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  • Originally posted by Always a Claimer View Post
    Thanks all, very interesting. Don’t have access to B365 unfortunately, I complained about something many years ago and they didn’t like it! Blocked ever since.

    I have been doing anteposts for a few years, starting in the years of Champagne Fever, Faugheen etc. but only really dedicated time and funds in the last three years. still have nightmares of Annie Power falling at the last to ruin a big antepost accumulator and Champagne Fever getting chinned by Western Warhorse in the Arkle. Sorry for dragging it back up for those that had spent years in therapy trying to forget…

    Biggest “investment” so far this year, but pretty much reinvesting last years Profit. Trying to not think of it as house money as that can make me a little gung-ho but I must admit that I read the various approaches (scattergun, to each way or not, proportion of singles vs multiples & full on books) really interesting. My personal preference currently is win only and “targeted scattergun”! For me this is still fun and creation of full on books takes away a bit of the analysis of when to bet and not. But I know others will take a fair and different view. But that has allowed me to get some big prices on side early, for example GDM @16/1 for NH, Gaelic Warrior @25/1 for Ballymore and Delta Work @5/1. And some of the early sky requestabets are looking very tasty - but it does only take a few of the big ones not to make it and they disappear, so I treat those as a bonus. Not intending to after-time, this was more to
    show the approach, as there have been some shockers as well (decent single on Shishkin who I thought had become value, Dinoblue for Mares Hurdle, Sir Gerhard champion hurdle…) but with this approach you have to take the rough with the smooth.
    Good posts, I like genuine question ones about strategy and approaches.

    Just defining your scattergun ... how many horses have you backed so far in total? (race by race if you can be bothered)

    My first recorded festival was literally 1 horse per race, and much more recently, (Tuesday 2021) swould be every horse running on that day .... and have probably gone through all the in between now over the last decade!


    • Originally posted by Joleg View Post
      I was wondering ......

      .What would you consider to be a fair amount of points lost already at this point ?

      I am showing currently a loss of a fraction over 10% (10.25%) of my total point outlay, i am aware that this will get considerably worse the closer we get to the festival

      I also have a few horses (JDB, FV) backed in more than one race, which will increase my overall loss when destinations are clear
      I'm similar at the moment, but expect that to increase between now and the Festival. 10-15% is a good result I'd suggest, and anything up to 20% is okay.

      What's often forgotten it the average price of the horses in your book is considerably better than even money, so that should also be factored in too, and specifically how much you beat the price on average by. My current average book price is 19.75/1, and most will be similar I'd expect. I'm sure someone will counter-argue that a book with an average price of evens is better, but it just isn't. Losses beforehand are an acceptable part of antepost punting. If you lose a favourite often you have superb value with another horse you have onside.
      Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


      • A reminder that the novice chase entries will be out tomorrow, so expect markets to be taken down around midday. Always worth a quick check through your bets to make sure you haven't missed anything that needs cashing etc.


        • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post

          Good posts, I like genuine question ones about strategy and approaches.

          Just defining your scattergun ... how many horses have you backed so far in total? (race by race if you can be bothered)

          My first recorded festival was literally 1 horse per race, and much more recently, (Tuesday 2021) swould be every horse running on that day .... and have probably gone through all the in between now over the last decade!

          Genuinely depends on how strongly I feel about the ones I have so each race is different. In the novices, juveniles, mares and championship races probably between 1-4. Nothing in handicaps. A few examples from day one - one of the shockers was backing Mercurey too early in the Supreme as a single (but not overly worried because that tactic of backing Mullins/Henderson types wary at big prices has paid dividends in previous years) but I have Facile Vega in loads of multiples and have recently added Rare Edition ew (ironically my only ew!). That’ll do for now but will try and cover on the day with some of the offers that always come up in the Supreme. Only backed 3 in the Arkle. Jonbon about 5 minutes after last years Supreme and Mighty Potter (again, last March, one to write off) and added DD in November after watching the Supreme back and seeing how well he was going. I was pretty confident of his destination and he was 12s or 14s. Only CH in the CH (now my Sir Gerhard single is looking unlikely - again, placed straight after Ballymore (it’ll always be the Neptune really!) thinking he might be another Faugheen) but in multiples only. Epatante early doors at decent price for Mares but have only added Brandy Love since. Missed the price on Maries Rock. Nothing in Boodles yet. Got GDM early in NH at 16s but started covering when BANC was mentioned (plus getting GDM at 25s for BANC) - Chemical Energy & Ramillies only.

