There isn't and never will be a place on a horse racing forum for aftertiming no matter how it is done
we discuss on here to help each other, so we can improve our gambling and learn from the successes and failures of each other to win money off the enemy in march
Putting up a selection after a leg has already won completely invalidates what you are doing IMHO
And im sure if you went through the Cheltenham roll ups thread and compared the success rate of selections in there (you'll find a couple of losers from myself no doubt) to the ones put up in peoples diary after the first selection has gone it wouldnt match up
(Some might point to me not having a diary, which i dont, but i do have a thread on the racing forum where i put up almost every day to day and ante post bet i place whether it be royal ascot, Cheltenham or Wolverhampton on a Wednesday and track the P/L all well before the race and with a price that is still available)
I am though very interested having just skimmed through the handbags at 10 paces in TOTGs diary to experiment with his placed betting roll up method as i spend just as much time on my day to day betting as on Cheltenham and its not an angle id considered using
And is one i think will work well
It's nuggets like that, that make this the best forum about by an absolute country mile
we discuss on here to help each other, so we can improve our gambling and learn from the successes and failures of each other to win money off the enemy in march
Putting up a selection after a leg has already won completely invalidates what you are doing IMHO
And im sure if you went through the Cheltenham roll ups thread and compared the success rate of selections in there (you'll find a couple of losers from myself no doubt) to the ones put up in peoples diary after the first selection has gone it wouldnt match up
(Some might point to me not having a diary, which i dont, but i do have a thread on the racing forum where i put up almost every day to day and ante post bet i place whether it be royal ascot, Cheltenham or Wolverhampton on a Wednesday and track the P/L all well before the race and with a price that is still available)
I am though very interested having just skimmed through the handbags at 10 paces in TOTGs diary to experiment with his placed betting roll up method as i spend just as much time on my day to day betting as on Cheltenham and its not an angle id considered using
And is one i think will work well
It's nuggets like that, that make this the best forum about by an absolute country mile