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is racingpost accurate at predicting the ground going for races that take place in a

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  • is racingpost accurate at predicting the ground going for races that take place in a

    Or if not, to find out the predicted ground going for an antepost race what site do you recommend?

    eg racingpost says the ground will be good to firm on saturday at newmarket

  • #2
    That is the latest going from the course, which is on their websites + BHA website.

    They are not predicting the going- -predicting the going is difficult. Best to use the racecourse website, see what their weather forecasts suggest. Also try your own weather forecasts. I use, Metoffice, and sometimes the Apple weeather.

    None of these are 100% of course, so predicting the ground is difficult.


    • #3
      The RP as with all media outlets get going reports from the Clerk of the Course, of course in this day and age twitter and no doubt facebook are the places to be for and changes if weather alters the ground.
      Some Clerks are actually very helpful, their phone numbers are available and they will take a call on conditions though should you do this I suggest you claim to be representatives of owners or the media...


      • #4
        Thanks fellows, istabraq when you say call the clerk do you mean about the current conditions or about what they expect the going to be like for a particular days racing (E.g. Saturday)?

        I wonder if the clerk would be any better at predicting what the going would be like than just using a weather forecast as jack mentioned, maybe they'd have knowledge about the course that the forecast wouldn't take into account (E.g. How good the drainage of the track is which would affecthow quick/slow the course dries

        the weather forecast could say lots of rain the night before but if the course had effective drainage it could still turn out good/GS going i'd expect


        • #5
          The Clerk may provide details of what he expects from the weather and share any plans they may have for watering at this time of year, he’ll most likely confirm his target ground and confirm what he will be doing to achieve that ground.
          When rain is forecast it’s a guess up, they can’t stop the rain landing on the course...

