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Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

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I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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***DOING A NAIAD 2023*** Live Podcast Wednesday 22nd February

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  • Jack Whitehall tipping it up, it's meant to be lads


    • That was pretty desperate, Moore was working away on him almost from the word go.


      • Originally posted by Atlantic Viking View Post
        That was pretty desperate, Moore was working away on him almost from the word go.
        Yea had no chance from early on, unexposed over the trip and it showed it


        • Originally posted by Atlantic Viking View Post
          That was pretty desperate, Moore was working away on him almost from the word go.
          Yep, not good at all
          oh well


          • On the bright side, at least Happygolucky didn't win

            Was great enjoyment following the Naiad and even better meeting some of the members earlier. Great to put faces to horses names


            • Spectre....ok it didn't go to plan this time but so gave us a heap of fun along the way Paul and it's incredibly brave and extremely generous of you to not only put in all the hard yards to dig out a hidden gem then take the weight of the entire forum on your shoulders.

              That is indeed the hallmark of a serial winner - so it's hats off to Spectre and fingers crossed we see you unveil another Naiad next year.


              • Great case put up by Spectre, just didn’t come of this time, watched race back and Nasalem had one juddering blunder at a fence, and think that really put him on the back foot. Not to worry, the Naid is now part of my Cheltenham and look forward to next years.
                Last edited by Magpie; 15 March 2023, 12:53 AM.


                • It's part of my build up now. And great to have one bet where we're all on. Yesterday will only make next years even better. Fair play Spectre hopefully see you later.


                  • I second these sentiments, he clattered one early on and didn’t travel from that point on, that’s the way racing goes.

                    Spectre - good fun though and same again next year!


                    • Sorry for the slow response guys. I'm just coming out of my post-Festival slumber.

                      We were pretty much cooked when he made a juddering mistake at the 4th. He landed on all four legs stiff legged, and I wouldn't be surprised if he jarred himself up. He wasn't really travelling from that point onwards. He was being hard driven to keep his place, and jumped stuffily. Previously his jumping had been a real asset to him, so we were unfortunate that we got him on a bad day.

                      Corach Rambler on the other hand was switched off nicely on the inside rail, and ran smoothly into contention before winning very well. It'll be brave of them to deploy the same tactics in a Grand National though. Being held up in that inside channel means he's going to need a lot of luck. If he gets it though he clearly has the ability and mark to win it.

                      We'll be back next year, and the 2024 'Naiad' will those bookies a good old stuffing!!!
                      Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


                      • Originally posted by Spectre View Post
                        Sorry for the slow response guys. I'm just coming out of my post-Festival slumber.

                        We were pretty much cooked when he made a juddering mistake at the 4th. He landed on all four legs stiff legged, and I wouldn't be surprised if he jarred himself up. He wasn't really travelling from that point onwards. He was being hard driven to keep his place, and jumped stuffily. Previously his jumping had been a real asset to him, so we were unfortunate that we got him on a bad day.

                        Corach Rambler on the other hand was switched off nicely on the inside rail, and ran smoothly into contention before winning very well. It'll be brave of them to deploy the same tactics in a Grand National though. Being held up in that inside channel means he's going to need a lot of luck. If he gets it though he clearly has the ability and mark to win it.

                        We'll be back next year, and the 2024 'Naiad' will those bookies a good old stuffing!!!

                        ….we all know the perils of racing & I imagine most of us were on Faivoir at fancy odds regardless of where he turned up. That turned out very nicely.

                        Looking ahead to Aintree, do you know if the Foxhunters was always the preference for Not That Fuisse?
                        Last edited by Eggs; 23 March 2023, 01:45 PM.


                        • He was planned to go to Cheltenham originally Eggs, but they had a rethink with the trip at Aintree being shorter and the ground likely to be better there the way the weather played out.
                          Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


                          • Hows the sniffing out of this years Naiad Paul?


                            • Probably on or shortly after Festival Handicap Entries on Tuesday 20th February

                              Handicap Weights are Weds 28th February
                              "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


                              • Are we potentially missing a trick with a community this size to have a chance at a huge payout every week?

                                Not to derail this thread from its purpose, but how about a weekly Naiad-type bet on this forum? Not exactly the same as spectres but similar. Somebody on here puts forward one horse a week that they think has a good outside chance around the 33/1+ mark, in a smallish race where it wouldn't take much money to move the market. The whole forum piles in and smashes it into the 10/1 mark for example, or even lower, and then lay it off for a free bet at a potentially huge payout every week.

                                It just occured to me when I see the huge price cuts on the Naiad horse every year that something similar could be done on here every week by someone we'd all agree on being the one to choose the horse. If the forum can move Cheltenham markets then it can certainly move the market in the 6:00 at Kempton pretty drastically, and have a weekly chance at a big win with little risk. Just an idea, there could be reasons I haven't really considered as to why it might be a bad one.

