It’s a subject matter that I’ve always wanted to ask lots of horse racing goers. What is it exactly, that lures each and every one of us in? Why do so many of us have such a huge (financial) interest in an event so many months (and possibly over a year, certainly in my case….) out?
Royal Ascot’s ‘festival’ has 35 races, an extra day, is played out in the height of Summer, and yet…..and yet…..and yet…..this festival we have in the Cotswolds appears to be the greatest of them all, for many of us. Thousands of us.
Cheltenham has so many festival preview shows on the circuit. Why are there hardly any (if any) for Royal Ascot?
Is it the continual ‘narrative’ of a horses career over a number of years, and their progression that draws us in?
Is it the continual thoughts of “Will he/she go chasing/stay hurting/go up/down in distance and the continual ‘narrative’ we discuss such a draw for each and every one of us?
What makes the Cheltenham Festival so enthralling, so exciting, so absorbing for 4 days of a year for us?
Why do we attach ourselves financially to a 4 day event year after year, but have no attraction to Royal Ascot, despite most of us here having a passion for the equine stars on show?
Me personally? I love to get down there on the Saturday lunchtime before the festival (2 hour drive) and literally soak up the gradual atmosphere that builds in the 72 hours beforehand. You can feel it, sense it. I love the Monday before in the town, the visit to the outside stables as horses arrive, the ante post bet you believe you may have ‘nailed’ months in advance potentially at a huge price.
So many, many, many things.
It’s a subject I’d absolutely love to hear people’s own thoughts on…….
Royal Ascot’s ‘festival’ has 35 races, an extra day, is played out in the height of Summer, and yet…..and yet…..and yet…..this festival we have in the Cotswolds appears to be the greatest of them all, for many of us. Thousands of us.
Cheltenham has so many festival preview shows on the circuit. Why are there hardly any (if any) for Royal Ascot?
Is it the continual ‘narrative’ of a horses career over a number of years, and their progression that draws us in?
Is it the continual thoughts of “Will he/she go chasing/stay hurting/go up/down in distance and the continual ‘narrative’ we discuss such a draw for each and every one of us?
What makes the Cheltenham Festival so enthralling, so exciting, so absorbing for 4 days of a year for us?
Why do we attach ourselves financially to a 4 day event year after year, but have no attraction to Royal Ascot, despite most of us here having a passion for the equine stars on show?
Me personally? I love to get down there on the Saturday lunchtime before the festival (2 hour drive) and literally soak up the gradual atmosphere that builds in the 72 hours beforehand. You can feel it, sense it. I love the Monday before in the town, the visit to the outside stables as horses arrive, the ante post bet you believe you may have ‘nailed’ months in advance potentially at a huge price.
So many, many, many things.
It’s a subject I’d absolutely love to hear people’s own thoughts on…….