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Can anyone help with GDPR?

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  • Can anyone help with GDPR?

    The deadline for this is approaching and while this is a hobby site rather than a business there are some nasty fines for non compliance

    Can anyone give me a steer on what will need to be done to comply ?


  • #2
    Do you actually collect the type of info they list OV?
    I don't remember providing much when I registered, it appears they want to control the use of personal data when companies collate details to sell goods or services


    • #3
      Not consciously MMG but not sure what vbulletin does.

      Anything that requires you to create a password and email creates some vulnerability/exposure if people use the same one on more than 1 site so not really sure where I stand.
      Last edited by Old Vic; 29 April 2018, 11:52 AM.


      • #4
        Right, so the details are held somewhere then, I suppose the site responsible for collection are the ones who need to comply. As you say though it's very grey with the wording. I have a business website that has a provision for people to leave details for a contact to be made, but then again so do millions of such sites. Personally I think the task of policing this type of regulation is beyond the abilities of the organisers, they will concentrate on the more obvious, such as the large social media sites, banks, financial service companies, etc


        • #5
          I can't help with anything technical but if there's a cost attached to compliance I'm happy contributing, as I'm sure would most in here...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
            I can't help with anything technical but if there's a cost attached to compliance I'm happy contributing, as I'm sure would most in here...
            Sounds fair isty


            • #7
              Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
              I can't help with anything technical but if there's a cost attached to compliance I'm happy contributing, as I'm sure would most in here...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Old Vic View Post
                Not consciously MMG but not sure what vbulletin does.

                Anything that requires you to create a password and email creates some vulnerability/exposure if people use the same one on more than 1 site so not really sure where I stand.
                Ultimately, that(passwords) isn't your responsibility.

                As long as you haven't got access to anyones passwords you aren't in breach.

                You are "allowed" to store anything deemed as 'personal data' (which is literally anything that COULD be used to identify someone (full address/name/DOB etc) for five years. This MUST be deleted after five years.

                I know some companies who "use" personal data can make their data ananomous however I can't imagine you actually need any of the data.... if you don't need it, delete it.

                Do you actually have anyone's personal information stored anywhere? If so (and you need it for whatever reason), it has to be password protected on your machine...

                I'm more than happy to helpo with this OV - I imagine it is affecting plenty of people's jobs, and mine is no different. I'm workjing in recruitment so have access to thousands of peoples data and therefore have had some quite lengthy training over the last few months...


                • #9
                  Thank you all.

                  Ill have a look at what is on the Vbulletin admin side and PM Kev.

