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New Daily Thread - Sea's of Blue Daily Update

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  • Yep my raw data file is 550 rows and has only been compiled on the paragraphs posted each day here. E.G Date, Horse, Race. Very basic limited data.
    Maybe next year I start to log more advanced data, but then i might aswell work for oddschkr or ask them for an API. No willing to do this lol. I work full time and have a child coming! So its purely 15 mins a day of logging them movers/shakers


    • Originally posted by Quevega View Post
      So if you identify stables where this pattern looks clear.
      What will you do with the information ?
      Is that a trick question or am I missing something ?
      Obviously backing a horse for an alternative target/laying a horse for the ‘preferred’ target if connections have form with sending the public on a wrong path.
      The more info anyone has to hand the better, how you use it depends on the punter and his bank but I’d rather have the info than not...


      • Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
        Is that a trick question or am I missing something ?
        Obviously backing a horse for an alternative target/laying a horse for the ‘preferred’ target if connections have form with sending the public on a wrong path.
        The more info anyone has to hand the better, how you use it depends on the punter and his bank but I’d rather have the info than not...
        It was a genuine question.
        If it's so obvious, and done with intent to deceive, wouldn't it be easy to spot though ?
        If you interpret it a certain way based on suspicion, and back or lay accordingly, then surely that can be a risky method.
        More so than simply backing a horse because you believe it will run and have a chance in the race. Or the opposite if you're a layer.

        I accept that this information alongside other information can help form an opinion and a bet though, I get that.
        It's just how much gravitas you place on the seas of blue, and what lies behind it ?


        • Originally posted by punterorplonker View Post
          Yep my raw data file is 550 rows and has only been compiled on the paragraphs posted each day here. E.G Date, Horse, Race. Very basic limited data.
          Maybe next year I start to log more advanced data, but then i might aswell work for oddschkr or ask them for an API. No willing to do this lol. I work full time and have a child coming! So its purely 15 mins a day of logging them movers/shakers
          Congratulations POP

          What takes you 15 mins would take me ........



          • ....for PoP’s consideration;

            Supasundae in the CH seeing some support. Springfield Fox, NH Chase. Easy Game RSA. Tronador, Boodles. Ocean Wind, Bumper (Jason Weaver tipped it up on ITV Racing). Easy Game, Marsh. Brelan D’as, Plate. Champagne Platinum, Kim Muir. Mohaayed, County. Latest Exhibition, Bartlett. Chosen Mate & Lisp, Grand Annual.
            Last edited by Eggs; 7 March 2020, 04:14 PM.


            • Originally posted by Eggs View Post
              ....for PoP’s consideration;

              Supasundae in the CH seeing some support. Springfield Fox, NH Chase. Easy Game RSA. Tronador, Boodles. Ocean Wind, Bumper (Jason Weaver tipped it up on ITV Racing). Easy Game, Marsh. Brelan D’as, Plate. Champagne Platinum, Kim Muir. Mohaayed, County. Latest Exhibition, Bartlett. Chosen Mate & Lisp, Grand Annual.
              Thanks!! Thats eggscelent


              • Saturday 7th March - Mister Fisher (Arkle), Darver/Supda/Not So (CH), Champ Court (North), Springfield (NH), Longhouse (Bally), Easy Game (RSA), Champ Well (Coral), Tronador (Boodles), Ocean Wind (CB), Easy Game/Melon (Marsh), Ronald (Stayers), Springtown/Brelan/Drumconnor (Plate), Kilfinun/Champ Plat (KM), Moyaheed/Aramon/Eglantine/Not So/Stolen/Eldorado/Carnadier (County), Latest Ex/Fury/Five0clock (AB), Greanateen/Lisp/Chosen Mate/Palmoma/On The Slopes (GA), Ilikedway/Pileon/Fiveoclock (MP)


                • Any movement regarding Envoi? Surely Elliot made his mind up a few hours ago but allowing connections the chance to get their money on??


