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Cheltz Fest 2021 Behind Closed Doors ?

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  • Originally posted by Quevega View Post

    Surely they ought to try and make some money ?
    It is a business after all, (that's been forced to close for months)
    Those that don't go get refunded anyway.

    They don't want 2000 members turning up with flasks and packed lunches to stand on the steps of the stands I'd imagine.
    Totally the wrong attitude Q.


    • Originally posted by Lobos View Post

      Totally the wrong attitude Q.
      Nowt to do with attitude.

      It's basic Economics - Supply & Demand.

      If Businesses don't make money they eventually disappear.


      • But it's a business that relies on the goodwill of its customers Q.

        I'm not feeling much goodwill towards them right now, and I'm sure I'm far from alone.

        It's Covid profiteering. What did people think of the companies that put up the prices of hand gel and toilet roll.
        Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


        • Originally posted by Quevega View Post

          Nowt to do with attitude.

          It's basic Economics - Supply & Demand.

          If Businesses don't make money they eventually disappear.
          Running a business like that they'll lose customers quicker and go out of business quicker. It's totally the wrong way to go about it.


          • Originally posted by Spectre View Post
            But it's a business that relies on the goodwill of its customers Q.

            I'm not feeling much goodwill towards them right now, and I'm sure I'm far from alone.

            It's Covid profiteering. What did people think of the companies that put up the prices of hand gel and toilet roll.
            Agree again Spectre. I understand the basic economics, but there has to be goodwill shown to members which it doesn't feel like there is. As mentioned earlier, offer hospitality after the ballot and its all good.

            Unfortunately this will come down to the haves and the have nots. If you have the money to pay for hospitality, you'll be delighted at being able to guarantee a space. If you haven't then you're gonna be upset at people getting preferential treatment. Exactly the same as being able to pay for queue jumping at theme parks etc, unfortunately we live in a capitalistic society.


            • Those plastic pints of piss (sorry, Carling...) will probably require an even bigger loan to purchase than normal.


              • Originally posted by Jorvik View Post
                Those plastic pints of piss (sorry, Carling...) will probably require an even bigger loan to purchase than normal.
                Yep. ?7 a pint is coming me thinks.


                • Originally posted by Lobos View Post

                  Yep. ?7 a pint is coming me thinks.
                  And we'd still gladly pay it!


                  • Interesting thoughts on todays announcement here, I can see both sides and I’ve read valid points from both sides.
                    Ultimately I think whatever they did would be wrong/upset some people, these are unprecedented times and there is no book they can pull from the shelves with a guide on what to do next.

                    I doubt there’s anyone who has missed racing more than me and although I’m a first year Cheltenham member if I’m unsuccessful with the ballot so be it, someone else is enjoying themselves and I have no issue driving to Wincanton, Plumpton or Leicester in the days leading up to the International meeting for me to get my racing fix, people should remember that the vast majority of midweek meetings took place with less than 2000 racegoers, granted midweek racing isn’t easy for everyone but the option is there.

                    Personally I just want to celebrate being able to go racing and if that’s some gaff track full of class 5 handicaps and 85 rated hurdlers so be it, has to be better than staying at home...


                    • Originally posted by Jorvik View Post
                      Those plastic pints of piss (sorry, Carling...) will probably require an even bigger loan to purchase than normal.
                      Don't fuc*ing apologise! It's a genuine disgrace that Carling is the only lager sold on track. Pricing a pint of that piss at ?5.05 just adds insult to injury

                      Someone somewhere must have locked Cheltenham into a contract with Carling as the only provider because I don't know a soul who drinks the stuff out of choice, not one.

                      Never see anyone drinking it out and about, or buying from the supermarket, or choosing to have it over other lagers.


                      • The problem isn’t the ballot Istabraq, it’s offering hospitality, and then a ballot only for any remaining tickets that’s the problem. The rest of what you say I’m 100% with you.

                        If I wanted to I’m in the fortunate position that I wouldn’t think twice about hospitality, but that’s not true for many others, and that doesn’t feel fair. Particularly when people have been losing their jobs or having their time and wage reduced, including some Cheltenham members no doubt. How about offering those people some much needed respite. I know many family members that go together, that haven’t been able to mix. I can think of countless situations that limiting the ballot makes it less likely that people can attend together, unless they’re fortunate enough to be able to afford hospitality. By taking the approach they have is nothing less than Covid profiteering, and shows zero regard for the majority of their members who have chose to support them when they would have had no income. If all tickets were in the ballot nobody would have a problem with it, and there were no difficult choices making that decision.
                        Last edited by Spectre; 25 November 2020, 08:55 PM.
                        Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


                        • Again, completely understand Spectre, but someone mentioned it earlier the business has been on the floor so getting some much needed income in the bank has to be acceptable.

                          Ticket allocation has never been fair in any sport, every year season ticket holders spend fortunes going up and down the country and overseas to watch their team but so often they get to cup finals and lose out on the ballot whilst thousands of suits spend fortunes for top end/hospitality tickets because they can afford to, the man in the street misses out.

                          It’s not right and it’s not fair and it’s not changing either sadly...


                          • The hospitality/fairness/money debate is pointless. Some valid things said re fairness of access, but it goes back to basic supply and demand, and every single sport in the world is the same. If you have loads of cash you'll be ringside at the boxing, pitch side at the Super Bowl, in Club Wembley for FA Cup Finals, on track at F1 etc etc etc. There are literally too many examples to list. Is it fair, no. Will it change, no. Racing is no different, move on.


                            • Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
                              Interesting thoughts on todays announcement here, I can see both sides and I’ve read valid points from both sides.
                              Ultimately I think whatever they did would be wrong/upset some people, these are unprecedented times and there is no book they can pull from the shelves with a guide on what to do next.

                              I doubt there’s anyone who has missed racing more than me and although I’m a first year Cheltenham member if I’m unsuccessful with the ballot so be it, someone else is enjoying themselves and I have no issue driving to Wincanton, Plumpton or Leicester in the days leading up to the International meeting for me to get my racing fix, people should remember that the vast majority of midweek meetings took place with less than 2000 racegoers, granted midweek racing isn’t easy for everyone but the option is there.

                              Personally I just want to celebrate being able to go racing and if that’s some gaff track full of class 5 handicaps and 85 rated hurdlers so be it, has to be better than staying at home...
                              Here, here. I'm hoping to go to Exeter next Friday. Please let it happen.


                              • Originally posted by Lobos View Post

                                Here, here. I'm hoping to go to Exeter next Friday. Please let it happen.
                                You live in Exeter Lobos?

