler 10-0 26 246 11% 144.08 £105,431 £168,729
                  Wilson Renwick 10-0 25 272 9% 80.25 £96,697 £169,662
                  Ryan Mania 10-0 24 305 8% 41.08 £628,871 £734,302

