Originally posted by Carnage at Taunton
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Does he defend his horses with perhaps more conviction than they deserve or warrant. Probably yes. But he is not alone in being very defensive of his horses. Many on here are similarly dogmatic. The difference often is that his horses are less popular, less, how should I put it….mainstream and my sense is this makes him double down even more and at times things then can get a little edgy. I am not defending that approach, merely trying to understand it.
Anybody that is a regular on here would recognise the pattern by now I’d like to think. We’ve all seen it often enough now. Perhaps we could all help stop the pattern. One thing I know is Einstein probably got it right when he talked about the definition of insanity being continuing to do things the same way and somehow expecting a different outcome. I hope Aaron continues to bring these alternative cases to our attention but it wouldn’t surprise me if he found it a little difficult at some point and stopped bothering. I for one would be disappointed if that happened.
Anyhow that’s just my two penneth worth. Likely someone will tell me to chill out now so I think I’ll take that advice in anticipation
