Originally posted by Yosser
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It's worth pointing out this was the first time Il Est Francais had gone beyond 2m6f on very soft (basically our heavy) ground. Obviously he went 3m on 'Good' at Kempton but we all know Kempton is an 'easy' 3m compared with most courses.
Depending on how serious it is, they can come back from it though.
If he does come back I hope they knock these excessive trips on the head with him. I'm not convinced it's what he wants, never have been. His racing style that we saw a Kempton would never in a million years make you believe he wanted 3m 3 1/2f on what was essentially our heavy ground.
If he does make it back and they think he's in good health, he's now a hell of a price still, based on last seasons performance over here.