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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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  • Originally posted by FinalFurlong91 View Post
    buy a bottle of coke, empty some out and top it up with spirit of choice

    I'm a spiced rum man

    Get a pint of water for a cup and youre good to go

    The only way prices go down is if people dont buy

    Whinging but paying anyway won't achieve anything
    Exactly what I'm doing on course from here on in ..... starting Saturday. Power to the Punters !!!!!

    Join the Revolution!!!!!


    • Originally posted by charlie View Post

      Read what I've written.
      i have charlie.
      you're making an argument in favour of horse racing fans being ripped off on a horse racing forum.
      I am disagreeing with you, we'll leave it at that.


      • Originally posted by AaronLad View Post

        i have charlie.
        you're making an argument in favour of horse racing fans being ripped off on a horse racing forum.
        I am disagreeing with you, we'll leave it at that.
        My case (not argument) is economic, not one of feeling or emotion. We can agree to disagree but yes, let's leave it there.


        • Originally posted by charlie View Post

          My case (not argument) is economic, not one of feeling or emotion. We can agree to disagree but yes, let's leave it there.
          Not really economic though is it. ?
          Unless you know the costs and profits for both events.
          I could have a damn good guess though.

          Normally you can reduce prices when sold in massively bigger volumes, or alternatively, choose to profiteer from a captive and loyal (mostly stupid) audience.

          And your example of your mate does not reflect everyone who goes to the festival.
          It's a good example, but not representative of the majority.

          Take your lighters, watch "woodstock 99" the night before, and burn the lot down.
          Although wait until after the martin pipe as if you do it before you'll ruin it for me

          Anyway, remember my tip for anyone wanting to buy a pint.
          Go to a card only bar. (probably all are)
          "How much for cash mate"
          There's bound to be some of those casual workers on the rob, because they're having the piss taken out of them as well.

          edit - The choices argument is also interesting, but how far do we go with that ?

          We could drink meth, eat out of bins, piss in our pants and sleep on the street.
          All would solve some of the problems Cheltenham festival going brings upon us.
          Some even pay all the money and still end up doing this
          Last edited by Quevega; 26 January 2023, 09:02 AM.


          • Originally posted by charlie View Post
            Perhaps it's because I'm not drinking this year, but I'm tired of the 7.50 for a pint Guinness chat, it's getting way too much air time.
            Followed by a big post destined to provoke a reaction
            I do get the points you make, particularly on how much the whole day/trip costs overall, i've tried to make peace with such things using similar logic, but I don't know, something about pint prices just provokes a feeling that absolute liberties are being taken. That said, at least part of why i've decided not to go this year is the 8quid they increased 'early bird' club prices. Similar sort of thing in that 8quid is nothing in the grand schemes, but feels like a piss take.


            • It’s the principle of it. If they rip you off this year ….which ?7.50 is let’s be honest then what do they charge next year…a tenner? Where does it end? You’re there so they charge whatever they want because most will pay it. Doesn’t make it right though!


              • The thing for me is that at one of the best sporting events in the world imo, I would love to have a lovely pint and take it all in. But instead I am stuck in a terrible queue (surrounded invariably by the worst people in attendance, I don't know how I manage it) to be slowly served a pint of absolutely substandard slop, and then have to pay a 50% mark up for the privilege.

                Look they're a business and I understand they want to make money - but they also frame the event as this great spectacle. Fine if they just want to gouge people, but it really commoditises the experience. I took a load of work people last year and after all my eulogising they were like "I don't get it Rob, that was pretty shit tbh". 9 of us last year, only 5 coming back this year.

                Sorry to go all marketing bumpf on you, but there's a great talk I use for a lot of my clients by Simon Sinek about starting with the Why. Every business has a What, a How and a Why - and the why is the most powerful part of i, it infuses everything else with purpose. But businesses often focus overly on the practical elements of the what and the how. It feels to me that the Jockey Club has forgotten the why - the greatest show on turf - with the what and the how of maximising yield per customer.


                • Originally posted by robith View Post
                  The thing for me is that at one of the best sporting events in the world imo, I would love to have a lovely pint and take it all in. But instead I am stuck in a terrible queue (surrounded invariably by the worst people in attendance, I don't know how I manage it) to be slowly served a pint of absolutely substandard slop, and then have to pay a 50% mark up for the privilege.

                  Look they're a business and I understand they want to make money - but they also frame the event as this great spectacle. Fine if they just want to gouge people, but it really commoditises the experience. I took a load of work people last year and after all my eulogising they were like "I don't get it Rob, that was pretty shit tbh". 9 of us last year, only 5 coming back this year.

                  Sorry to go all marketing bumpf on you, but there's a great talk I use for a lot of my clients by Simon Sinek about starting with the Why. Every business has a What, a How and a Why - and the why is the most powerful part of i, it infuses everything else with purpose. But businesses often focus overly on the practical elements of the what and the how. It feels to me that the Jockey Club has forgotten the why - the greatest show on turf - with the what and the how of maximising yield per customer.
                  Agreed with all of this.

