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New Daily Thread - Sea's of Blue Daily Update

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  • Originally posted by Philg123 View Post
    Just heard from a friend at betfair who said decision Wednesday whether it’s on or not and a small trainer in Ireland said to me he doesn’t think it’ll go ahead from what he’s been told about the issue. Also a suspected case in Lambourn
    Your friend at Racing TV, now your friend at Betfair, a small trainer in Ireland. Have you consulted uncle tom cobley yet?

    You have said absolutely nothing in any of your posts that should make people think that the Festival is any less likely to go ahead.

    In any case this isn't the thread for this sort of pot stirring.


    • Telling you what I’ve been told!! Do you want proof as well?? Got the conversations if you want them?? If not don’t pipe up


      • Originally posted by Philg123 View Post
        he also walked the course Wednesday and said it’s bottomless even before the weekend deluge
        Update on Racing Post app from interview with Simon Claisse, expects ground to be good to soft by end of this week...


        • But clerk of the course Simon Claisse revealed on Sunday: "The outlook for the week is less unsettled than we were expecting.

          "We're not saying there will be no rain but it wouldn't surprise me if we had good to soft in the ground description towards the end of the coming week based on the current forecast. That would be the first time since back in October."

          The slightly drier weather may continue until the start of the festival a week on Tuesday.

          Claisse said: "The reliability of forecasts diminishes the longer ahead we are looking but the indications at the moment are that it could continue to be less unsettled so there could be a slow improvement on what we are currently calling the ground."

          Conditions currently remain on the slow side as Claisse said: "We've had 13mm or 14mm of rain since Wednesday and we remain soft on the Old and New courses, soft, heavy in places on the cross-country course."


          • As I said last Wednesday it was heavy rained Thursday Friday. Weather set fair for the week at Cheltenham and no rain Cheltenham week touch wood. Last Wednesday was the key word in what I said


            • Combination of conjecture and old news. All in one


              • Can I request you keep this shit to the other thread? Clogging up a decent thread in which I enjoy checking when a new post come in, POP doing a great job and dont particularly want to read about theories on the virus or of the Fez goes ahead. Think it's a fair request as there is a thread for it. Cheers.


                • Apologies, I agree Big Bucks


                  • Agree, 100%.

                    However, to be fair it was instigated by thread owner


                    • AF in supreme and Birchdale in Coral...


                      • Sunday 1st March - Asterion (Sup), Birch/Dame (Coral),Queens (CB), Milan Native (KM), Cepage (Brown), Adjali (County), Staker Wallace (Fox), Greaneteen (GA),


                        • Punter Or Plonkers Daily Seas Of Blue thread-Market Movers

                          As you cant easily retrospectively get previous days market movers its essential this is done daily no later than 11.45pm

                          Please contribute if this is not completed by 11:00 as I am usually asleep by then and probably rusty.

                          The horse makes the list if its blue on 4/5+ bookies and not relating to any NRMB changes or general shortening. E.g Shiskin after his newbury romp lol..

                          Tuesday 4th Feb - Altior, Abracadabras, ItchyFeet (Marsh), Lisp (Annual), Vindication, Aste Fore,

                          Wednesday 5th Feb - Shiskin (Bally), Big Getaway(Bally) , Itchy (Marsh), APT (Ryan) , AMK (Triumph) , COF (Pipe (yey), Ballyadam (Bump) , Altior (QM), Appreciate It(Bumper), Mick Pastor (Tri)
                          **Honeysuckle (MH), big breakaway (Bally), Palloma blue (annual)

                          Thursday 6th Feb- Shiskin and Buzz (Sup) , Any second Now (Ult), Darver Star (CH), Honeysuckle (Mares), Big Getaway/Ast (Bally) , Altior (QM), Ballyadam/AppreciateIt (CB) , Itchy (Marsh) , APlusTard (Ryan), AMK and Mick (Triumph) , Mohayeed (Count), Sempo (AB), Native River (GC) , Sempo (Pipe)

                          Friday 7th - Copperhead (RSA), Dame De Compagnie (Coral), Homer (oh dear-boodles) , Flinteur (Bumper - although not going) , Alaho, Annie MC, Itchy (3rd day in a row- Marsh) , AplusTard (Ryanair - 3rd day in a row or so) , Kilfilim Cross (Kim Muir), Bob and Co (Fox) , Lisp (Annual) ,

                          Saturday 8th - Chantry (Sup/Bally) 2m nicky!!!! , Global Citizen/Rouge (Arkle), Indifagtable (Mares) , Aione (Bally), Pic Dohy/Ciele Ne Negie (Coral and County) , Altior/Dynamtie (QM) , Aramix (Boodles), Ocean Wind(Bump) , Rogue (Marsh) , One4theteam/SIlver SHeen (Pertemps) , Dynamtie( Ryan), Clondaw (Brown), Fujimoto/Aspire (Triumph) , Native (Gold)

