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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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  • Can't sleep for shit....... Has Santa been yet?


    • Know the feeling Yosser, excited and regretting take such a strong position with KDB (Turners), TYC (Albert Bartlett) Green Splendour ( Bumper ), not going to let this spoil it and im certain i will claw the losses back. Sixandahalf the one I'm looking to land and start the clawback. The Niaid would be a great result for most of us on here as well. Keeping the faith and not giving up. Hope your / were all successful come Friday. Good Luck and all the very best of Luck.


      • Originally posted by Tickety Boo View Post
        Know the feeling Yosser, excited and regretting take such a strong position with KDB (Turners), TYC (Albert Bartlett) Green Splendour ( Bumper ), not going to let this spoil it and im certain i will claw the losses back. Sixandahalf the one I'm looking to land and start the clawback. The Niaid would be a great result for most of us on here as well. Keeping the faith and not giving up. Hope your / were all successful come Friday. Good Luck and all the very best of Luck.
        Same to you pal. Yep, i think we all got the novice hurdlers the wrong way around. I covered KDB for the Supreme early but didn't do the same with FD but now have them covered in doubles anyway so what will be will be. A good first day is what we all want so lets stick it to em


        • Originally posted by Yosser View Post
          Can't sleep for shit....... Has Santa been yet?
          I planned to get an early night, to get up early ready to take advantage of those best prices and BOG .... but I realise even if I go to bed late, I'll still get up early for that


          • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post

            I planned to get an early night, to get up early ready to take advantage of those best prices and BOG .... but I realise even if I go to bed late, I'll still get up early for that
            I am still kicking. Tried to sleep before, binge watching previews and wondering why they all tip the same horses. I have had my oven grills and trays in one of those oven pride bags since yesterday morning so i am going to put my earphones in and clean them and then do the kitchen. I am not sleeping now. The neighbours will be waking up for work bog eyed, pissing sideways and see me in the kitchen scrubbing away. Only dilemma i have is that i am bollocko in the dressing gown and my earphones are in the car but i am parked 5 houses away, guarantee if i chance it, the biggest gust of wind will arrive from the Sierra Nevada just at the time a thousand people appear around the corner


            • Mind whirring , I’m in strong position on brighterdays ahead, but mostly only have CH in two doubles with Teahupoo, (worried as nobody seems to like him now )so thinking do I lay off the BDA bets or put more money on CH. Latter prob the way (surely nothing else can win) Also have a lossie mares/CH double.

              Think I’ll wait to morning and hope Cont Hill drifts, hope there’s a few enhanced wins for him, and then also take a decision after Lossie wins.

              So that’s my bed time thinking!
              Last edited by Magpie; Today, 01:15 AM.


              • For any other restless souls who enjoy a bit of basketball, it's Denver vs OKC, just gone into HT. Jokic vs SGA the top 2 MVP candidates for the season.

                I've just lumped on a rebounds bet which will surely be a bad idea

