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September FJ Yankee

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Spectre View Post
    You need to have sufficient funds in the exchange to accommodate the strategy, and that means potentially tying up large sums for long periods of time.
    Case in point was Tiger Woods, when the news channels were running his horrific car crash story live he could be laid to win the Masters at 120, no doubt some shrewdies were on earlier at shorter but to make 50 quid you needed to have best part of 6k in your account.
    It was easy money, after all the poor bloke was in a coma, in intensive care, and not certain to walk again, but does a 50 quid profit (less commission) justify tying up 6k for weeks on end ?
    To some it will, majority not…


    • #92
      ^Bump! Not sure what criteria we actually decided to go with, but Ontheropes for the NHC is obviously one that keeps getting repeated mentions on the forum.


      • #93
        Ahoy Senor would be the one I'd really want in there.
        Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


        • #94
          Eklat de Rire, gold cup

          ​​​​​​I'm suitably persuaded by some of the forum comments that he might fare better this year, and now no monkfish whilst EdR remains 66/50s in places


          • #95
            Originally posted by That Horse View Post
            Eklat de Rire, gold cup

            ​​​​​​I'm suitably persuaded by some of the forum comments that he might fare better this year, and now no monkfish whilst EdR remains 66/50s in places
            EDR rated 152.......Elimay rated 155.....add on 7lb Mares Allowance.........162. Fully 10lbs better than EDR. Just saying like......


            • #96
              Originally posted by Lobos View Post

              EDR rated 152.......Elimay rated 155.....add on 7lb Mares Allowance.........162. Fully 10lbs better than EDR. Just saying like......
              True but Elimay was not a novice and had Eklat not fallen we could be talking a better rated horse for sure.

              All ifs and buts I know but Eklat certainly has a lot more improvement to show imo than Elimay, he’s only had 6 lifetime races, 3 over fences including the fall in the BANC when going well enough at the time.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Craigy14 View Post

                True but Elimay was not a novice and had Eklat not fallen we could be talking a better rated horse for sure.

                All ifs and buts I know but Eklat certainly has a lot more improvement to show imo than Elimay, he’s only had 6 lifetime races, 3 over fences including the fall in the BANC when going well enough at the time.
                We'll see. You could be right.............but


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Lobos View Post

                  We'll see. You could be right.............but
                  Change thread title to 'September FJ Permed trixie'


                  • #99
                    Lads just a heads up - dealing with some stuff atm and have barely even checked on here in a week or so and won’t have time for a while until I can figure out what to do in the real world.

                    Would have said something in the ‘I’m struggling thread’ and in time I probably will but for now, can someone take over for the September Yankee (and in all honesty probably October as well). Thanks in advance and apologies for any inconvenience but obviously and unfortunately.. real life more important.


                    • Originally posted by Middle_Of_March View Post
                      Lads just a heads up - dealing with some stuff atm and have barely even checked on here in a week or so and won’t have time for a while until I can figure out what to do in the real world.

                      Would have said something in the ‘I’m struggling thread’ and in time I probably will but for now, can someone take over for the September Yankee (and in all honesty probably October as well). Thanks in advance and apologies for any inconvenience but obviously and unfortunately.. real life more important.

                      ….I’m sure we all understand & and send you our best.


                      • Originally posted by Eggs View Post

                        ….I’m sure we all understand & and send you our best.
                        Eggs - I think you should take over the reigns while MoM is away.

                        Give us a good one

                        Take care Middle_Of_March


                        • Originally posted by Faugheen_Machine View Post

                          Eggs - I think you should take over the reigns while MoM is away.

                          Give us a good one

                          Take care Middle_Of_March

                          ….ha, ha. I’m useless & would be only a last resort. I was thinking Saxon Warrior would be a good shout.


                          • Originally posted by Eggs View Post

                            ….ha, ha. I’m useless & would be only a last resort. I was thinking Saxon Warrior would be a good shout.
                            You're just taking people opinions to form a bet. You'd be great at it.


                            • Originally posted by Eggs View Post

                              ….ha, ha. I’m useless & would be only a last resort. I was thinking Saxon Warrior would be a good shout.
                              I think SW has already done one. This gives you the chance to claim his work as your own


                              • Originally posted by Eggs View Post

                                ….ha, ha. I’m useless & would be only a last resort. I was thinking Saxon Warrior would be a good shout.

                                In his hour of need, MOM would want your help.

                                You will do a great job.

                                There's a few pages to read back on for opinions to be collated for this month.

                                Its chucking down with rain where I am today, so have to give a trip to Edinburgh a swerve and hunkered down indoors instead.
                                So I can help with that today, unless you're already on it.
                                Last edited by Saxon Warrior; 30 September 2021, 11:17 AM.
                                "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".

