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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Fat Jockey Patrons

HELP US - Become a Patron - Fat Jockey is a horse racing community focused on all the big races in the UK and Ireland. We don't charge users but if you have found the site useful then any support towards the running costs is appreciated ... a small donation each month would be a huge contribution.
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Help! - Future of the Fat Jockey Forum

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  • Help! - Future of the Fat Jockey Forum

    Hello Fat Jockeys

    I want to make some positive changes to the forum and the experience overall and see us 'kick on up the hill'.... whether that is grinding like Don Poli or with untouchable grace like Constitution Hill, time will tell...

    To address a few things...
    • Speed of the site - 'slowness' loading pages has been impacting me for a while personally and now I'm seeing comments about that filtering through too so it's not jsut me - I'm having that looked in to. If anyone would have an idea of why this would be, let me know (private message for my number). We do have posts going back to 2013 which popped in to my head but it's a complete guess - and as I said, it's being looked at
    • The 'pop up' for is doing my absolute head in .... for the time being I'm always going to which works so please update your browsers and bookmarks to that for now ... I've tried to sort myself but don't really have the knowledge yet
    • Which brings me to my another call for help ... does anyone have vbulletin experience that would be willing to either chip in, or train me with it?
    • Accounts - Does anyone do this for small (and we are very small) companies that'd be willing to do, or train me, to do? This isn't urgent as next time I need to do them will be November 2025 but any help appreciated. XERO?
    • We may need to pay for the latest vbulletin upgrade - I don't know how much this is, and I'll do some grovelling for patreons (even £1 a month is an amazing help) and for one-off donations closer to the actual festival ... but just have that in the back of your minds
    • Digital Marketing? - Online advertising / sponsership - anyone who would know what price I should be charging for advertising space, that'd be hugely useful - also if anyone would want to advertise themselves like I did for Scooby can be considered ...
    • Merchandise - I know I've briefly flirted with this is the past - I imagine Hacked Up wouldn't be that hard to get in touch with to get some FJ bits made - but open to suggestions on what people may like?

    I'll give a proper update at the right time with some future behind the scenes changes too ..... just crossing some t's and dotting some i's (who talks like this?!)

    However but some news I can share that I'm sure you'll all want to congratulate (or emapthise with) is Eggs who has as we know is tirelessly working on here highlighting things for us, who has been added to the 'Mod' team

    I will probably be looking to have a bit more structure, and even some training for us all so we actually know what we're doing ... but anyone who would be interested in being involved in any way, do not hestitate to message me ... and any ideas in general, post them or send me a message

    With thanks as always to the people who have been patreons, literally keeping the place going ...

    and the fantastic mod team of Istabraq ComplyOrDie Faugheen_Machine

    Not long until the best week of the year, so thanks to all who continue to make this place what it is, and lets keep chatting about horses running around fields I love you all, in a way

    Last edited by Kevloaf; 21 February 2025, 07:51 PM.

  • #2
    A thought. Is there some way you can highlight the people who do subscribe, the Patreons, so everyone can see who contributes. I think this may encourage people to contribute. We all love the site and depend on the data and knowledge so I think highlighting the Patreons is a way to help. Just a thought.


    • #3
      We will never talk about horses in a place like this again. This is brilliant. Fact. And we'll never have another site owner like Kevloaf , someone who's basically a chilled out entertainer


      • #4
        I’ll do anything! Love this circle


        • #5
          Congratulations Eggs - thoroughly well deserved


          • #6
            Originally posted by BuckingThe Trend View Post
            A thought. Is there some way you can highlight the people who do subscribe, the Patreons, so everyone can see who contributes. I think this may encourage people to contribute. We all love the site and depend on the data and knowledge so I think highlighting the Patreons is a way to help. Just a thought.
            At the moment they have the Patron 'tag' in their bit beneath their name.... have to admit it may very well be missing a few, and have a few that cancelled still showing though as it's hard to keep on top of

            I agree though, I would like to have their names in lights .... vbulletin experienced guys may be able to help!


            • #7
              Originally posted by That Horse View Post
              We will never talk about horses in a place like this again. This is brilliant. Fact. And we'll never have another site owner like Kevloaf , someone who's basically a chilled out entertainer
              For anyone that does come forward to work for me ... know this:

              I don't give shitty jobs

              If a good man comes to me and says ‘Thank you, Kevloaf, for the opportunity and continued support in the work-related arena but I’ve done that, I wanna better myself, I want to move on,’ then I can make that dream come true too, a.k.a, for you


              • #8
                I'll happily contribute some money if needed. This site has been a god send to my horse racing learning curve.


                • #9
                  You guys do a great job happy to contribute more for other people to do the work frankly I am not equipped to do


                  • #10
                    This isn't particularly helpful but I log on to this site on my phone for hours a day and I've never once noticed it being slow.


                    • #11
                      I'm a very occasional poster but a constant lurker on here, and make a small financial contribution each month (I wish it could be more). All I can can say is that I get way more useful opinions and information from the discussions amongst genuine enthusiasts on here than I'd ever get from any tipsters or bookie-enslaved pundits, and would encourage anyone else in a similar position to contribute whatever they can to keep this amazing forum going.


                      • #12
                        All of this is way over my head unfortunately, with the exception of a payment which i'll make immediately after the festival.

                        Hopefully someone on here has the knowledge to help


                        • #13
                          Sorry I think I offered help on the marketing thing before - I work for a media planning and buying company. Generally since COVID digital display rates are through the floor but I think there's a legit claim about a hard to reach audience here worth a premium, plus you get more for direct buys Vs going on networks


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by robith View Post
                            Sorry I think I offered help on the marketing thing before - I work for a media planning and buying company. Generally since COVID digital display rates are through the floor but I think there's a legit claim about a hard to reach audience here worth a premium, plus you get more for direct buys Vs going on networks
                            Sounds like there's a conversation to be had Kevloaf ...


                            • #15
                              Been a while since I donated actually. Will get back onto it. Or see if the patron thing is easier than it looked last time

