Originally posted by Runragged
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For me, EID is the type that's going to have to take it from the front, make it a test and outstay them. They do win the Triumph sometimes and he's not without his merits - he's definitely the right 2nd favourite at this moment and I'm sure some think he should be favourite.
But sometimes you get those French bred horses who jump well, sit in behind the pace and when you ask them to lengthen, they just make those British and Irish flat horses turned hurdlers look one paced. Unfortunately for EID, we've got at least one of those looking likely to turn up this year.
Lulamba's also already won over 2m2 at Auteuil - he'll do the 2m1 at Cheltenham no problem. EID might just set it up for him.
I might be wrong but I've not been tempted by EID at higher prices and I'm not tempted now. If Lulamba doesn't make it, then I'll be waiting until the day and I still don't think I'd be tempted by EID at what would likely be a short price.