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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Out of the Fez - Whatsapp

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  • Out of the Fez - Whatsapp

    I’ve been thinking - one of the key things in ante post betting for the festival is hearing about a horse having an issue or a change of plan to skip/change race and cashing out QUICK!,

    Ones that are released through the media or come through RP are tracked and you have seconds so those are what they are. It’s the trainers blogs, interviews, owners twitter etc that give you the edge.

    Being ahead of the bookies and quick means you can often cashout if you act within a couple of minutes.

    I missed a couple of key ones last year but overall did well and saved a lot of money! The ones I missed still grate on me.

    Bookies could well track this forum so posting on the thread might alert them to it.

    I was thinking a WhatsApp group would be brilliant to alert people we trust and give everyone the best chance of cashing out and staying ahead.

    What do people think?

  • #2
    I would be up for anything which helps


    • #3
      Good idea Don, as long as it doesn’t descend into a gossip/chat group there are definite benefits


      • #4
        Whilst this could be useful for confirmed injuries etc, change of plans sting plenty on here every year (cashing out with/or trainer changing mind again)so you have have to be careful on that one. Decent idea thou


        • #5
          I missed a number of key announcements last season (this season!!) by an hour or two and it cost me quite a bit of money so I’d be happy to be involved in any service/communication line that gives me a chance of cashing out before the bookies remove it. Count me The Don


          • #6
            I really like this idea but it shouldn't take anything away from this forum.

            It should be like the NR thread where only posts are a horse been ruled out and nothing more.

            I think it would be great for us al who can't be on here all the time though. Great shout Don


            • #7
              Originally posted by sprintersacren View Post
              I really like this idea but it shouldn't take anything away from this forum.

              It should be like the NR thread where only posts are a horse been ruled out and nothing more.

              I think it would be great for us al who can't be on here all the time though. Great shout Don

              That was my thought - nothing else other than news about an injury or skipping the festival, ideally including the source or where it has come from.

              You would have the notification on for the group so you can act fast so you wouldn’t want anything more than that.


              • #8
                Originally posted by sprintersacren View Post
                I really like this idea but it shouldn't take anything away from this forum.

                It should be like the NR thread where only posts are a horse been ruled out and nothing more.

                I think it would be great for us al who can't be on here all the time though. Great shout Don
                Completely agree.
                But having a 2/3 min period to act from a dedicated group could be priceless before posting publicly.
                I can assure you there are a number of lurkers, wrong uns and potentially bookies that follow this forum so taking something like this ‘private’ for a short period has its’ benefits...


                • #9
                  But how would you stop the bookies from joining the WhatsApp group?


                  • #10
                    Brilliant idea ��


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by YoungHustler View Post
                      But how would you stop the bookies from joining the WhatsApp group?
                      Someone has to be group admin/owner, that person will need to check against membership details...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
                        Someone has to be group admin/owner, that person will need to check against membership details...
                        Exactly - was going going to say would link into time on here and contribution etc. Would keep it select enough and no one new could join until they have done their time and shown in posts they are legit over a decent period

                        Keep close tabs on it and if anyone is added and things change you remove them


                        • #13
                          Sounds like a good idea


                          • #14
                            We actually discussed something similar on the forum a while ago, about how we could get this exact info quicker. I said at the time it would be great if we could somehow get a notification every time the ‘Out of the Festival’ thread was updated, but of course there is no way of doing this. Not sure why but nobody thought of a whatsapp group.

                            Personally not sure there is any evidence to suggest horses have not been able to cash out specifically due to exclusive info put up on here so not worried about that to be honest.


                            • #15
                              You can subscribe to a specific thread...

                              'Thread tools' at the top of whichever thread it is you'd want to subscribe to.

                              Sends an email...

