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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Thanks and good luck to everyone, but....

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  • #16
    I would also add, to enjoy the festival but to also be mindful of how we conduct ourselves. Not everyone will be having a great week, not everyone has as healthy a relationship with gambler as you may do.

    In 2017 I was having a wretched festival, and it kinda felt so isolating as here and twitter were just full of people winning, made me feel like a clown. A couple of posters read between the lines and reached out to check I was alright and that was actually all I needed to realise it actually wasn't that bad.

    To quote my favourite band; All we've got to do is be brave and be kind


    • #17
      Originally posted by robith View Post
      I would also add, to enjoy the festival but to also be mindful of how we conduct ourselves. Not everyone will be having a great week, not everyone has as healthy a relationship with gambler as you may do.

      In 2017 I was having a wretched festival, and it kinda felt so isolating as here and twitter were just full of people winning, made me feel like a clown. A couple of posters read between the lines and reached out to check I was alright and that was actually all I needed to realise it actually wasn't that bad.

      To quote my favourite band; All we've got to do is be brave and be kind
      Very easy to lose control and start chasing your tail if you have a couple of bad first days. So yes you are right Rob. So my personal advice to any lurkers reading this is remember that Cheltenham is a marathon, not a sprint. I have had many a bad start and good finish or vice versa. Bet within your means, don't go mad and don't put yourself in financial strife. It is supposed to be fun so enjoy it


      • #18
        Hopefully everyone has a winner or two, and all jockeys and horses comeback injury free.

        Love the sport, still the best week of the year.

        Nap - Dinoblue.


        • #19
          Like a few others - won’t be there in person this year but wish all on here a successful week.

          Haven’t posted much myself but appreciate all the discussion and input from others across the season.

          Hopefully we see some monstrous performances on the track - a fuller wallet at the end of the week is just a bonus!


          • #20
            Oh and my NAP is Bambino Fever in the bumper


            • #21
              Originally posted by Yosser View Post

              Very easy to lose control and start chasing your tail if you have a couple of bad first days. So yes you are right Rob. So my personal advice to any lurkers reading this is remember that Cheltenham is a marathon, not a sprint. I have had many a bad start and good finish or vice versa. Bet within your means, don't go mad and don't put yourself in financial strife. It is supposed to be fun so enjoy it
              I bet for fun though that wasn’t always the case. My mindset is i treat betting the same as going out / meals etc. I set a weekly budget and class my bets as ‘lost’ once placed. If/ when I get a return I have a wife 3 kids and a grandchild who help spend any winnings and if it’s ‘free’ then that’s even better.

              Good luck everyone hope we all have a good week Win lose or draw


              • #22
                I set off first thing tomorrow for the 4 days and I must echo so many here in my appreciation for the real depth of dialogue over the last 12 months. I’m hoping most of the short priced bankers go in mainly because thanks to this forum I have most of them at amazing prices. There are a few gaps like always and I made a right mess of a couple of races going down the wrong road before it was too late to do a U Turn! But it’s a hobby and I’m looking forward to my first £8 pint!!!! See you on the other side everyone.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by robith View Post
                  twitter were just full of people winning, made me feel like a clown.
                  Always good to have another reminder that Twitter is an absolute cess pit where everyone only shows the winners to make it look like they are on top of the world.

                  And for people who haven't been here aslong we also have the "I'm struggling" thread which is a good place to let out any anxietys or struggles you may have, in reality this is an anonymous place for 99% of us and it's good to let it out. I remember doing so a few years back before I banned myself from places for a month and it was a weight off my shoulders for sure. Definitely made me feel more open/relaxed to doing it again which I have done.


                  • #24
                    Thanks to Kev and all the mods for keeping the show going
                    the vast knowledge of the people on here leaves me in a position going into the festival that I could never achieve on my own
                    I wish you all a great festival
                    it's nice to make a profit but for me it's more about watching great horses perform at their best in what is the greatest showcase of this great sport
                    I won't be attending this year but good look to all you Fat Jockeys meeting up and come on the Niaad


                    • #25
                      Thanks all. i hope you all have a fantastic festival, the knowledge on here is phenomenal. Thanks to all the mods for the effort they put in. Hopefully i'll be able to sneak away this year and watch 'The Naiad' this tear with those of you that are attending


                      • #26
                        It's my first festival on Fat Jockey and really looking forward to taking part.
                        Best of luck to everyone and hopefully we reflect on the festival as a huge success


                        • #27
                          Good luck everyone for the week ahead. Thanks to everyone for their contribution and a huge thanks to Kev and all the Mods for everything they do.
                          Nap for the week is stay focused


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by robith View Post
                            I would also add, to enjoy the festival but to also be mindful of how we conduct ourselves. Not everyone will be having a great week, not everyone has as healthy a relationship with gambler as you may do.

                            In 2017 I was having a wretched festival, and it kinda felt so isolating as here and twitter were just full of people winning, made me feel like a clown. A couple of posters read between the lines and reached out to check I was alright and that was actually all I needed to realise it actually wasn't that bad.

                            To quote my favourite band; All we've got to do is be brave and be kind
                            I echo this

                            It's easy to say when the fun stops stop

                            But from my personal experience that's a lot easier to say than do and I paid some extremely expensive lessons in my younger days

                            ​I now consider them expensive life lessons. Like paying university tuition fees.

                            There's no shame in pulling stumps if you've lost your betting bank i certainly wish i had back then

                            Dont chase if youre having a bad week, sometimes just putting down the shovel and not digging a deeper hole is a win in itself.

                            Good luck to everyone, hope we all have a good week


                            • #29
                              Best of Luck everyone , Let's Enjoy This .... Heading off to Sunny Hampshire Soon ... .


                              • #30
                                Just wanted to drop in and wish eveyone here the best of luck to everyone here for the week. Always think about you guys here whenever I do catch the racing, even though I haven't the time/accounts to bet anymore.

                                I've caught the NAIAD video, so have had a go on that and will be cheering him home with you all!

                                If I ever manage to get some accounts again, I may try investing the time once more, but will pop in to say good luck all the same

