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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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2025 Novice Hurdlers

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  • Kopek the likely winner of the supreme, but I'm going to throw a dart om Karniquet (50 Win , 7.8's to Place on BEX, and better without)​ ​
    I put this horse into the tracker before his Graded hurdle against Romeo Coolio, however his chances where over after a bad mistake - Patrick was on his that day, and it was the same Christmas period where we witness Kopek dodgy hurdling.

    Karniquet was then seen at the DRF, against Kopek. Just watched the race back and didnt notice how slow / far back he was at the start. Had to work his way through the pack on the outside, was all too much for him to make up. Again, Patrick on him that day

    I see that they have put a hood on him, and more importantly, Danny Mullins rides him.

    I think at the prices, I think he could sneak 3rd or 4th here, I prefer Danny over Patrick and willing to have a outsider on side just in case Kopek doesnt something stupid​


    • Originally posted by Zachx02 View Post

      I don't doubt she's a big race jockey but she's seriously regressed over the last 12 months
      She's been out long term injured and her main supplier of winners has dried up. Put her on the same horses as PT and you'd get similar results imo. She's top class.


      • Originally posted by luisgarciaisgod View Post

        the drop off from Townend to Rachel is absolutely massive
        Utter rubbish........imo.


        • Originally posted by luisgarciaisgod View Post

          the drop off from Townend to Rachel is absolutely massive
          This is rare, but I agree with Lobos

          It isn't a massive drop off at all - they're in the same ball park in terms of ability

          If Rachel was Willie's stable jockey, and Paul went to Henry, do you think it'd massively affect their overall winners?

          I think Paul's a little bit better myself, but only a little bit, not enough to affect my opinion on any given horse

          I don't think Paul does anything to make horses over achieve a lot... he just rides the best horses, most often, consistently well - others could do, and it's not a slight on him at all


          Does anyone think we do have any exceptional jockeys at the moment?


          • Originally posted by Lobos View Post

            Why???? She's a super big race jockey without a doubt. Just hasn't had the right ammo yet this season. I'd have no worries at all her being on mine.
            She was, not so sure she still is though.
            Mind you, she’s still a lot better than PM


            • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post

              This is rare, but I agree with Lobos

              It isn't a massive drop off at all - they're in the same ball park in terms of ability

              If Rachel was Willie's stable jockey, and Paul went to Henry, do you think it'd massively affect their overall winners?

              I think Paul's a little bit better myself, but only a little bit, not enough to affect my opinion on any given horse

              I don't think Paul does anything to make horses over achieve a lot... he just rides the best horses, most often, consistently well - others could do, and it's not a slight on him at all


              Does anyone think we do have any exceptional jockeys at the moment?
              A few years ago they'd be comparable but i don't think so any more. Townend has got better while Rachel has lost it somewhat (imo)

              When was the last ride from Rachel Blackmore that you came away and thought was brilliant? Slade Steel in the Supreme last year is the last one that comes to mind but I can think of plenty since that I've felt since that she's given a poor ride to

              Look at Townend's ride on Banbridge in the KG or even Paggane a few weeks ago at Clonmel, absolutely masterful. i don't think RB has the ability to give horses those kinds of rides any more


              • Rachel hasn't lost it

                Henry just doesn't have many good horses at the moment

                I would caveat that by saying she was never as good as Paul, cobden or Jack to begin with but that's no slight on her as nobody is


                • The exciting news that kiss will and Lecky watson both declared. To only realise who's going to be riding



                  • Originally posted by Silverbirch View Post
                    The exciting news that kiss will and Lecky watson both declared. To only realise who's going to be riding

                    Why do bad things happen to good people.