                  • Sunday 8th - No comment (Ultima), Benie (Mares), Hold the note/Precious (North), Lord du mansel (NH), Longhouse/Envoi ( Bally), Slate (RSA), Dame (Coral), Queens(CB), Mister Fish/Royal (Marsh), Paisley (Stay), Bob/Fitz/Milan/LeBreuil(KM), EClair (GA), Bosses (MP)


                    • Monday 9th -
                      Tuesday Races
                      Asterion/Elixir (Supreme), Espirit/Kettle (Arkle), Conditional/Disco/No Comment/Big River/Cepage/Cobra/Cogry (Ultima)
                      Epatante/Call Me Lord/Ballyandy/Cornerstone (CH), Benie (Mares), Espoir/Hold The Note/Earl of the cotswolds/whatamore/champagne mystery (North) Lord Du Mensil/Springfield/Ocean Cove (NH)
                      Wednesday Races
                      Copper/Easy (RSA), Dame (Coral)
                      Thursday Races
                      Kilbricken Storm (Pertemps), A Plus Tard (Ryan), Champagne Plat (KM),
                      Friday Races
                      Saint Roi/Thatsy/Christopher Wood (County), Thyme Hill (AB), Eclair/Us and Them (GA), Pileon (MP)


                      • Sea of Blue
                        Top Tuesday Occurrences since 3rd February :

                        Raceday Tuesday

                        Disco 8
                        Asterion 7
                        Brewin 7
                        Kildisart 5
                        Lord Du Mensil 5
                        Hold The Note 5

                        *Only showing more than 4 Occurrences


                        • Tuesday 10th March -
                          Weds Races = Envoi (Bally), Pym (RSA), Honest Vic/Top Moon/Black Tears/Stratum/Canadier/Alfa Mix/Franco/Dame (Coral)
                          Tiger Roll (XC), Tronador,Blacko,Saint DOroux (Boodles), Eskylane/Darling/Glancing/Five Bar (Bumper)
                          Thursday Races = Faugheen (Marsh), Storyteller (Pertemps), Frodon/Min/APT (Ryan), Simply Betts /Ben Dun/Springtown( Plate), Champ Plat (KM)
                          Friday Races = On the slopes (GA), Braid Blue (MP)


                          • Originally posted by punterorplonker View Post
                            I dont understand why there is talk about changes in races in this thread. Its quite simple - the thread is about who is backed and trimmed the most.
                            It would be interesting to see if the winning horses this year had made a prominent showing in the 30 days prior to cheltenham on this thread.

                            I thought I'd go back and take a look at this.
                            Despite many good performances the 'Sea of Blue' only yielded four winners, Shiskin, Dame de Compagne, Aramix and Milan Native, two of those were backed in multiple races.

                            The staggering thing about the ten handicaps last week is that with the exception of Indefatigable's (fortunate !) M Pipe win at 25/1 every one of the other handicaps were won by horses priced 10/1 or shorter.
                            Only three of these, Milan Native, Dame de Compaigne and Aramix are mentioned on the above chart which was taken on 6th March so perhaps the ante post prices always reflected the chances of the others and their odds never shortened significantly until race day or very near to it.
                            Nonetheless it has to be extremely unusual for fancied handicap winners to go unbacked in the weeks leading up to the festival.

                            Make of this what you will but it looks to me that even in the modern world of social media and a million preview evenings the serious plots are kept from the public.
                            The fact horses like Saint Roi and Chosen Mate can get backed into 11/2 and 7/2, and win, the most competitive 2m handicaps in the calendar would appear to confirm this.

                            Different people will use/read the info PP put together in different ways but the end results did not yield many winners, that said many ran well and placed


                            • It may be a case of serious money comes after declarations....and these "market moves" are not actually representing any amount of significant money at all?


                              • Kevloaf and Istabraq
                                Great to see the new chnges this year. Maybe even some platform updates to do better formatting and even charts /tables?

                                Anyway wil you be requiring the sea of blue thread this year or shall I look to do something different.

