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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Weather Watch 2025

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  • Originally posted by Istabraq View Post

    That's great news, because it's natural soft, it's when they have to irrigate it gets messy.
    If anyone has ever seen the antiquated method and equipment they have for watering you'll know why we need mother nature to determine the going, I've seen water from that hosepipe getting blown by the wind so only a fraction of the area gets it, it wouldn't be impossible for the variance in going across the track at various points to be soft and good to firm...
    Amazed to hear that Ista - so you have some horses costing half a million quid (one a million quid) running in THE premier National Hunt festival and the going on certain parts of the track is determined by which way the wind was blowing when they had the bowsers on


    • Originally posted by Wayward Lad View Post

      Amazed to hear that Ista - so you have some horses costing half a million quid (one a million quid) running in THE premier National Hunt festival and the going on certain parts of the track is determined by which way the wind was blowing when they had the bowsers on
      Seriously, have a look at some images of what they’re using, it’s archaic….


      • Originally posted by Istabraq View Post

        That's great news, because it's natural soft, it's when they have to irrigate it gets messy.
        If anyone has ever seen the antiquated method and equipment they have for watering you'll know why we need mother nature to determine the going, I've seen water from that hosepipe getting blown by the wind so only a fraction of the area gets it, it wouldn't be impossible for the variance in going across the track at various points to be soft and good to firm...
        With the way Cheltenham dries and the current forecast, it could be good ground come the weekend. Could be some interesting results if 'official' going is g/s but it's really genuinely good.


        • Cheltenham's Clerk of the Course Jon Pullin is happy with conditions ahead of this year's Festival with the ground currently soft.


          • Originally posted by Istabraq View Post

            Seriously, have a look at some images of what they’re using, it’s archaic….
            They use a spray from one side of the track to the other which can be heavily affected by the wind (and its always windy here!). However, they also have motorised gantrys that span across the course and spray downwards that are much less affected by wind. These inch very slowly along the track automatically - they are quite smart to be honest - and give a much more even watering.

            As I said earlier there has been little need for watering this year - there was some needed in the autumn but its been pretty wet since the turn of the year.

            After 2 dry days we have had a wet morning - not really heavy rain that we often get but a constant drizzle (and its still going) which will keep the going at soft for a little while yet. There is however no rain forecast for the next week so by this time next week I could see it tending towards good to soft if the forecast is true. It will then all depend on what we get in the 5 days leading up to the Festival but with the high water table it will not take too much to turn it back to soft. Forecast is hugely changeable here so will keep updating, especially if any rain comes.


            • Originally posted by Prestbury View Post

              They use a spray from one side of the track to the other which can be heavily affected by the wind (and its always windy here!). However, they also have motorised gantrys that span across the course and spray downwards that are much less affected by wind. These inch very slowly along the track automatically - they are quite smart to be honest - and give a much more even watering.

              As I said earlier there has been little need for watering this year - there was some needed in the autumn but its been pretty wet since the turn of the year.

              After 2 dry days we have had a wet morning - not really heavy rain that we often get but a constant drizzle (and its still going) which will keep the going at soft for a little while yet. There is however no rain forecast for the next week so by this time next week I could see it tending towards good to soft if the forecast is true. It will then all depend on what we get in the 5 days leading up to the Festival but with the high water table it will not take too much to turn it back to soft. Forecast is hugely changeable here so will keep updating, especially if any rain comes.
              Thanks, mate. Enjoying these updates from you. Much appreciated.


              • Just got back from another lap of the course. We had a small bit of rain last night but I have to say that it has dried up quite a bit from Monday - I was quite surprised. It is bright and sunny today, with a fair wind (as usual). More concerning is the fact that the ten day forecast shows no rain at all - mix of sun and cloud but mid range temperatures of around 10C.

                Whether the Clerk of the Course will need to put water on I'm not sure (I am able to see if he does) but if the forecast is correct then I think anything that needs genuinely soft ground is not going to get their conditions. This will certainly lead to some connections at least looking at possible late switches from shorter to longer races (e.g. BDA to Mares, July Flower to Stayers, Final Demand and/or The Yellow Clay to AB, Jango Baie to Browns) and some connections potentially pulling runners (I'd have a concern as to whether Willie would run the bumper fav on spring ground given he has other candidates (I have traded out of my position on him for now at 5.6 on Bex but will go back in if the forecast looks more favourable) and also whether Gordon would run all 3 of his in the Browns given they prefer soft ground).

                The climate here is very localised and the forecasts are often inaccurate so will keep updating if anything changes.


                • Originally posted by Prestbury View Post
                  Just got back from another lap of the course. We had a small bit of rain last night but I have to say that it has dried up quite a bit from Monday - I was quite surprised. It is bright and sunny today, with a fair wind (as usual). More concerning is the fact that the ten day forecast shows no rain at all - mix of sun and cloud but mid range temperatures of around 10C.

                  Whether the Clerk of the Course will need to put water on I'm not sure (I am able to see if he does) but if the forecast is correct then I think anything that needs genuinely soft ground is not going to get their conditions. This will certainly lead to some connections at least looking at possible late switches from shorter to longer races (e.g. BDA to Mares, July Flower to Stayers, Final Demand and/or The Yellow Clay to AB, Jango Baie to Browns) and some connections potentially pulling runners (I'd have a concern as to whether Willie would run the bumper fav on spring ground given he has other candidates (I have traded out of my position on him for now at 5.6 on Bex but will go back in if the forecast looks more favourable) and also whether Gordon would run all 3 of his in the Browns given they prefer soft ground).

                  The climate here is very localised and the forecasts are often inaccurate so will keep updating if anything changes.
                  That forecast is a worry, no rain for 9 days will pretty much guarantee them wheeling out the hosepipes, exactly what no-one wanted.
                  Interesting point about the late switches....


                  • Thanks Prestbury glad you can keep us well informed. The days are flying in now, excitement building and really looking firward to this years festival.


                    • Prestbury ...... we need a profile picture for you....

                      Fred the weather man?

                      Literally just googled and seen he's in jail ..... not him then!


                      • For any interested, I also find this page quite useful sometimes:

                        I'm no expert, but the parts I look at are rain versus evapotranspiration. Currently 23mm vs 3.95mm over the last 7 days (i.e. ground getting softer), but 0.2 vs 0.73mm over the last 24 hours (i.e., ground getting better, as per Prestbury comments). I'm interested to see how that progresses over the next 10 days as an objective addition to Prestbury's brilliant insight.


                        • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
                          Prestbury ...... we need a profile picture for you....

                          Fred the weather man?

                          Literally just googled and seen he's in jail ..... not him then!
                          Fingered Ian Browns Bum hole.
                          Which should be commended these days with all the shit he comes out with.


                          • Originally posted by Quevega View Post

                            Fingered Ian Browns Bum hole.
                            Which should be commended these days with all the shit he comes out with.
                            Bought music of the spheres and the optimist by Turin Brakes I think on the same day. Was going through a bit of a maudlin phase at the time. Took a while to shift but turned the corner after cranking out Core by Stone Temple Pilots at full volume. The guy above me kept playing Coldplay on his piano …sorted him out too.


                            • Thanks for the updates Prestbury.


                              • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
                                Prestbury ...... we need a profile picture for you....

                                Fred the weather man?

                                Literally just googled and seen he's in jail ..... not him then!
                                Michael (Monk)fish?
                                John (Putthekettleon)ly?

