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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Festival Antepost Tipping Competition 2020

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  • Very surprised to see me at the top dame de compagne and the conditional must have been the 2 horses who have got me.most of my points I think.


    • Originally posted by Nwfb89 View Post
      Very surprised to see me at the top dame de compagne and the conditional must have been the 2 horses who have got me.most of my points I think.
      DDC got you 43, huge difference that made


      • Imperial Comamnder 122.5
        Nwfb89 119
        The Beast 115.5
        Vanilla 108.5
        Joleg 104.5
        Cashew King 104
        Can't Catch Me 102.5
        Hurricane Fly 99.5
        Sccoby91 98.5
        TigerRollllll 97
        aalowe9 95.5
        Philg123 93.5
        archie 89.5
        Faugheen_Machine 87.5
        Big Bucks 85
        Rhinestone_Cowboy 83.5
        Penzance 82.5
        charlie 78
        Muswell 77.5
        Harchibald 73.5
        taylorch1990 72.5
        thorne365 72
        Istabraq 71.5
        Leman14 70.5
        ComplyOrDie 68.5
        Aldie1988 67
        Llody 66.5
        Eggs 66.5
        somer1 65.5
        SizingJohn 64.5
        MadeinJapan 64.5
        Captain Chris 63.5
        Missunited 63
        Darlojim 62.5
        BigChaang 61.5
        Al Boum Photo 60.5
        Liammet 60
        Gem1304 59.5
        Arkle 57.5
        SamuelP 55.5
        Kevloaf 55.5
        Birds Nest 54.5
        Ray 54.5
        Saxon Warrior 52
        Lostintranslation 50.5
        SeanRock 50.5
        Middle_Of_March 49.5
        The King Pimm 48.5
        Nortons who 48.5
        TheEagleHasLanded 47.5
        Jackiemoon33 45
        luisgarciaisgod 42.5
        mcolebrook 38.5
        Stormez 38
        Quevega 37
        TC2 27
        big H 7

        Imperial Commander storms into the lead with 2 winners at 9/1 and 6/1. Not over yet and all to play for tomorrow.

        Good luck all


        • Far well equipped today, 6 still running for me! Hope to climb that table! Thanks once again Ryan.


          • ....great work, Ryan. My position of mid-table mediocracy hides that I’m doing rather well this week.


            • Originally posted by Big Bucks View Post
              Far well equipped today, 6 still running for me! Hope to climb that table! Thanks once again Ryan.
              Absolutely, with 3 handicaps all it takes is one of those winners and it could be all change


              • Wasn’t expecting that but more than happy obv. Still a day to go so all to play for, Delta Work would be a massive result today. Good luck everyone!


                • The antepost competition has a winner, just! After 28 races, it came down to half a point which is incredible.

                  TigerRollllll 136.5
                  The Beast 136
                  Imperial Comamnder 130.5
                  Nwfb89 128
                  Can't Catch Me 127
                  Joleg 123
                  Cashew King 120.5
                  Hurricane Fly 119
                  Sccoby91 114
                  aalowe9 114
                  Vanilla 112.5
                  Rhinestone_Cowboy 106
                  Big Bucks 103.5
                  Faugheen_Machine 102.5
                  archie 100.5
                  Philg123 98.5
                  Penzance 96.5
                  Llody 94
                  Missunited 92.5
                  taylorch1990 91
                  ComplyOrDie 88
                  charlie 86
                  Muswell 85.5
                  Liammet 85.5
                  Al Boum Photo 85
                  SamuelP 85
                  Darlojim 83
                  Harchibald 81.5
                  Istabraq 80.5
                  somer1 78.5
                  thorne365 78
                  Aldie1988 75
                  Ray 75
                  Eggs 74.5
                  Leman14 73.5
                  Gem1304 73.5
                  Birds Nest 73
                  SizingJohn 72.5
                  BigChaang 72.5
                  MadeinJapan 71.5
                  Lostintranslation 70
                  SeanRock 70
                  Captain Chris 69.5
                  The King Pimm 69
                  Quevega 61.5
                  Arkle 60.5
                  Saxon Warrior 60
                  TheEagleHasLanded 56.5
                  Kevloaf 55.5
                  Middle_Of_March 55.5
                  Jackiemoon33 51
                  Nortons who 49.5
                  TC2 49.5
                  Stormez 48
                  mcolebrook 47.5
                  luisgarciaisgod 46.5
                  big H 20

                  Congratulations to the winner of the inaugural FatJockey antepost tipping comeptiton: TigerRollllll. 2 winners and a 2nd on the final day clinched the title for Tiger, with Monkfish making the difference in the Albert Bartlett. A huge shout out to The Beast for second place with 136 points, I'm sure you now feel like Melon being done on the nod in the JLT.

                  Thank you to everybody who entered, it's been a pleasure to do this and I look forward to doing it next year.


                  • Thanks for doing this Ryan, really enjoyable


                    • Top man for organising Ryan.

                      Well done TigerRollllll - I'll award you the correct 'title'


                      • Originally posted by TigerRolllllll View Post
                        Does this move me up from outsider with no chance

                        Looked today and am on Tote 10 to follow leaderboard.....shock or what to be in top 10

                        Massive play to this forum since most of horses were ideas on here.....if I win, let’s have a big drink up on me

                        Sadly only half way

                        Title updated.

                        Well done.


                        • Nice one Ryan, cheers for doing that.. Happy enough with scraping into the top 5!


                          • Congratulations Tiger Rollllll, excellent effort.

                            This comp wouldn't have taken place without the efforts of Ryan so I'm sure we're all grateful for his efforts.
                            Roll on 2021....


                            • Blimey!

                              Ryan - massive thx for setting up both the comps this year! Great fun

                              Only my second year on site doing A/Post and first with profile.....but noticed how many brilliant new additions we had this year, which we should def keep doing.....the daily seas of blue really helped me for Hcaps (thx PP), diaries, comps.....etc, etc.....its been great fun to read and post odd idea....and share thx Kev especially and everyone who make this so helpful to all

                              Sounds like nearly everyone was fingers crossed for 2021

                              And more importantly....stay safe all
                              Fat Jockey Patron (est. Jan 2021)


                              • Originally posted by TigerRolllllll View Post

                                Ryan - massive thx for setting up both the comps this year! Great fun

                                Only my second year on site doing A/Post and first with profile.....but noticed how many brilliant new additions we had this year, which we should def keep doing.....the daily seas of blue really helped me for Hcaps (thx PP), diaries, comps.....etc, etc.....its been great fun to read and post odd idea....and share thx Kev especially and everyone who make this so helpful to all

                                Sounds like nearly everyone was fingers crossed for 2021

                                And more importantly....stay safe all
                                Sea of blue was helpful this year, because strangely the money wasn't often wrong

