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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Help! - Future of the Fat Jockey Forum

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  • #31
    Originally posted by chunker86 View Post

    Have you considered Crowdfunding to allow people to make a 1 off donation around the Festival, especially if they have had a decent week.

    If you know the annual running costs, plus a contingency then set this as your target and see what you can get.

    There are a large amount of contributors on here who I'm sure would chip in a couple of points towards the forum if they are up for the week!
    I hadn't thought of using that no, but a good idea

    There is the option to just make a one off payment which people have done in the past though .... just below the patron bit

    I know some people have had issues with that though, especially some of our Irish based bods


    • #32
      My plan was to do a bit of both. I patroned from April to January then stopped with the intention of a lump sum after the festival Friday.


      • #33
        Perhaps a reminder to all how to donate. It worked for me in the past, but probably more through luck


        • #34
          PayPal link would probably be the handiest,from an Irish point of view


          • #35
            Hello all

            Managed to set up crowdfunder which is probably easier than what we've done before

            If anyone would like to contribute towards upgrading the 'hosting CPU' (which will make everything faster) then please do

            I will post something a bit more generic as well just for people wishing to make a donation as that bit as a one-off isn't something that's always been smooth


            • #36
              Amazing response so far

              Can't concentrate on Matt Chapman waffling on for checking the page


              • #37
                On Yossers recent post about 65k people being online, is it worth some form of human verification aspect as surely a decent number of them are bots? Would be annoying to not be able to leave myself logged in on my phone, but it's a small price to pay all things considered!


                • #38
                  The fez is being very very kind to me so far this week, so whilst I'm up, I've just donated
                  Thanks Kev, the mods and everyone that contributes towards to this site and community


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by opatcho View Post
                    The fez is being very very kind to me so far this week, so whilst I'm up, I've just donated
                    Thanks Kev, the mods and everyone that contributes towards to this site and community
                    Amazing, thank you very much


                    • #40
                      Threw in a few quid there kev


                      • #41
                        Hi Kevloaf just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work and that I've sent some money over, been an in and out lurker for a couple of years but want to get more involved for this coming year after a successful festival, largely thanks to all the great insight on here!


                        • #42
                          just like to say keep up the good work,lots of great info on here,posted a few pounds over before Cheltenham.
                          I was confident that the knowledge on here would make for great week and I wasn’t disappointed.
                          looking forward to aintree, go for the upgrade whenever suits

