Many thanks to Exar Essay for calling the March bet and we now move onto April.
Plenty to consider with my home meeting Aintree just a few weeks away and maybe more importantly Punchestown running from 29th April to 3rd May. I’d be more inclined to suggest we identify selections ahead of Punchestown impacting prices but that can be part of the discussion.
It should be a decent month but first of all I’d appreciate an April volunteer to consider the suggestions and determine the final selections
Plenty to consider with my home meeting Aintree just a few weeks away and maybe more importantly Punchestown running from 29th April to 3rd May. I’d be more inclined to suggest we identify selections ahead of Punchestown impacting prices but that can be part of the discussion.
It should be a decent month but first of all I’d appreciate an April volunteer to consider the suggestions and determine the final selections
