Hi Fat Lads - please forgive the intrusion!
I am Reebs from not606, and am here to invite/taunt/boast (delete as necessary) our tipping prowess over yours!
Ron usually runs a team event for the Chelt Festival (in which to be fair , you have walloped us recently) but is indisposed this year, and it has fallen to me to do a competition for not606.
I highly doubt many of you will want to register on not606 (scaredy cats?) leaving your own Kev as the sole representative of FJ, however, if I do not make the gesture/invitation/challenge (delete as necessary) then WE would be the scaredy cats.
So, as Delia Smith once famously said - come on then, let's be 'aving you!
Love and kisses, and best of wishes for a successful festival to you all
I am Reebs from not606, and am here to invite/taunt/boast (delete as necessary) our tipping prowess over yours!
Ron usually runs a team event for the Chelt Festival (in which to be fair , you have walloped us recently) but is indisposed this year, and it has fallen to me to do a competition for not606.
I highly doubt many of you will want to register on not606 (scaredy cats?) leaving your own Kev as the sole representative of FJ, however, if I do not make the gesture/invitation/challenge (delete as necessary) then WE would be the scaredy cats.
So, as Delia Smith once famously said - come on then, let's be 'aving you!
Love and kisses, and best of wishes for a successful festival to you all