Was going to create a poll but looks like would need to create more than one so some general enquiries to help decide whether to go ahead, especially regarding answers to Q1. Same rules as last year. basically 10 horses per each team, pick 9 horses from a list of 200 and add 1 of your own which is not on the list as a Dark Horse to complete your team and for which there is a separate prize for top scoring one.
1. Would you enter ?
2. How many teams of 10 would you prefer to enter 1,2 or 3 ?
3. Kev is happy to collect entry fees and distribute prize monies again so how much per team should entry be ?5 or ?10 or even enter two teams and get a third team free ?
4. When would you like competition to start, Fri Oct 22nd first day of Cheltenham's season, Sat October 30th Charlie Hall day at Wetherby or Fri Nov 12th first day of Cheltenham Open Meeting
1. Would you enter ?
2. How many teams of 10 would you prefer to enter 1,2 or 3 ?
3. Kev is happy to collect entry fees and distribute prize monies again so how much per team should entry be ?5 or ?10 or even enter two teams and get a third team free ?
4. When would you like competition to start, Fri Oct 22nd first day of Cheltenham's season, Sat October 30th Charlie Hall day at Wetherby or Fri Nov 12th first day of Cheltenham Open Meeting