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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Cheltenham membership

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  • Cheltenham membership

    Hi all. Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m looking at getting tickets for next year’s festival and was hoping to get more info from any posters that have a Cheltenham annual membership.

    I had a look on the jockey club website but it was pretty light on detail as to the benefits you get as opposed to just buying club tickets. After the chaos getting served and generally just moving around the course last festival any info on the benefits of becoming a member would be much appreciated. As a potential alternative have any of you used the club and festival lounge? If so how did you find it?

  • #2
    I'm a member and pay for seats for the season. Given the Festival is the pinnacle of the racing season I want to enjoy it as much as possible, and I find paying the extra for seats for the season well worth it. Particularly as my seats are directly in line with the finishing line, and include the Festival too. I have a table for the day with a 30 second walk to my seat, no real queues at the bar, and easy access to food. The only crowds I see all day are if I venture out to meet up with friends.

    Most people reported the Festival to be very uncomfortable, too crowded and impossible to get served for food, drink, and generally move about the place. My experience is completely the opposite.
    Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


    • #3
      To be fair since the upgrade works of a few years ago I’ve found getting around the course to be fine, both as a member or as a club ticket holder, so my issues last festival weren’t on that score it was on the basis there is just one bar for members which has too many tables preventing movement and that it also doubles up as a food hall with a large condiment table in the middle of the bar, there is literally a blockage of bodies.
      And presumably an architect with a sense of humour thought it was clever to build the toilets at the end of the bar area which can’t be accessed because to the body blockage en route.
      Spectre’s strategy is obviously more enjoyable but you do have to pay for the lack of hassle…

