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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Which division excites you the most?

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  • Which division excites you the most?

    Which of these 'divisions' excite you the most for the upcoming season?

    I know their could be cross overs.... and I hope Kotkijet see's I've added the juveniles just for him
    Staying Chasers
    Champion Chasers
    Novice Chasers
    Champion Hurdlers
    Novice Hurdlers
    Staying Hurdlers
    Juvenile Hurdlers
    Something else?

  • #2
    ....and Quevega - take some comfort in that I nearly created a poll about whether I change back to my old avatar ... just as I think you'd vote in it


    • #3
      Nearly went for novice chasers, but slight preference for novice hurdlers as I love seeing (hopefully!) the stars of the future coming through.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
        ....and Quevega - take some comfort in that I nearly created a poll about whether I change back to my old avatar ... just as I think you'd vote in it
        Maybe do a poll seeing where you think there's most value.


        • #5
          I reckon if I'd have put this poll up pre-Cheltenham for 2022 season, it'd have been Staying Chasers, as Monkfish and Envoi Allen entering that division, was definitely more exciting than Appreciate It and Bob Olinger.



          • #6
            It's always the novice chasers for me.


            • #7
              I'm not sure it's a fair comparison with three divisions in both novice hurdles & novice chases versus one a piece in the Championship Divisions. Would be interesting to see the breakdown including individual categories for each novice division and maybe add intermediate chasers. Perhaps separate polls on just the novice hurdles, just the novice chases and just the championship races (including the Ryanair)... then a final poll of the leading choices from each category.


              • #8
                Always Novice Chasers for me.
                You've already got a season or two of familiarity with the "names" and know what they could be capable of BUT just enough "unknown" quantity to give it a little mystique.

                (Or is that Mis-Teeq?!??)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Faugheen_Machine View Post
                  It's always the novice chasers for me.
                  Gotta be this


                  • #10
                    Champion Chase for me.

                    PTKO unbeaten in 4 round Cheltenham, and the current Champion

                    Chacun Pour Soi, generally looks like a champion, but couldn’t handle the Champion Chase run up the hill last year.

                    Energumene unbeaten over fences, and seriously better than all other Irish 2M Novice Chasers last season.

                    Shishkin - my favourite horse to watch over fences, what a star, and 2/1 top price to beat those above and all-comers, show how much people expect next March

                    "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Saxon Warrior View Post
                      Champion Chase for me.

                      PTKO unbeaten in 4 round Cheltenham, and the current Champion

                      Chacun Pour Soi, generally looks like a champion, but couldn’t handle the Champion Chase run up the hill last year.

                      Energumene unbeaten over fences, and seriously better than all other Irish 2M Novice Chasers last season.

                      Shishkin - my favourite horse to watch over fences, what a star, and 2/1 top price to beat those above and all-comers, show how much people expect next March

                      Same for me SW.

                      If those 4 turn up in March it will be an absolute belter of a race and potentially looking like one of the best in years!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Craigy14 View Post

                        Same for me SW.

                        If those 4 turn up in March it will be an absolute belter of a race and potentially looking like one of the best in years!
                        You are right, it would be the best Champion Chase I can remember, if they all turn up firing at their best.
                        "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


                        • #13
                          Moscow Flyer 180
                          Well Chief 177
                          Azertyuiop 178


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Eudipe View Post
                            I'm not sure it's a fair comparison with three divisions in both novice hurdles &amp; novice chases versus one a piece in the Championship Divisions. Would be interesting to see the breakdown including individual categories for each novice division and maybe add intermediate chasers. Perhaps separate polls on just the novice hurdles, just the novice chases and just the championship races (including the Ryanair)... then a final poll of the leading choices from each category.
                            Plenty of time and polls to be had for specific races, don't you worry about that.

                            I did laugh at "not a fair comparison"... That may be for the best, as if I'd put "Ryanair/intermediate chase division" and anyone voted for it, I'd have lost all faith in the sport and closed down the poll, and forum.


                            • #15
                              Defo Du Seuil
                              Chacun Pour Soi

                              Was potentially the best for a long time (05?) Until 24 hours before the decs, and hindsight shows would have been, well, not the best

