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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Cheltenham Exchange YouTube Video Links

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  • #31
    Originally posted by darlojim View Post

    Getting someone like Bromley on to discuss this seasons recruits and proven horses would be informative.

    Don't be afraid to get involved with the forum discussions and threads also, plenty to get stuck in to in here
    And ask him if impaire et passe is going champion hurdle, then talk him into going turners, if so !


    • #32
      Originally posted by Raynerz View Post
      Afternoon Everyone! Been a bit quiet for us lads on the Cheltenham Exchange channel, but the good news is that we are working behind the scenes to organise the content ready for the coming jumps season.

      Any recommendations or improvements we could do, to help develop the channel?

      Who should we approach for interviews or discussions? Anyone have any links that could help us
      This is a total personal antidote from what I assume is a target market for you guys. (Male mid 20s) Some may or may not agree so take it for what you will. Personal bug bearer for me last year with all Cheltenham podcasts was they were largely all the same. You watch one you’ve seen them all.. as many just regurgitate the same info. Try find an angle that offers something different. It’s difficult to sit through a large segment of content when it’s just a video of group of punters faces in their home charting away about constitution hill for 40 mins when it’s all been said and done before. When assessing an angle or a horse start including racing clips and visual segments to back it up the opinion, get frivy with tech and the data available, mapping pedigree genetics, looking at speed times etc. A picture speaks a 1000 words.. go get out in the field, go visit yards make your content there in person interviewing the trainers, owners, work riders anyone you can get your hands on. Again another personal antidote for me, content should be short and sweet. Not everyone can dedicate an hour or couple of hours to listen to a forum of punters chat away, short straight to the fact content may pull in some those you don’t reach at the minute. The Let’s Talk Racing lads definitely have stepped it up a gear and changed their strategy with the interviews they are carrying out (they did some yard visits last year too we’re great) and I suspect their numbers reflect well on the change. Thats just my two cents coming from someone on the younger audience side of racing, I’m 100% sure there is plenty of others on FJ they do enjoy the general chit chat plain and simple content, each to their own in my opinion, Good content for me personally I want info that’s of value, first hand accounts from those that matter. If the content doesn't add any value to what I get from FJ or other sources I probably will give it a skip to save me time.

      Best of luck this year hope it goes well and certainly will tune in for the first episode


      • #33
        Morning Everyone

        The channel is back! and our first video of the season is now live on our youtube channel! We give our hurdlers to follow for the season

        As always, we welcome your comments on here and on the youtube channel. Give us a like if you enjoyed it


        • #34
          Originally posted by HesTheOne View Post

          This is a total personal antidote from what I assume is a target market for you guys. (Male mid 20s) Some may or may not agree so take it for what you will. Personal bug bearer for me last year with all Cheltenham podcasts was they were largely all the same. You watch one you’ve seen them all.. as many just regurgitate the same info. Try find an angle that offers something different. It’s difficult to sit through a large segment of content when it’s just a video of group of punters faces in their home charting away about constitution hill for 40 mins when it’s all been said and done before. When assessing an angle or a horse start including racing clips and visual segments to back it up the opinion, get frivy with tech and the data available, mapping pedigree genetics, looking at speed times etc. A picture speaks a 1000 words.. go get out in the field, go visit yards make your content there in person interviewing the trainers, owners, work riders anyone you can get your hands on. Again another personal antidote for me, content should be short and sweet. Not everyone can dedicate an hour or couple of hours to listen to a forum of punters chat away, short straight to the fact content may pull in some those you don’t reach at the minute. The Let’s Talk Racing lads definitely have stepped it up a gear and changed their strategy with the interviews they are carrying out (they did some yard visits last year too we’re great) and I suspect their numbers reflect well on the change. Thats just my two cents coming from someone on the younger audience side of racing, I’m 100% sure there is plenty of others on FJ they do enjoy the general chit chat plain and simple content, each to their own in my opinion, Good content for me personally I want info that’s of value, first hand accounts from those that matter. If the content doesn't add any value to what I get from FJ or other sources I probably will give it a skip to save me time.

          Best of luck this year hope it goes well and certainly will tune in for the first episode
          Thank you for your feedback


          • #35
            Good to see you're up and running again Ian. I'll give it a watch later
            Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Raynerz View Post
              Morning Everyone

              The channel is back! and our first video of the season is now live on our youtube channel! We give our hurdlers to follow for the season

              As always, we welcome your comments on here and on the youtube channel. Give us a like if you enjoyed it

              Just watched , Good stuff , Well done cheltex . Look forward to the chasers later this week . .


