Originally posted by riccirich
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We only have to go back to this weekend to see them double entered at the DRF ... they ran two against each other in the Supreme (6/1 Shishkin and 9/4 Asterion Forlonge) - they had The Big Getaway for the 'Turners' so feasibly could have pushed him up and had 1 in each race?
Point being, decisions are made to run the horses in the right race for each horse...and with only 1 entry for Salvator Mundi, I think it's pretty clear that's where he's going, regardless of other stables horses, the stable jockeys choice or anything else (if he's fit and well)
For Willie, who does bulk enter, it'd be highly unusual, and to be honest at the likely price he'd be, I don't think he'd be a strong fancy anyway up in trip based off his last run on the track
It does set up the 'Danny Donnolly Double' ..... will be pick up the ride on Salvator Mundi and Dancing City?
