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  • Each to their own, people are only kidding themselves ultimately, most are fine and some in particular are admirably honest, but it does feel like some are a bit liberal with the truth on roll-ups. The other one is on numerous occasions i've noticed claims to have cashed out for full stakes (particularly post race) that don't make an awful lot of sense.
    My own diary is a total out of date mess mostly because I can't be arsed, life gets in the way and I have all the figures and a solid handle on what's what in my head. I'll be sitting down to sort it this week though as we're in a quiet racing spell, it's important IMO to know exactly where you stand figures wise with a view to the following season as much as anything, and i've managed to bribe someone with fish and chips to be my admin for a few hours...
    The temptation to wind Quevega up with some absolutely sickening after-timing is always there though and I couldn't put anyone off.
    Last edited by Atlantic Viking; 9 January 2022, 06:25 PM.


    • Blimey. These are very long posts. I’ve had to open a second barley wine before getting to the end.
      I love the posts on this forum, but I’m only a simple orthopaedic surgeon and often need posts with few syllables and a single content to keep me on track


      • I am a bit guilty of this, my diary is quite messy in that I just havent bothered to remove all my dead multiples and singles, i.e Appreciate It and hence haven't added it to my profit / loss.

        Really should go through it when I have time and sort that out to be honest


        • Originally posted by Quevega View Post

          I often edit my last post with updates that are not time critical. totally conscious myself of spamming "post it notes" in effect.

          I don't think there is a need for anyone else to acknowledge or explain themselves.
          I didn't mention it for that reason.
          People will read it and take it for what it is.
          They may do things differently or they may not.
          Free world.
          The diaries are a pain in the arse. They were a good idea to start with but the up keep of them is a real chore.

          I think they were brought in to (partly) stop after timing but the roll up brings about a whole different world of after timing

          Do you think anyone would follow a diary blind? I'd really hope not.

          I do keep checking to see which horses you're backing at monster prices on the exchanges. Taking of which, what about Hitman for the Ryanair? He's 80.0, which I just nibbled at.
          Last edited by Faugheen_Machine; 9 January 2022, 07:39 PM.


          • Go to the Kemble brewery. Sit in front of the fire , ogle barmaids tits and get a nice pint of black rat.
            that’ll do you much better than a fiver on hitman. You know it makes sense


            • Originally posted by Guinness Village View Post
              Go to the Kemble brewery. Sit in front of the fire , ogle barmaids tits and get a nice pint of black rat.
              that’ll do you much better than a fiver on hitman. You know it makes sense
              Too late. I'll be able to buy 80 pints of black rat (what is that?) When PFN has Hitman trained to perfection and he scoots up


              • Did there not used to be a thread/message along the lines of the 'safety' messages from bookies.


                • Potential stupid question: Is there a reason Gabynako hasn't been given a handicap Chase mark?


                  • Originally posted by JamieSensible View Post
                    Potential stupid question: Is there a reason Gabynako hasn't been given a handicap Chase mark?
                    Almost certainly because he has yet to be entered for a handicap chase. The handicapper will have a mark for him (and is likely to let trainer know if/when asked) but it won't be published until he is entered.


                    • The diaries are a great part of the site. Before they started loads of threads were clogged with "good post I'll put 2pts on that" posts. So now we have a great dynamic whereby we have a section people can document their actual betting and strategies, while the main forum threads are broadly are discussions of the races with occasional #PotatoPosting. Incidences of after timing dramatically decreased post diaries starting.

                      I subscribe to people's diaries whose approaches I find interesting, which is a great feature of the site - so I get a notification when there's a post.

                      The roll up issue is done to death, there's advocates on both sides and I guess we'll never fully agree on them.

                      I'll admit I've been pretty sloppy at posting in mine on an ongoing manner, but I update my full post one every Monday with live cashed and lost point totals. Now AV has a point, you're only kidding yourself- I'm very transparent in mine and everyones thoughts are therefore very useful. So I'm not casting the first stone for timeliness, but accuracy and editing are worrying.

                      Tone and standards are very important in digital spaces, less they descend into uselessness. Horse racing is a world filled with blaggarts, blowhards and bullshitters - what makes this place special is that its a place of debate, evidence and critical thinking (and, in the style of the Avengers "we have a Lobos " ). We already had a poster who kept belittling what someone's real world stakes might be. While I was just the other day remarking about the forum self aggrandising, it is important we uphold those standards to keep the magic going imo. So fair play to Q for calling it out


                      • What's the name of the person associated with Robcour who answers DMs quite honestly?

                        I thought it was Brian Acheson himself but noticed I can't message him (unless that says more about me!)


                        • I know in past years alot of short priced favourites get turnt over at the festival..but last years festival alot of well backed favourites went in..i think that was down to the irish being very dominant but this year i think feels similar, bookies were alot shorter on many horses at the start of the season then they have been before and alot of favourites already look quite solid across most races does anyone think there could be a repeat of this festival just gone, where alot of favs actually fly in? I can see it personally
                          all these look solid to me;
                          gallopin des champs
                          bob olinger
                          ferny hollow
                          RWF (if he goes)
                          the top 2 in the betting in the champ bumper
                          and vauban of course hands and heels job!


                          • The bookies will get a few of those beat don't worry about that. 3 out of that group will be a great return.


                            • Originally posted by Ray View Post
                              I know in past years alot of short priced favourites get turnt over at the festival..but last years festival alot of well backed favourites went in..i think that was down to the irish being very dominant but this year i think feels similar, bookies were alot shorter on many horses at the start of the season then they have been before and alot of favourites already look quite solid across most races does anyone think there could be a repeat of this festival just gone, where alot of favs actually fly in? I can see it personally
                              all these look solid to me;
                              gallopin des champs
                              bob olinger
                              ferny hollow
                              RWF (if he goes)
                              the top 2 in the betting in the champ bumper
                              and vauban of course hands and heels job!
                              I think your wrong about last year reckon almost more got beat last year than won out of the short price favs, concertista,chacun,easysland,kilcruit,envoi, zanahiry, elimay all got beat at very short odds and the likes of Appreciate it, shishkin, Honeysuckle, Bob o and monkfish won, happens most years imo some win some don't


                              • Managed to cash out a couple of bets I had from start of season that had Jeff Kidder in.
                                Thank you Madmoose for posting on the out of festival thread.
                                I owe you a drink!!