                  I was a member last season, so I went to every meeting and every day of the festival. By the end I was utterly sick of it. The horse racing is still top notch of course, but being there just isn't that enjoyable any more. You can't see the racing properly, and end up watching on a screen if you're lucky, you get overcharged for anything you want to buy, it's absolutely rammed and most people are drunk. I'd much rather watch from my sofa, which is what I will be doing this year.

                  I tell this story a lot, but I made that decision while (trying) to watch the Gold Cup last year. I've never watched the Gold Cup live before so I was quite excited by that. I end up about 20 rows back after fighting my way through the Guinness Village, stood behind a 7 foot mountain. Half a mile in, he starts cheering his horse on like he was jumping the last, and carried on the entire way around. At the end of the race he turns around to me and asks "who won?". Luckily I'd managed to catch a glimpse of a screen to see the end of the race, and replied "A ploo tar" (pronunciation is key for the story). He looks disappointed, so I ask what he backed, and he shows he his betting slip. "A Plus Tard". It's the same bloody horse you've been cheering on for the past 5 minutes...

                  I know he has as much right to be there as I do, and I'm totally fine with that, but it was just the icing on the cake (more like a shit sandwich) for me. Aside from meeting a few Fat Jockeys, it was basically a waste of time, because I'd have had a much better experience watching at home.

                  I think they need to somehow separate those who just want to go there for alcohol and those who actually want to watch the horse racing, not sure how exactly they do that. I'd be tempted to buy a seat in the stands if I were to go again, that seems like a much better experience.


                  • Dandrew99 cricket does this really well - I booked tickets for Headingly this summer and knowing there's a place I can go if I have a kids, if I want to be in fancy dress and get wrecked, if I don't want to drink at all and if I want to have some beers and enjoy the game is a much better system than just dumping everyone in the same place


                    • Went for the first time last year - previously I’ve always watched on the telly, but a mate got me a seat in the Guinness Grandstand, second row. Without a doubt was a superb view, bar inside, sheltered from the terrible weather on Wednesday and your own reserved seat. Booked again this year and would recommend it to anyone.


                      • Originally posted by robith View Post
                        Dandrew99 cricket does this really well - I booked tickets for Headingly this summer and knowing there's a place I can go if I have a kids, if I want to be in fancy dress and get wrecked, if I don't want to drink at all and if I want to have some beers and enjoy the game is a much better system than just dumping everyone in the same place
                        Yeah agreed, although it's significantly easier to do that in a stadium as there's obviously a lot more space! But I like to think someone better at planning than myself could think of something...


                        • Epatante fans, 4/7 final decs up at Donny with Denise(antepost NRNB section)If she can’t beat that lot she ought to be 100/1 for fez.

                          **don’t know where the roll up thread is.
                          Last edited by Outlaw; 26 January 2023, 11:33 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Quevega View Post

                            Not really economic though is it. ?
                            Unless you know the costs and profits for both events.
                            I could have a damn good guess though.

                            Normally you can reduce prices when sold in massively bigger volumes, or alternatively, choose to profiteer from a captive and loyal (mostly stupid) audience.

                            And your example of your mate does not reflect everyone who goes to the festival.
                            It's a good example, but not representative of the majority.

                            Take your lighters, watch "woodstock 99" the night before, and burn the lot down.
                            Although wait until after the martin pipe as if you do it before you'll ruin it for me

                            Anyway, remember my tip for anyone wanting to buy a pint.
                            Go to a card only bar. (probably all are)
                            "How much for cash mate"
                            There's bound to be some of those casual workers on the rob, because they're having the piss taken out of them as well.

                            edit - The choices argument is also interesting, but how far do we go with that ?

                            We could drink meth, eat out of bins, piss in our pants and sleep on the street.
                            All would solve some of the problems Cheltenham festival going brings upon us.
                            Some even pay all the money and still end up doing this
                            How many drinks did I have last night then? If you're counting... Does my drinking offend you?​

                            Me? Lager. Kevloaf? Lager. Lobos? Lager, sometimes cider. Different drinks for different neeeeeds


                            • Originally posted by charlie View Post

                              How many drinks did I have last night then? If you're counting... Does my drinking offend you?​

                              Me? Lager. Kevloaf? Lager. Lobos? Lager, sometimes cider. Different drinks for different neeeeeds
                              Best part about last year was them going cashless only for all the systems to fail & no one being able to get a drink for 45 mins. The peeps pouring the drinks wouldn't take cash in hand either. "Go get the Guitar"


                              • Originally posted by MadeinJapan View Post

                                Best part about last year was them going cashless only for all the systems to fail & no one being able to get a drink for 45 mins. The peeps pouring the drinks wouldn't take cash in hand either. "Go get the Guitar"

                                The widespread office quotes on here are fantastic.

                                The cash in hand idea is a good one.

