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September FJ Yankee

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  • I think a degree of confidence in the target should be a factor too in terms of selections.

    Taking that into consideration, and assuming we're not putting short prices in, I think it produces a fairly short list

    Ahoy Senor - Brown Advisory Novices Chase
    Eklat De Rire - Gold Cup
    Flooring Porter - Stayers
    Telmesomethinggirl - Mares Hurdle
    Put The Kettle On - Queen Mum

    That's a pretty short list. Personally I'd put the first four named in.
    Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


    • Originally posted by Spectre View Post
      I think a degree of confidence in the target should be a factor too in terms of selections.

      Taking that into consideration, and assuming we're not putting short prices in, I think it produces a fairly short list

      Ahoy Senor - Brown Advisory Novices Chase
      Eklat De Rire - Gold Cup
      Flooring Porter - Stayers
      Telmesomethinggirl - Mares Hurdle
      Put The Kettle On - Queen Mum

      That's a pretty short list. Personally I'd put the first four named in.
      That sounds fair enough to me.

      "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


      • Originally posted by Spectre View Post
        I think a degree of confidence in the target should be a factor too in terms of selections.

        Taking that into consideration, and assuming we're not putting short prices in, I think it produces a fairly short list

        Ahoy Senor - Brown Advisory Novices Chase
        Eklat De Rire - Gold Cup
        Flooring Porter - Stayers
        Telmesomethinggirl - Mares Hurdle
        Put The Kettle On - Queen Mum

        That's a pretty short list. Personally I'd put the first four named in.
        I like the five, can feel a lucky 31 coming !


        • Originally posted by Spectre View Post
          I think a degree of confidence in the target should be a factor too in terms of selections.

          Taking that into consideration, and assuming we're not putting short prices in, I think it produces a fairly short list

          Ahoy Senor - Brown Advisory Novices Chase
          Eklat De Rire - Gold Cup
          Flooring Porter - Stayers
          Telmesomethinggirl - Mares Hurdle
          Put The Kettle On - Queen Mum

          That's a pretty short list. Personally I'd put the first four named in.
          But then we’ll have gone from a long shot Yankee to 2 long shots and 2 in the 8-10/1 bracket. If we’re going for a big priced Yankee they all should be 20/1+ and leave the flooring porters until next month imo of course.


          • ….after some thought, I’ve decided we should stick to Middle_Of_March steer to go for a ‘long shot Yankee’.

            I’ve not only considered posts within this thread, I’ve gone for four big priced selections that are popular in members personal diaries as well as across various threads. So, here we go;

            Gerri Colombe (Ballymore) - 40-1 PP/BFSB. 33-1 365/Hills/Sky/Lad. Given multiple nominations here, apparently a positive entry in ‘Jumpers to Follow’ to be seen at its best over the Ballymore distance.

            Ahoy Senor (Festival Novices Chase) - 40-1 365, 33-1 Hills/PP/BFSB/Sky, 25-1 Lad. An obvious choice given it’s popularity, trainer has recently confirmed the plan is to go Novice chasing over a trip.

            Matterhorn (Triumph Hurdle) - 50-1 365/Hills/Sky, 40-1 Lad. Multiple nominations, even a suggestion this could go off fav. Highlighted elsewhere by non-other than our resident juvenile expert Kotkijet was enough to merit inclusion in here.

            Eklat De Rire (Gold Cup) - 66-1 365, 50-1 Hills/PP/BFSB/Sky. Plenty have suggested this selection, especially since the defection of Monkfish. As mentioned, this is a 2nd season chaser capable of being competitive at a big price.

            Staking Plan - well this is a millionaire yankee. I have included current prices on offer from various firms. The advice on here is that normal staking plan should be fine if putting on separate doubles and trebles but take care with the accumulator. You will need to limit stakes to avoid breaking limits and you might want to spread the liability over more than one firm.

            I’m sure folk will provide more advice now the selections have been made.

            I’d appreciate if Kevloaf updates the main Yankee thread.
            Last edited by Eggs; 1 October 2021, 02:07 PM.


            • We'll be able to buy an island if this one lands.

              Thanks Eggs - I like it


              • Originally posted by Eggs View Post
                ….after some thought, I’ve decided we should stick to Middle_Of_March steer to go for a ‘long shot Yankee’.

                I’ve not only considered posts within this thread, I’ve gone for four big priced selections that are popular in members personal diaries as well as across various threads. So, here we go;

                Gerri Colombe (Ballymore) - 40-1 PP/BFSB. 33-1 365/Hills/Sky/Lad. Given multiple nominations here, apparently a positive entry in ‘Jumpers to Follow’ to be seen at its best over the Ballymore distance.

                Ahoy Senor (Festival Novices Chase) - 40-1 365, 33-1 Hills/PP/BFSB/Sky, 25-1 Lad. An obvious choice given it’s popularity, trainer has recently confirmed the plan is to go Novice chasing over a trip.

                Matterhorn (Triumph Hurdle) - 50-1 365/Hills/Sky, 40-1 Lad. Multiple nominations, even a suggestion this could go off fav. Highlighted elsewhere by non-other than our resident juvenile expert Kotkijet was enough to merit inclusion in here.

                Eklat De Rire (Gold Cup) - 66-1 365, 50-1 Hills/PP/BFSB/Sky. Plenty have suggested this selection, especially since the defection of Monkfish. As mentioned, this is a 2nd season chaser capable of being competitive at a big price.

                Staking Plan - well this is a millionaire yankee. I have included current prices on offer from various firms. The advice on here is that normal staking plan should be fine if putting on separate doubles and trebles but take care with the accumulator. You will need to limit stakes to avoid breaking limits and you might want to spread the liability over more than one firm.

                I’m sure folk will provide more advice now the selections have been made.

                I’d appreciate if Kevloaf updates the main Yankee thread.
                Thank you Eggs, for stepping up this month, and maybe next?

                Fast and efficient work, and big juicy prices for small stakes.
                "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


                • Originally posted by Saxon Warrior View Post

                  Thank you Eggs, for stepping up this month, and maybe next?

                  Fast and efficient work, and big juicy prices for small stakes.

                  ….no problem, SW. More than happy to help a group who provide so much.

                  Would be some interest on the Friday if both those final selections turn up, especially if one of the other results have gone our way.


                  • Eggs Thanks for stepping up, good work…

