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New Daily Thread - Sea's of Blue Daily Update

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  • Originally posted by kinloch brae View Post
    Doesn't The Glancing Queen qualify? Virtually cut across the board (Willaim Hill the exception).
    She's still available at 20/1

    What was she before?

    I don't think I understand this thread, or what it'll be useful for though


    • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
      She's still available at 20/1

      What was she before?

      I don't think I understand this thread, or what it'll be useful for though
      Yes, I was thinking this.

      The colours look nice Punter.

      But what are you going to use this information for ?
      What use can it be going forward ?
      Genuine questions.


      • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
        She's still available at 20/1

        What was she before?

        I don't think I understand this thread, or what it'll be useful for though
        Isn't it just a guide to who is being backed?

        She's 25/1 with Hills and as she is jocked up it seems likely she is going to run?


        • I take it to mean that once all the 2020 results are known you can refer back to the chart to see which of the moves were genuine punts.
          There’ll be trends that can help in future years...


          • Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
            I take it to mean that once all the 2020 results are known you can refer back to the chart to see which of the moves were genuine punts.
            There’ll be trends that can help in future years...
            What type of trends ?
            Some horses are backed/dropped in price and win, and some lose ?


            • Sea Of Blue Summary

              - Previous 31 days market movers.
              -Only horses that are blue across the board (more than 6 bookmakers have cut), not exchanges
              Strict consistent approach for 31 days.
              -Graphs show the number of occurrences (days) the orse shows up.

              Removed orses that were on the list for less than 6 days. (in the below graph).

              e.g Copper head made the cut (was blue) for 15 of the 31 days (50% of the time period) 12 days worth of RSA. 3 for the NH


              • Used to love Mork & Mindy.
                Nanu Nanu.

                It was Orsen where he lived not Orse wasn't it ?

                What's this all for Punter ???


                • Originally posted by Quevega View Post
                  What type of trends ?
                  Some horses are backed/dropped in price and win, and some lose ?
                  Some horses will have shortened for races they don’t run in, there may well be trends where connections are putting people away, if we can identify multiple horses from same yards it will help for next year and certainly highlight what is said by some yards can be taken less seriously than others, similarly any positive results this year that fit with prices shortening can be used to advantage in future years...


                  • Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
                    Some horses will have shortened for races they don’t run in, there may well be trends where connections are putting people away, if we can identify multiple horses from same yards it will help for next year and certainly highlight what is said by some yards can be taken less seriously than others, similarly any positive results this year that fit with prices shortening can be used to advantage in future years...
                    That's an angle I could half go with.

                    Not sure I'd ever believe the whole yard thing though personally, at least not at this level (Cheltenham grade ones etc), at a serious amount in any case. Especially the putting people away side of it by creating false gambles.
                    Don't get me wrong.
                    I'm sure it happens to some degree, but it's all a bit conspiracy theory stuff for me.
                    And I'm not a fan of those theories in general.

                    There's plenty of logical reasons why a horse may change races, without resorting to thinking it's all a big Plan/Ruse.


                    • You’d be surprised Q, happens way more than you think.
                      And I’m generally not referring to G1s, but handicaps definitely.
                      Wasn’t that long ago the likes of Vroum Vroum Mag were given 8 entries, even this year Dallas des Pictons had 7, any ‘blue’ can be recorded and referenced once results are in...


                      • Would knowing how many points a horse has been clipped (the from and too) average to make it more meaningful?

                        A "sea of blue" is being called for when a horse has gone from 25/1 to 20/1 for example. At the moment that holds the same gravitas as, well, any 'proper' gamble?

                        A bookie clipped a horse and the others following suit (especially when the majority of bookies are intertwined) is not always evidence of a gamble?


                        • I dont understand why there is talk about changes in races in this thread. Its quite simple - the thread is about who is backed and trimmed the most.
                          It would be interesting to see if the winning horses this year had made a prominent showing in the 30 days prior to cheltenham on this thread.


                          • PP - the info can be used in different ways.
                            You are looking at winners, but equally helpful is to identify horses who are shortening for a race they do not take up...


                            • It would be interesting to see if the winning horses this year had made a prominent showing in the 30 days prior to cheltenham on this thread.
                              This is fair enough. I get that.
                              It would be interesting.

                              Not sure how useful for the future though as I'd rather be on the ones that win before they go blue and the value diminishes.


                              • Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
                                PP - the info can be used in different ways.
                                You are looking at winners, but equally helpful is to identify horses who are shortening for a race they do not take up...
                                So if you identify stables where this pattern looks clear.
                                What will you do with the information ?

