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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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  • Is anybody else having difficulties opening
    the racing tv app?


    • Well this is interesting to say the least


      • Originally posted by Zachx02 View Post Well this is interesting to say the least
        Yes he has mentioned a number of times that he has a joint license and plans to ride over hurdles. I fully expect him to have rides at the festival.


        • Oh wow, hadn't seen that (given I missed the majority of the flat season)

          Very interesting - has it been mentioned which yards he's likely to link up with?

          My gut is that a top class flat jockey would be able to make this switch!


          • There were rumours he was going to ride in this year's Bumper.


            • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
              Oh wow, hadn't seen that (given I missed the majority of the flat season)

              Very interesting - has it been mentioned which yards he's likely to link up with?

              My gut is that a top class flat jockey would be able to make this switch!
              I have seen a few interviews where he has said he intends to ride over hurdles in the winter. As we know many jocks have played around with bumpers but this was different. I can’t recall him mentioning specific yards but he seemed like his mind was firmly made up.

              The guy is absolute class on a horse. What I love about him is the way he responds when he doesn’t feel he has given a horse the best ride. Backing him on that same horse next time i suspect would be very profitable. He studies, then he studies and then he studies some more.

              Interestingly his uncle is Jim Culloty and he is good friends with recently retired Denis O’Regan so you’d imagine that could open a few doors if he looks okay on Thursday (weather permitting).


              • Wow, price of gear really must have skyrocketed


                • Was looking at the horses I've backed for next March and was surprised how few current favourites I've actually got on board....just 4. This prompted me to look at the number of favourites (Non Handicaps) at this time last year that went on to win at the festival and I counted just 6. I've not gone back further years but that figure did make me feel better.
                  Last edited by Lobos; 6 December 2023, 07:04 AM.


                  • Duplicate post
                    Last edited by Lobos; 6 December 2023, 07:03 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Lobos View Post
                      Was looking at the horses I've backed for next March and was surprised how few current favourites I've actually got on board....just 4. This prompted me to look at the number of favourites (Non Handicaps) at this time last year that went on to win at the festival and I counted just 6. I've not gone back further years but that figure did make me feel better.
                      I dont know the answer, but how many where priced up or came on the scene yet this time last year?


                      • Six sounds a decent return to me. I've not looked at this at all but I'd imagine it's about the point where you could back favs blind now for level returns and would only need six winners...



                        • Originally posted by Benjy23 View Post
                          Six sounds a decent return to me. I've not looked at this at all but I'd imagine it's about the point where you could back favs blind now for level returns and would only need six winners...

                          19 races. Ummmm, not sure. Depends which 6. Wouldn't want to go down that route but maybe make a note now and review after Fez. Could work. Could be a future plan. Back 19 blind on 6th December every year !


                          • I've just had a look, I'm not sure why, but the answer is five at the moment would return a profit. And no it doesn't matter which five as I've varied stakes for level returns on each race. So you can have Constitution Hill, El Fabiola and whatever other three you want...

                            It's not a strategy I'm suggesting. I'm just saying only fancying four favourites at this stage isn't as crazy as you're making it sound. If it was that easy we should all be doing the above!


                            • Originally posted by Benjy23 View Post
                              I've just had a look, I'm not sure why, but the answer is five at the moment would return a profit. And no it doesn't matter which five as I've varied stakes for level returns on each race. So you can have Constitution Hill, El Fabiola and whatever other three you want...

                              It's not a strategy I'm suggesting. I'm just saying only fancying four favourites at this stage isn't as crazy as you're making it sound. If it was that easy we should all be doing the above!
                              I think Lobos is meaning what favs he has backed Benjy, not what favs he thinks wins.


                              • Originally posted by Craigy14 View Post

                                I think Lobos is meaning what favs he has backed Benjy, not what favs he thinks wins.
                                Correct. They weren't Favs at the time of backing but are now. Those 4 may not end up fav and others I have backed will but I found it an interesting exercise nonetheless and it certainly gets you thinking.

