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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Racing in Ireland Suspended

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  • Racing in Ireland Suspended

    UPDATE 22/10/2020 – COVID 19 – All Equestrian competitions suspended during Level 5 – Training for school aged children may continue

    • 22 October 2020, 16:22

    Horse Sport Ireland have engaged intensely with Sport Ireland and The Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, over the past number of days, when it became clear that Level 5 restrictions were being introduced in the Republic of Ireland.

    Unfortunately, and disappointingly, Horse Sport Ireland only this afternoon received instructions from Sport Ireland that all equestrian competitions & activities, including those for Professional/Elite Athletes, must now be suspended, while the country remains on Level 5 restrictions.

    While Horse Sport Ireland fully understands the impact that this suspension of equestrian activity and competitions will have on our industry which employs over 14,000 people, we also are acutely aware that many businesses across Ireland find themselves in a similar position during this public health emergency.

    Travel required specifically for the care of animals, such as feeding, breeding activities and veterinary care, continues to be allowed in Level 5.

    Horse Sport Ireland await confirmation on permissible controlled training for our defined High Performance squads within the Olympic disciplines.

    In addition, as per Government guidelines, non-contact training can continue for school aged children only, outdoors in pods of up to 15. You are allowed to take school-aged children to permitted training even if it is outside 5km of home. Horse Sport Ireland are awaiting clarification of whether coaches are also permitted outside of 5km to train school aged children.

    Horse Sport Ireland wishes to thank all stakeholders for their patience, cooperation and understanding over the past couple days and ask our community to continue to stay safe and to stay at home.

    Horse Sport Ireland will now work with their Affiliate family on a rescheduling of the HSI Autumn Development Series commencing from 1st December or earlier should Government restrictions be lifted.

  • #3
    How come this hasn't made RP or twitter really?!


    • #4
      I've a feeling that it may be just the eventing body but could be wrong.


      • #5
        Originally posted by archie View Post
        I've a feeling that it may be just the eventing body but could be wrong.
        Hope you're right for my sanity!


        • #6
          no... please no


          • #7

            in line with current NPHET advice in respect of Level 5, professional, elite sports and senior inter-county Gaelic games, horse-racing and greyhound racing can continue behind closed doors


            • #8

              that was close


              • #9
                Excellent. Thread closed