          This forum has been great for reading and learning things, especially race placements and patterns that help. Some of my better bets have been because of hints on here - I take the hints and do plenty of watching back/assessing myself - which as someone who loves sport, stats and data is a passion. For example, someone mentioned Galvin for X Country, which I hadn’t even thought, but it made total sense. I have a decent outlay on Delta Work at 5s, so a small cover at 33s made sense. But I won’t back anything else now.

          so I guess that is the targeted scattergun approach! Plus I always enjoy antepost betting, whether that be in football, American football or racing - for me it is about the fun of following sport and antepost gives me a buzz over a really long time. But nothing better than backing something at 33s that goes off 2/1 fav and romps home. Not only does it feel like you are beating the system but you can take (and afford!) losers along the way.
          Last edited by Always a Claimer; 16 January 2023, 09:18 PM.


          • I think we need to get used to seeing the Double Green of Simon Munir over the next 2-3 seasons. Pretty much every weak I'm seeing those colours win a novice race
            Someone's been slashing the cash


            • Originally posted by opatcho View Post
              I think we need to get used to seeing the Double Green of Simon Munir over the next 2-3 seasons. Pretty much every weak I'm seeing those colours win a novice race
              Someone's been slashing the cash
              I hope so, I really do.
              They have been long time investors in the game and haven’t really been rewarded with big race wins that the investment probably deserves…


              • Originally posted by opatcho View Post
                I think we need to get used to seeing the Double Green of Simon Munir over the next 2-3 seasons. Pretty much every weak I'm seeing those colours win a novice race
                Someone's been slashing the cash
                They've had some good horses in the past - Bristol De Mai, Footpad, Master Dino (shame he didn't have the chance to achieve his potential), Concertista, Sceau Royal etc

                But they do seem to have taken a step up with their novices this year. They invest a lot in the UK, France, Ireland (including some point to point horses) so I hope it continues for them.


                • Originally posted by DenmanSacre View Post

                  They've had some good horses in the past - Bristol De Mai, Footpad, Master Dino (shame he didn't have the chance to achieve his potential), Concertista, Sceau Royal etc

                  But they do seem to have taken a step up with their novices this year. They invest a lot in the UK, France, Ireland (including some point to point horses) so I hope it continues for them.
                  There was a 2-3 year period where they didnt have much coming through, but now.... some very exciting novices coming through


                  • Wills NRMB

                    Anyone had their stakes returned by Wills on horses that arent declared?
                    Do you have to chase them up


                    • you probably wont see any NRNB funds until declaration time as you can supplement into graded races and the likes of Mullins entering everything everywhere


                      • Originally posted by opatcho View Post
                        Wills NRMB

                        Anyone had their stakes returned by Wills on horses that arent declared?
                        Do you have to chase them up
                        I think this raised its head last year and I can't remember now! It either took them a few days or it wasn't until declarations but not 100% certain.

                        EDIT - didn't have to chase them, just had to wait


                        • Please tell me others experienced that FA cup coverage


                          • Originally posted by That Horse View Post

                            I think this raised its head last year and I can't remember now! It either took them a few days or it wasn't until declarations but not 100% certain.

                            EDIT - didn't have to chase them, just had to wait
                            Spoke to them, they said they need their sports traders to work through the information (likely the decs from today)
                            Said to keep checking for update (assuming over the next few days)


                            • Originally posted by opatcho View Post

                              Spoke to them, they said they need their sports traders to work through the information (likely the decs from today)
                              Said to keep checking for update (assuming over the next few days)
                              I think someone one here stuck a message on last year when they got stake back then it started happening for everyone, so must be someone continually clicking a button at WH until they get through them all


                              • Originally posted by HoldenTheReins View Post
                                Please tell me others experienced that FA cup coverage
                       they even live streamed it the orchestrators

