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Fat Jockey Podcast - Handicap Entries

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  • Fat Jockey Podcast - Handicap Entries

    This week Spectre and myself take a look at each of the handicap races post entries.
    Running through some trends for each and a general shortlist of horses that we like.
    Kevloaf couldn't give any mention to Ginto this week. So didn't bother turning up.

    Over 2 and half hours total, so we've split them out this week by race.
    Let us know if this is beneficial or you prefer the whole thing in one?

    First 2 days are up below, and i'll add the Thursday and Friday handicaps this afternoon.

    Thanks as always for listening




    Grand Annual



    Kim Muir


    Martin Pipe
    Last edited by jono; 26 February 2022, 10:15 AM.

  • #2
    The threeunderthrufive entry is interesting especially alongside the Frodon one.
    nicholls says he’s not a placeholder- and I reckon he’s bullshitting.
    he does not want to run 3 under in the rsa for sure
    And the ultima would be a compromise especially if the owners lose one of their other entrants
    the weight he’d carry due to frodon running would be a persuasive factor. As would does he know being currently favourite due to the form line.
    still wouldn’t back it mind you.
    novice over 150 is rarely my cup of tea


    • #3
      I'd have gone Hollow Games in the Martin Pipe as a link to Ginto jono

      Looking forward to listening to these over the weekend.


      • #4
        ….cheers lads, as usual very informative. Be interesting how the weights impact those shortlists.


        • #5
          Quick bump to say all handicap races now added to post 1
          Last edited by jono; 26 February 2022, 10:16 AM.


          • #6
            Just watched the handicaps as my Saturday morning entertainment. Superb lads. Well done.


            • #7
              Just Listening now , Good stuff Chap's , Thank's for your effort's here .
              Be nice if you Give us 1 pick each . - Best h/cap shot. in the final vid...
              p.s. ... I like the idea of breaking this down into single podcasts for each race .....
              Last edited by BigChaang; 27 February 2022, 11:29 AM.


              • #8
                Thanks for this - I liked the format of splitting videos for races.

                I had a question generally. How does everyone prepare for the weights announcement? What prep do you do to make the right decisions quickly? I'm interested how everyone approaches this.


                • #9
                  For me it’s shortlists like the podcasts GB. I’ve added a handful more now I’ve had more time. Because of the 24hr BHA delay we had very little prep time for this Podcast. I’ve since done a lot more analysis, and I’m comfortable with the lists I’m working from. In most cases 12 to 14 horses from the total entry.

                  When the weights are announced I’ll be cramming to make sure I get the bets down I want as quickly as possible, and then I’ll deal with any infill for those I’ve missed.

                  I can’t join the Podcast next week because of other commitments, but I intend to put up just one or two for each race and hopefully Kev and Jono will cover them for me.
                  Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


                  • #10
                    Thanks Spectre . Look forward to hearing your selections.

                    Ahead of the weights do you have your own ratings in mind worked out for your short list and then see if they are higher or lower?


                    • #11
                      I frame a race with those I’ve shortlisted and then go through my usual selection process, which takes in a whole host of factors including trends, statistics, race reading. I also apply OR’s, RPR’s and my own ratings. Ultimately when I’ve whittled down to much fewer horses I rely on my base knowledge and feel for the race, how it’ll be run, and the run style of said horses. Most of the handicaps are won by horses that fit certain types, and I’ll perhaps end up with a very small number of horses that fit each of them, and I’ll decide from there which I think is the best overall fit.
                      Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


                      • #12
                        Thoroughly enjoyed the videos, and breaking them down sectional really helps. Keep up the great work, as a newby I find all this knowledge sharing unbelievable helpful.


                        • #13
                          Fair play to you guys doing these and I’m sure some found these helpful but to improve the appeal to a bigger market and advertise the forum more then they are pretty lengthy and can get disengaging whilst noting 9-12 horses on a shortlist for one race just isn’t helpful.

                          Appreciate the handicaps pre-weights are tough but maybe that topic should have just waited a week until more information was revealed


                          • #14
                            Is there going to be a post weights handicap pod?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Stormez View Post
                              Is there going to be a post weights handicap pod?
                              Recording one Friday evening

