Great to see him back. Just hope he gets to the Ryanair fit and ready and pummels everything into the ground again. What a wonderful sight that would be again. Fabulous horse in his pump.
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2024 Ryanair Chase
Originally posted by Outlaw View PostSemi interesting comparisons today vs Mares, Allaho has basically gone within 4L circuit on circuit, The Mares have gone 40L quicker final circuit vs their first. The mares were circa 12L off Allaho on first circuit so whilst going a bit slower first up they had a proper race jumping the last up the back(3 out) on second circuit and did the second circuit 32L quicker, whilst Allaho had no real pressure, set a consistent tempo and Janadil for whatever reason has not run like he can do fresh, he's bossed a pretty soft race for all it's good to see him back and well.
Originally posted by FinalFurlong91 View PostAllegorie de vasy took part in a race
Allaho had a nice jog round, essentially a racecourse gallop
I wouldn't be reading anything into times at all
- Likes 1
Originally posted by Benjy23 View PostEach to their own like. I choose to use all information available personally.
And to my eye Allaho put a hell of a lot into that performance. Not having him out for a jog
Stage star
Saint roi?
blue lord?
Appreciate it?
Sir gerhard?
Would Willie run so many also rans if allaho gets there?
Originally posted by Istabraq View PostUnibet have pushed out Envoi Allen to 25/1 for this.
Now available at the same price as Impervious, who won’t run….
Originally posted by FinalFurlong91 View Post
What's actually gonna run?
Stage star
Saint roi?
blue lord?
Appreciate it?
Sir gerhard?
Would Willie run so many also rans if allaho gets there?
Was also impressed with ADV in general. But for the Mares not here.
I've backed Saint Roi so I hope he runs.
Sir Gerhard should go back hurdling. Most of the rest must be likely runners though. Bronn and Saint Sam other Mullins horses that I think want this trip but don't seem to be on the radar for this week.
Mullins has so many top class chasers now he can't not run a bunch in these races. He could be properly mob handed here. He has mentioned Blue Lord for the Champion Chase though actually. He's not good enough for either imo but I guess he'd have less numbers in the CC at the moment, and a clear best.
Appreciate It is another that I'd have thought may be worth a look to go back to hurdles and try the Stayers. But Willie doesn't seem interested in that route.
Originally posted by FinalFurlong91 View Post
Maths is maths but I'm sure you'll allow buckingthetrend some hyperbole
You now what he was getting atYeah I know what he was getting at
I also know what companies are getting at when they advertise saying "buy one get one free"
It isn't free
Originally posted by BuckingThe Trend View Post
Fair cop. Kevloaf you are mathematically correct. For 75% read "he just needs to be fit and won't need to be at his brilliant 2021/2022 best to win this years Ryanair". He'll be 10 in March so won't be as good as his previous wins but if he is fit he should win this in a canter. For the record that's hyperbole Kevloaf. He won't actually win if he canters.
Apologies if my hyperbolic statement caused you hours of stress.
Anyways. Good luck to Allaho and the team today. Would be great to see him back on the track and hopefully winning "in a canter".- it's good to pull people up on generic cliches or hyperbole
Hyperbole adds to a story....... lets hope stories pay out in March ....