                          Sunday 9th Feb - Shiskin (Sup) , Silver..shujah..pentland (CH), APT (Ryan), santini (GC)

                          Monday 10/2/20 - Brewin (Arkle), Thomas Derb (CH), Copperhead (RSA), Easyland (CC) ,Aramax/Repetito(Boodles), AppreciatedIt (Bump), APT (Ryan), Paisley (Stay), YoungMaster (KM), Grand Roi (Triumph) , Asterion /Lord Royal/One4team,Sempo (AB)

                          Tuesday 11th Feb - Fakir/Brewin/Espirit (Arkle), Thomas, Cilaos, Not so sleepy (CH), Aura/Annie (Close Bros) , Champ/Carefully (NH), Chantry/Big Getaway (Bally) , Copper (RSA), Thosedays (Coral) , MBite,Easy (CC), Aramax/Repeito/Blacko (Boodles) , AppreciatedI (Bum) , APT/Min (Ryan) , Lisnager/Paisley (Stayers) , Spiritofthegames(Plate), YoungMaster/Glenoe (KM), Grand Roi (Triumph), Lord Royal,1fortheteam,Sempo (AB), Native/Percy (Gold) , Topwood/Caid Du Berlais/Minella (Fox), Paloma Blue (Annual), COF/Oscar (Pipe)

                          Wednesday 12th - Ciel de neige (county), Simply Betts (plate), politogue (Ryan), Stoney mountain (Pertemps), ballyadam (CB), paladium(boodles), TBB and TBG (bally), champagne class (NH), champagne court/Annie Mc (Close bros), Fusil/Cilaos (Ch)

                          Thursday 13th - Vindication (Ultima), Chantry (Bally-.Arghhhhh!!!) , ballyadam (Bump), Alaho (Marsh), goshen (Triumph), Ramses (AB),
                          Probably the most uneventful day for a while.

                          Friday 14th - Granateen (Arkle/Annual), Supasundae(CH), ballyadam (CB)-thats crazy money now . Alaho (Marsh), Bob Mahler (Kim Muir), Ramses the telly (AB), Shantou (Fox),

                          Saturday 15th (Before Racing
                          ) : Granateen (Arkle,GA), Kildisart (Ultima) , Supa (CH), Ballyadam (4th day in a row), Allaho (Marsh), Cyrname (Ryan), Bob Mahler(KM), Solo (Triumph), Ramses (AB), Shantou (Fox),

                          Saturday 15th After Racing - psycho/Sporting J (Supreme), Cilaos, (CH), copper, Spyglass (rsa,NH), pipe/John (Bally), Saint/Sir psycho (Boodles), shattered/apt/riders( ryan), Emitom (Stay), Sir Pyscho(Triumph) , Ramses (Ab), Chris dream (GC) Alcala(Fox),

                          Sunday 16th - Espirt (Arkle), Minella Ind (RSA), Tiger (XC), Emitom/Penhill (Stayers), Goshen (Triumph), Staker Wallace (Fox)
                          **Not Ballyadam! haha

                          Monday 17th Feb - Envoi/Shiskin (Supreme) , Galvin (Northern), BOD,Copperhead (NH), Minella/Copper (RSA), Darver (Coral), Tiger (XC), Rowland Ward, Sir Pyscho, Repitito, Saint Droux, Aramix, Palladium, Tyme (Boodles - because of Wolf), Pheonix Way (Pertemps), Chris,Riders,APT (Ryan), Penhill (Stayers) , Glen Forsa (Brown), Santa Rossa (Mares Nov) , Solo/AMK (Triumph) , Stalker Wallace (Fox), Ciel Ne Negie (MP)

                          Tuesday 18th Feb - Sporting John/Fred (Bally), Copperhead (RSA), Tiger/Easyland/Neverrushacon (XC), Samcro(Marsh), Welsh/Kilbricken (Pertemps), Bristol/Shattered (Ryan) , Laurina (Stayers), Ben Dundee(Plate) , Glenloe (KM), Sir Pysho/Fuji/Battle Wills (Triumph) ,Monkfish/Fred (AB), Fred (Pipe)

                          Wednesday 19th Feb- Allart (Supreme), Note/Brew(Arkle), Elfile (Mares) , Galvin (North), Allart/Getway(Bally), Allaho (RSA), Tronador (Boodle), Adrimel (CB), Itchy/Melon (Marsh), Le Breuil(KM), Fuji/Solo/Sir Pyscho/Battle Wills(Triumph), Janidl/Thyme/Breakaway(AB), Monalee/Santini (Gold), Dellercheckout (Fox)

