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  • Originally posted by thorne365 View Post

    I'd argue that trolls/bots/fake news purveyors or whatever you want to call them are a far bigger instigator for causing social media to be a cesspit that people jumping on bandwagons because something has triggered their anger. How do you propose to address that?
    Well, none of that behaviour is allowed under Twitter's T&Cs. But they don't enforce it cos some of the biggest violators are some of the biggest accounts. Twitter loses money hand over fist cos its ad engine isn't as sophisticated as Facebook (which these days is propped up by IG) so it turns a blind eye to Trump etc cos they drive numbers to the site. So they have to be forced to to enact those T&Cs by law. That's easier said than done cos our current govt loves social media's targeting abilities.

    I'm a veteran of many forums and the most successful ones are communities where everyone knows where the line is, and moderators enforce them. We currently have the worst of both worlds were they're enacted piecemeal. You'll get a 24 hour ban on twitter for replying "fuck off" to an MP you don't like, but said MP can publish questions sent to them in private by a journalist, accuse them of being scum and turn comments off with no reproach. You can be a literal Nazi trying to carry out a coup and your video will be up for days, but you dare show a bit of nipple on the gram and it'll be down quicker than a fly on the proverbial.

    So it's rules backed by legislation, but I won't hold my breath on either.

    I will also add a lament for how the media changed the meaning of trolling. Trolling used to be an art form. It was basically getting a rise out of people. Yes sometimes it could be mean but it was so often beautiful. Posting intentional logic fallacies and things you know to be incorrect and watching people turn themselves in knots.

    Then one day the media went "trolls are ppl posting death threats online". Not it wasn't! I dunno what that is but it wasn't trolling. Now it's an art lost forever.


    • Is a forum not social media?


      • Originally posted by Jrow View Post
        Social media especially Twitter is a cess pit of negativity. But ultimately the choice is yours wether you want to consume all that negative bullshit. Personally I’ve not used twitter at all this year or watched/ read the news for that matter and my outlook on life is immeasurably better than before.

        The solution is quite simple, if social media serves you no purpose positively, then ditch it and watch your life, mood and emotions improve over night
        I've never entertained Twitter or Facebook accounts and never will. Much better off for it.


        • Ha you got me there Kev, but a better class of idiot on here.



          • Originally posted by Magpie View Post
            Ha you got me there Kev, but a better class of idiot on here.

            I could use that as our slogan?

            Fat jockey Forum.... like racing twitter, but fewer twits.


            • Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

              Plans are being considered to allow a caretaker to take the licence at Gordon Elliott's stable with growing acceptance that the trainer faces a ban at a hearing on Friday.


              • Originally posted by nortonscoin200 View Post
                Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

                If the horses and staff are allowed to carry on as per normal or as near normal anyway, that’s brilliant.


                • Originally posted by robith View Post

                  Well, none of that behaviour is allowed under Twitter's T&Cs. But they don't enforce it cos some of the biggest violators are some of the biggest accounts. Twitter loses money hand over fist cos its ad engine isn't as sophisticated as Facebook (which these days is propped up by IG) so it turns a blind eye to Trump etc cos they drive numbers to the site. So they have to be forced to to enact those T&Cs by law. That's easier said than done cos our current govt loves social media's targeting abilities.

                  I'm a veteran of many forums and the most successful ones are communities where everyone knows where the line is, and moderators enforce them. We currently have the worst of both worlds were they're enacted piecemeal. You'll get a 24 hour ban on twitter for replying "fuck off" to an MP you don't like, but said MP can publish questions sent to them in private by a journalist, accuse them of being scum and turn comments off with no reproach. You can be a literal Nazi trying to carry out a coup and your video will be up for days, but you dare show a bit of nipple on the gram and it'll be down quicker than a fly on the proverbial.

                  So it's rules backed by legislation, but I won't hold my breath on either.

                  I will also add a lament for how the media changed the meaning of trolling. Trolling used to be an art form. It was basically getting a rise out of people. Yes sometimes it could be mean but it was so often beautiful. Posting intentional logic fallacies and things you know to be incorrect and watching people turn themselves in knots.

                  Then one day the media went "trolls are ppl posting death threats online". Not it wasn't! I dunno what that is but it wasn't trolling. Now it's an art lost forever.
                  nice post! I wonder if QAnon started as a 'proper' trolling attempt


                  • No ban, fine, trial by media will ever hurt as much as losing Envoi Allen.

                    Gordon has a great chance to reset now, come back next season/year, prove his behaviour has changed. And I have absolutely no doubt, owners will come back to him, they won't be able to resist with his previous record. Let's hope this is a wake up call to all, and we can spin a positive from it.


                    • Originally posted by thorne365 View Post

                      nice post! I wonder if QAnon started as a 'proper' trolling attempt
                      If you're a podcast guy, there's a great episode of Reply All where they trace how QAnon started and its both mind bending and hilariously "early internet"

                      Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs.


                      • Originally posted by robith View Post

                        If you're a podcast guy, there's a great episode of Reply All where they trace how QAnon started and its both mind bending and hilariously "early internet"

                        Cheers - will give it a listen!


                        • Lydia Hislop's viewpoint on the GE story

                          The owls are not what they seem


                          • I am not sure where to post this, so please move to the most appropriate place. A handy page to show the UK Handicapper "tax" on the Irish horses....

                            So we're here again, within touching distance of the Cheltenham Festival. The excitement has been added with the handicap entries, and weights released. Below I'll have a definitive list of every...


                            • Originally posted by qzy View Post
                              I am not sure where to post this, so please move to the most appropriate place. A handy page to show the UK Handicapper "tax" on the Irish horses....

                              Excellent Qzy. That's very useful for me personally


                              • Originally posted by qzy View Post
                                I am not sure where to post this, so please move to the most appropriate place. A handy page to show the UK Handicapper "tax" on the Irish horses....

                                Brilliant, thanks for this, I was looking for this last night without success...

