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Punchestown Festival

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  • Punchestown Festival

    Morning all,

    We are looking at coming over for the festival in April after deciding to give Cheltenham a swerve for the first time in 25 years!!

    Can anyone offer any advice on where to stay and travel into the course as most places within the immediate vacinity are booked up or are charging stupid prices.
    For example do they run Buses/Coaches from Dublin or similar places where accommodation is more available?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Hi Wayward Lad,

    Somewhere like Citywest might be an option

    you should have no bother getting a taxi from there and room rates should compensate for extra expense.

    Also handy enough if you want to mix it up and head to Dublin rather than Naas for the night out.


    • #3
      It's been a few years (more than a few in fact) since I last went but we stayed in Dublin, got a train (to where I have no idea !) then a bus that runs to/from the racecourse.
      It's the sort of journey that wasn't an issue as a 20 something but now as a 40 something I'd probably go a different route as it can be busy/uncomfortable, if you have the budget get a cab from Dublin.
      Enjoy !


      • #4
        Sorry for being so late...we stayed in Blessington for a number of years - 10-15 minutes drive away. DM me if you need more information


        • #5
          Hi Bayofffreedom - any sign of yours coming back out ?