                          Thursday 20th Feb - Asterion (Sup), Vind/Disco (ULT), Sundae(CH), Acorn (North), Copper(NH), John/5Oclock (Bally), Salsaret(RSA??), Canardier/IlikedWhat/HappyGo/Champagne/Thatsy (Coral) , Thyme/Palladium (Boodles), Conditional/Glenloe/Henry/Early (KM), Ciel Nu Nige, Aramon, Countis (County), Exhibition,Senior,5OClock (AB), Lisp,Ecllair,,WhatsWrong (GA) ,COF, 5oClock, Conflate,Champagne

                          Friday 21st - Spring fox (NH), John (Bally), Dame/Burrows/Alpha(Coral), Dynamite (QM), Third wind (petemps), Chacun (Ryan), deyrann (Brown),Concertista (Mares nov), Kilf //Fitzhenry//Acorn//No comment //Le Breuil (KM), Lieutenant (AB), Lisp(GA)

                          Saturday 22nd - Before Racing (Quiet this morning) Mick Pastor (Boodles), Saint Sonnet (Marsh), Billway (Fox)

                          After racing Shish/Asterion (Sup), Mister/Who dares (Ultima), Darver/Thomas (CH), Whata (Northern), Whodares (RSA), Downtown/Palmers (Coral), Mick/Fuji/Solo/Trem (Bood), Ferny (CB), Whodares (Marsh), Whata (Brown), Solo/Burning (Triumph), Lieutennant (AB), Downtown/Our Poer (MP)

                          Sunday 23rd -
                          Beacon Edge (Sup), John/Big Getway (Bally), William H (Coral), Instant (Boodles), William (Stayers),

                          Monday 24th - Hold the note (North), Aramax (Bood), Ronald/Diablo (Pertempt), Diese Aba/Raven/At the acorn (KM), Brelan Da (GA), Pileon(MP)

                          Tuesday 25th - Who Dares/Kildisart (Ultima), Big Getaway (Bally), Copper (RSA), Protektorat/Carnadier (Coral) Mick Past (Boodles), Eskylane(CB), Saint Sonnet (Marsh), Le Breuil/At The Acorn (KM), Countister/Mohaayed (County), Pileon/Carnadier/Imperial Knight (MP)

                          Wednesday 26th - Asterion/Chantry/Allart (Supreme), Kildisart/Disco/Deise Alba (Ultima), Galvin/Champagne Plat (North), Sporting/Getaway/Breakaway (Bally), Sempo/Stolen/Anything (Coral), Tiger/Urgente/Yanworth (XC), Aramax/Rowland/Navajo (Bood) AppreciatedIt/Ferny/Farouk/Ocean/Esky (CB), Relegate (Pertemps), Aso (Ryan), Articulum (Brown), Colreevy/Santa/Concert/Yukon/Ard (MN), Ravenhill/Forza (KM), Sir Psycho (Triumph), Aramon (County), Minella/Staker/Law (Fox), Paloma/On The Slopes (GA), Pileon/Front View/Flash (MP)

                          Thursday 27th - Disco (Ultima), All except Epatante (CH), Sporting (Bally), Samcro (Marsh), Relegate/Rocket (Pertemps), Mohaayed (County), Ramses/Latest Ex (AB), On The Slopes (GA)

                          Friday 28th - Kildisart/Disco (Ultima), Forza Milan (NH), Brinkley (Bally), Copper (RSA), Penhill (Stayers) Milan Native/Plan attack (KM), Aramon (County), Pileon

                          Saturday 29th - Before Racing - Brewin (Arkle), Lake View (Ultima), Trainwreck/Put the Kettle (Northern),

                          Sunday 1st March - Asterion (Sup), Birch/Dame (Coral),Queens (CB), Milan Native (KM), Cepage (Brown), Adjali (County), Staker Wallace (Fox), Greaneteen (GA),


                          • Sunday 1st March - Asterion (Sup), Birch/Dame (Coral),Queens (CB), Milan Native (KM), Cepage (Brown), Adjali (County), Staker Wallace (Fox), Greaneteen (GA)
                            *Will Racing Go Ahead - No


                            • ....noticed Galvin, Sensulano and I’m a Game Changer (Northern Trust); News of Copperhead going RSA has impacted the NH Chase market, Carefully Selected, Lord du Mesnil, Lemanver Pippin and Springfield Fox amongst those turning blue. Copperhead (RSA); Brelan D’as (Plate); Tronador (Boodles); itchy Feet and Samcro (Marsh); Adjali (County).
                              Last edited by Eggs; 2 March 2020, 05:30 PM.


                              • Monday 2nd March - Epatante (CH), Galvin/Im a game changer (North), Carefully/Lord/Spring/Lamanver/Acord (NH), Copper (RSA), Tronador (Boodles) Itchy/Mister (Marsh) Onefortheteam/Great View (Pertemps) Brelan Das (Brown) ,Entoucas/Main Fact (County), Lostintran (GC), Dame (MP)

