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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Cheltz Fest 2021 Behind Closed Doors ?

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  • #31
    Gets a bit chilly up there Q, I nailed a 3 wood off the 12th tee there once and the thing nearly finished behind me...


    • #32
      Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
      Gets a bit chilly up there Q, I nailed a 3 wood off the 12th tee there once and the thing nearly finished behind me...
      Cheers Ista.
      I'll take a windbreaker.
      And a driving Iron.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Lobos View Post
        Bookies can only take max £45 on course via card. Takes ages having it paid out to card. Won't happen.
        Couldn't they take more with inserting card and putting PIN in?
        "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


        • #34
          Originally posted by Saxon Warrior View Post
          Couldn't they take more with inserting card and putting PIN in?
          Not according to my bookie mate. He is in his 60's though !!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Lobos View Post
            Not according to my bookie mate. He is in his 60's though !!
            They could have slim pickings then across the country when racing opens up to spectators.

            I don’t tend to bet on-course at all, and never do at Cheltenham.
            Looks like cash punters would have to put their bets on in the town centre and then get the raceday bus up to the track.
            "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


            • #36
              Originally posted by Saxon Warrior View Post
              I just got my Annual Renewal email for Cheltenham members badge for the season.

              The full paperwork is in the post to me, but early signs are they plan to charge full price on membership and refund back to us each time we can't attend a meeting because we're not permitted on track.

              Its probably all they can do at the moment to:-

              A) Get all the members renewal money
              B) Show them how they will pay it back if there is no racing to watch, on a meeting by meeting basis.
              Assume ur renewing Saxon?

              I plan to definitely 😀
              Fat Jockey Patron (est. Jan 2021)


              • #37
                FAQ’s on Cheltenham Membership

                Will I be able to reserve a Grandstand seat?

                Due to Social Distancing measures, it will no longer be possible to request/select a specific seat.
                Seating will be allocated prior to racedays by the racecourse in line with Social Distancing measures at that time.

                What if racing doesn’t proceed to allow spectators, and ai have already paid for my membership?

                In the event that restrictions are put in place that mean you will not be able to attend racing the following rebates will be provided:
                October 23 & 24 - £10 per day
                November 13, 14 & 15 - £15 per day
                December 11 & 12 - £10 per day

                Of course this will be reviewed later in the year in respect of next year’s meetings. For 18-28 members, the rebates will be 50% of the above

                Will entry to the racecourse change?

                You will be asked to queue in line with social distancing rules. This may affect the speed in which you access the course.

                Running to secure seats first will no longer be tolerated and you will be asked to remain at a safe distance after you have entered the racecourse.

                Will numbers be limited in Members facilites?

                It is highly likely that numbers will be limited during racedays in each facility. However, to ensure that you still have a dedicated space and area exclusive to you, we will be opening the public areas of the Princess Royal Stand for our Cheltenham Racecourse members only. This includes, the Vestey Bar, Champagne Bar and the entirety of the stand steppings overlooking the course. This is in addition to the usual Annual Members Bar in the Princess Royal Stand.

                Do I need to have a health screening?

                It is likely that all Members attending racing will be required to complete a health questionnaire prior to their attendance. This will also help us determine how many visitors we will have on site on a raceday. If this is the case you will not be permitted to enter the Racecourse if you have not completed this. If this is a requirement you will be contacted ahead of each raceday.

                This is why it is imperative that we have all your contact information including an email address so please ensure you complete this on the renewal form. If this is not completed or the requested information cannot be provided this will affect your application. For this reason, we insist that memberships are not transferrable and only the member themselves can use the membership. ID checks will be performed upon entry.

                Will you accept cash on-course? - better news in the FAQs for on-course bookmakers accepting cash.

                For clarity, bookmakers may of course continue to accept cash at their own discretion, discussions are currently taking place between the Racecourse Association and betting operators as to the extent that bookmakers can increase their level of cashless transactions.

                In order to protect our employees and customers from the requirement to handle cash during the Covid pandemic, all admissions, food and drink transactions will be cashless at the racecourse.
                Last edited by Saxon Warrior; 20 August 2020, 10:36 AM.
                "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


                • #38
                  This is an awful thread that’s done nothing but make us all think about the possibility of missing the festival. We’ve probably all thought about it but put the horrifying idea to the back of our minds locked away. But to see it on FJ.. awful. Four pages too. Hang your heads the lot of you.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
                    I don't think I'll be going next year.

                    Better on TV isn't it, I love to know what the social stable is up to and I miss that on course.
                    Sit in the Quevega bar and watch in person, great way to spend your day


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Hurricane fly View Post
                      Sit in the Quevega bar and watch in person, great way to spend your day

                      The people that hang around the Social Stable encapsulate everything wrong with a generation.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post

                        The people that hang around the Social Stable encapsulate everything wrong with a generation.
                        Agreed, least the folk trying to get on camera beside John McCririck (RIP) and now Matt Chapman are in the hustle and bustle of the betting ring!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by TigerRolllllll View Post
                          Assume ur renewing Saxon?

                          I plan to definitely 😀
                          Yes indeed, unless something drastic happens with the virus in the next 2 or 3 week, to stop any gatherings at sporting fixtures indefinitely.

                          Can we trust the gen-pop to save themselves
                          "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


                          • #43
                            Government analysis - covid being spread by under 40s.

                            Government solution - lockdown over 50s.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Quevega View Post
                              If they won't let me in.
                              I'll be having a picnic (including a scotch egg) on cleeve hill, naked, clutching some high powered binoculars. With my own big screen (Iphone 11 pro).
                              I can just imagine it. A little old lady walking her dog loose on Cleeve Hill on the 16th March stumbling across Quevega on his picnic blanket................

                              Little Old Lady: "Come here Shep. Stop nibbling on that poor mans Scotch Eggs"?

                              Quevega: "Oh it's alright madam, I ate them an hour ago"!
                              Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by archie View Post
                                Government analysis - covid being spread by under 40s.

                                Government solution - lockdown over 50s.

                                Let the country go feral, seems to be the suggestion.
                                "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".

