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Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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  • Congratulations Many Clouds exciting and life changing times ahead, hope your other half has a nice an easy pregnancy. Fatherhood is the best thing that will ever happen to you nothing else compares. Congratulations


    • Originally posted by Many Clouds View Post
      Thanks for the replies about Chelts abroad guys.

      Can't wait for 9 days in the sun and hopefully a fair few winners to celebrate with the dirt cheap pints.

      Also just found out I'm going to be a dad for the first time, so might have to make the most of it as it could potentially be a little trickier to negotiate next year ​​​​​
      …lovely news, hope all goes well. As far as this old man is concerned, fatherhood has been and remains the best part of my life. Delighted for you both.


      • Congrats Many Clouds You better have a fair few pints for all them sleepless nights you will be having lol. No, enjoy it and have a great hol/Chelts.


        • All racecards are up on the Racing Post now for the hcaps.


          • Thank you for the kind words everyone it means alot we are buzzing about it. I'm pretty late to the game (40 next year) but I'm so excited, so fingers crossed all goes well. Due over 6 months before next chelts so I should be fine for next year, timed it well haha I'll start laying the ground work as soon as I get back from this year's trip.

            I don't know if this is good or bad but I think shes looking forward to me going more than i am tbf, she can't wait to have the full bed to herself and to watch all her shite on tv that I don't like!


            • Originally posted by Lobos View Post
              Its so scary every time it's highlighted
              We almost need 2 out of the festival threads

              One for fancied horses and one for the rest

              My heart just drops when I log in and see theres been a post

              Praying its not a big name iv backed just for it to be some handicapper iv never heard of

              you'd just need to keep some rosary beads near for when something is put in the fancied horses one


              • Originally posted by FinalFurlong91 View Post

                We almost need 2 out of the festival threads

                One for fancied horses and one for the rest

                My heart just drops when I log in and see theres been a post

                Praying its not a big name iv backed just for it to be some handicapper iv never heard of

                you'd just need to keep some rosary beads near for when something is put in the fancied horses one
                Agree, especially when it’s about a horse that hasn’t even got an entry in any race at the


                • Small update on James Gate from Emily McCann for those concerned.

                  “This time last year he won his first race impressively
                  A year on he has won his first battle impressively!!
                  6 months ago we never thought we’d see this day out in the paddock A long road ahead still​.”

                  Can’t recall if there was much said at the time when Mullins broke the news but reads like it was touch and go for JG


                  • Would be very much appreciated if someone could please DM me this (work-related) RP premium article:


                    • Originally posted by Sprinter Sacre View Post
                      Would be very much appreciated if someone could please DM me this (work-related) RP premium article:
                      Managing extreme weather is getting worse - but dressage could have the answer

                      Catherine MacraeReporter

                      Racing could take a leaf out of dressage's book about how to react to increasing weather extremesCredit: Zuzanna Lupa

                      Racing can learn plenty from dressage – and not just the advantages of precision, understanding of rhythm and knowledge of which film soundtracks go perfectly with an extended trot.

                      Dressage has also shown that the best way to manage extreme weather is to adopt a coordinated approach. Following a July heatwave that brought a halt to several meetings across Britain, this jumps season has been plagued by an increasingly erratic climate. Heavy rainfall took out fixtures throughout November before a cold snap arrived in December and then returned with a vengeance a month later.

                      Just when we thought we were over the latest spell of weather woes, it seems more trouble lies ahead. The lack of rain this month has led to challenging conditions at Cheltenham and watering has already begun in the run-up to the festival. There are just three weeks until the opening day and the dry spell shows no major signs of coming to an end, with Fakenham’s meeting last Friday already falling victim to hard ground.

                      Too often of late, last-minute calls over abandonments have been met with frustration. This occurred recently at Sedgefield, while discrepancies between clerks and trainers over going readings also showcase the battle officials face to stage meetings in the light of unpredictable forecasts.

                      So where does dressage come into it? Last month the sport's governing body British Dressage announced new rules outlining specific protocols to be followed during yellow, amber and red Met Office warnings.

                      Each category comes with requirements for when events should produce mitigation strategies and review the situation with the organisation, with events automatically cancelled in red warnings barring extenuating circumstances.

                      The regulations, which include a 48-hour deadline for cancellations, provide a vital set of guidelines that remove confusion over how an event will handle extreme weather. The breakdown is both simple and predictable, and racing could do with more of that.

                      The task of clerks is never easy in difficult weather but the current every-man-for-themselves approach among courses seems to spark nothing but irritation among jockeys, trainers and racegoers. Will a meeting be called off 24 hours in advance or 24 minutes? It is often hard to predict, and a formal framework could ease the tensions.

                      Racing is very different to dressage, but there is no reason the BHA could not develop its own uniform regulations clarifying when inspections and ultimately cancellations should be called.

                      After all, heatwaves and cold snaps are not going away. Racing may not have the power to avoid these extremes, but it could certainly be better equipped to tackle them.


                      • Can anyone see a jockey strike soon with how badly the BHA are handling the whip rules?


                        • Originally posted by HoldenTheReins View Post
                          Can anyone see a jockey strike soon with how badly the BHA are handling the whip rules?
                          Yep, do it mid March


                          • Asked ChatGPT who would win the Supreme, wouldn't give me an answer. AI is a coward


                            • Looking at the long range forecast for Cheltenham the rain may start falling from the 4th March

                              Hopefully they get enough rain and do enough watering to maintain good to soft no excuses for anyone ground all 4 days


                              • Originally posted by FinalFurlong91 View Post
                                Looking at the long range forecast for Cheltenham the rain may start falling from the 4th March

                                Hopefully they get enough rain and do enough watering to maintain good to soft no excuses for anyone ground all 4 days
                                If it is rain ... there's a though it might be snow