              • #37
                Laughed way too loud at the bants around removing all the hurdles due to a low sun so that mare could romp home despite not being able to jump! Great video. Cheers.
                Last edited by callhimgamblor; 19 September 2023, 12:55 PM.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by HesTheOne View Post

                  This is a total personal antidote from what I assume is a target market for you guys. (Male mid 20s) Some may or may not agree so take it for what you will. Personal bug bearer for me last year with all Cheltenham podcasts was they were largely all the same. You watch one you’ve seen them all.. as many just regurgitate the same info. Try find an angle that offers something different. It’s difficult to sit through a large segment of content when it’s just a video of group of punters faces in their home charting away about constitution hill for 40 mins when it’s all been said and done before. When assessing an angle or a horse start including racing clips and visual segments to back it up the opinion, get frivy with tech and the data available, mapping pedigree genetics, looking at speed times etc. A picture speaks a 1000 words.. go get out in the field, go visit yards make your content there in person interviewing the trainers, owners, work riders anyone you can get your hands on. Again another personal antidote for me, content should be short and sweet. Not everyone can dedicate an hour or couple of hours to listen to a forum of punters chat away, short straight to the fact content may pull in some those you don’t reach at the minute. The Let’s Talk Racing lads definitely have stepped it up a gear and changed their strategy with the interviews they are carrying out (they did some yard visits last year too we’re great) and I suspect their numbers reflect well on the change. Thats just my two cents coming from someone on the younger audience side of racing, I’m 100% sure there is plenty of others on FJ they do enjoy the general chit chat plain and simple content, each to their own in my opinion, Good content for me personally I want info that’s of value, first hand accounts from those that matter. If the content doesn't add any value to what I get from FJ or other sources I probably will give it a skip to save me time.

                  Best of luck this year hope it goes well and certainly will tune in for the first episode
                  Would there not be copyright issues with showing racing clips?

                  The Let's talk racing lads work for racing tv thats how they get them not sure its an option for other channels without some sort of sponsorship from ATR or RTV


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by FinalFurlong91 View Post

                    Would there not be copyright issues with showing racing clips?

                    The Let's talk racing lads work for racing tv thats how they get them not sure its an option for other channels without some sort of sponsorship from ATR or RTV
                    I always think it's silly to ban 'replays' .... it's not like they're in direct competition - you'd think any highlights are positive for them...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post

                      I always think it's silly to ban 'replays' .... it's not like they're in direct competition - you'd think any highlights are positive for them...
                      World Rugby are doing an absolute cluster fuck of the same for the World Cup.

                      Copyright striking anyone doing highlights or analysis videos while they take 3 business days to upload match replays

                      Beggars belief
                      Last edited by HesTheOne; 19 September 2023, 11:27 PM.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by HesTheOne View Post

                        World Rugby are doing an absolutely cluster fuck of the same for the World Cup.

                        Copyright striking anyone doing highlights or analysis videos while they take 3 business days to upload match replays

                        Beggars belief
                        Yeah that is bonkers.... if I don't see the highlights I'm even less likely to watch!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by HesTheOne View Post

                          World Rugby are doing an absolutely cluster fuck of the same for the World Cup.

                          Copyright striking anyone doing highlights or analysis videos while they take 3 business days to upload match replays

                          Beggars belief
                          Given the RFU are running the game into the ground in this country no surprise at that


                          • #43
                            Morning Everyone!

                            Our 23/24 Chasers to Follow video is now live on our Youtube Channel!

                            Always appreciate your feedback. Like and comment on the video


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Spectre View Post
                              Good to see you're up and running again Ian. I'll give it a watch later
                              Thank you Paul


                              • #45
                                Just watched both videos and they are a good watch and I enjoyed the discussions. The graphics and the music make it look far more professional so good on you there.

                                I hope you don't mind a little constructive criticism, but I wondered if there could be a little more detail on destinations/preferred trips. Presently, they seem to be either bookie-led (where the lowest price is, or a bit of a guess e.g. Grangeclare West. Iroko's target being mentioned as the Turners too. I mean he absolutely could end up there, but the trainers are on record as saying 3m chasing is where he'll probably end up, so if you are taking a contrary view, it'd make for more compelling viewing if you explained why.

                                Anyway, keep up the good work

